Dutchfag here

Dutchfag here,

So Erdogan just asked the Turkish people living in Holland to get at least 5 children so they can increase the Turkish people in Europe.

Also he is trying to enrage the Turkish people living here and put them against the rest of the country.
The problem here is that while there are some ultranationalist Turkish living in the Netherlands most aren't and there is a lot of division within the Turkish community here.

The peer pressure within the Turkish community here is increasing by the day and a lot of Turkish people are don't dare to speak against Erdogan out of fear of the response from their social circles (exclusion, hate, violence etc).

Another problem is, that this causes a division between the Turkish and non-Turkish people living in Europe.

This will further increase the tensions within the Turkish community and speed up the above process.

Also another reason why the Turkish people won't make a fist against this nonsense is out of fear of what will happen to their Turkish family living in Turkey.

On top of that, because of this the tensions between the Turkish government and the governments of European countries get bigger and bigger.

Europe is also 'dependant' on Turkey for their 'solution' to the immigrant 'crisis'.

Erdogan threatened to let more refugees into Europe.

This is an incredibly complex problem. Ofcourse Holla Forums would have plenty of solutions ranging from killing all Turkish, waging war against Turkey and deporting all Turkish, but that's not really a solution.


Other urls found in this thread:


kill erdogan

Kill erdogan.

Nationalism is good when it's brown people. :DDD

Asimilate the turks faster

Dutch branch of the PKK needed

Nationalism is just glorified tribalism

You expect me to take that without a source?
Also, yeah, you should probably deport them, Dutch girls are cute.


Why do people say stuff like this so often about all sorts of nations? It should be plainly obvious that there are ugly and pretty girls in every country.

The dutch government should increase integration of those people. Do like the italian government and hand out tickets to go watch concerts, theater, exhibitions, films, give books.
Ideally is to not allow immigrants to concentrate on the bigger cities. Promote them to go live in small villages.

Get Erdogan out.

Not all Turkish.

Just one.

Problem solved.

The problem is that the neoliberals litterally do the opposite, intentionally. And the socialist party warned us and they got cried down because muh racism.

there's legions of Turks who will throw themselves in front of tanks for this man

it goes beyond him

We'd love to, but the liberal government has decided that the wisest course of action would be to privatize integration. The immigrants have to pay for it themselves, using a loan, and then also have to manage their entire education and all that crap personally without instruction. I wish I was fucking joking.

why is he thinking about smash?

Turks are crazy nationalist and retain that retardation for generations

Yes and on top of that, most of the Dutch people wouldn't even pass the test of those courses.
Also the courses and papers they have to fill in are all in Dutch, so they have no way to read what they say.

Just use a machinegun then

Invisible hand

Do your duty to stop the roach infestation.

Simpleminded fool
That would just spark a war and radicalize not only the rest of the Turkish people, but also the rest of the population.

Sounds like a plan. Better get this new fascist phase over with so it has time to fail before the planet dies completely.

I hate Turkey more than Israel at this point.

Reconquista soon.

I can't wait for the mlkp to hang Erdogan


hype as fuck for Erdogan's upcoming referendum tbh

feel like shit could really kick off there after the result

This might be the best solution out there.

Unpopular opinion and ideologically aligned with my flag, which I don't normally fly, but here goes.

Wait for the next pro-Erdogan rally/riot to kick off. Fuel it, give it some fire. You want every roach out of the woodwork for this plan. Do whatever it takes to get them all in one place, do anything it takes to do this. Neglect problem areas, beat peaceful areas of protest, just force them into one concentrated area. Once they are there, round them up, arrest them for terrorism and make their Dutch citizenship void and send them back to Turkey. If Turkey kick up a fuss increasingly threaten them, and do anything between fight to have them expelled from NATO, threaten to break up the EU, or invade them and call upon Russia/Syria to help you in your hour of need. Erdogan needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later.

Formally recognise the Armenian genocide and deport anyone who complains

Do euroturks like Erdogan that much ?

While its not a bad plan overall, we only have ~5 tanks, since we sold all of them.

turks treat the armenian genocide the exact same way Holla Forums treats the holocaust: it didn't happen… it wasn't as bad as the media say… THE FUCKING DESERVED IT AND WE'D DO IT AGAIN OKAY?

the man is an idiot and so are his followers, a bit like Trump but in a kebabish way.
that being said i think the fucker is going all in trying to alienate and antagonize people as much as he can because he has a referendum soon that would make him literally the roach king

Call the Americans and ask for more tanks. They need someone to sell their tanks to in order to create more jobs in tank manufacturing.

A good way would be to hack the voting machines. If he loses the referendum, that'd be a huge hit.

American economy in a nutshell


A Turkish minister was calling for holy wars in Europe the other day so this aint much

We deus vult now?

Claiming something will happen is different than ordering people to do something.

If he'd ask the Turkish people to start a holy war it's different

The Netherlands engaging in war kek. When was the last time that happened? In the 1600's when their armada was obliterated by the british?

Or when we kept the Spanish out for over 80 years?

Fucking please.

If you want a war just ask the Burgers. Burgers love war. Nothing would make Trump happier than fighting a war against Muh Slims.


We practically litterally invented capitalism, don't be surprised.


I think you've got your centuries mixed up. The 1600s were the Dutch Golden Age. The English navy suffered some of its most major defeats at the hands of the Dutch in this period. The Netherlands only became a totally irrelevant joke nation in the 18th century.


Most Modern Day Turks are so blinded by patriotism that i doubt that they could even be rehabilitated by this point (Turkish Porkies are that successful in brainwashing them). The Worst part is Turkey is not the only country that has this problem, many Arabs states (more specifically the Gulf States where Wahhabism is prevalent) suffer from this problem as well and they are arguably worse than the Turks.

Besides i don't care if they got removed from the premises because they support capitalism and salafism anyways

How did we even end up in the situation where defending neoliberal free trade agreements, the displacement of workers towards the location where they can be exploited most efficiently, and the defense of reactionary outdated desert spooks became the appointed task of the Left whilst the Right gets to rail against it for the wrong reason?

same way people in best korea are.
shutting down the opposition and controlling the medias does work for controlling the masses.

heve you seen how the average north Korean behave when they see der great leader?
this nuts!

i hate to be banal but


Even with cruise control you still have to steer.

This. Nobody else in history ever went up the Thames and sunk the Brits' capital ship.
t. brit

Turks are White though.


Simple, basically what said

When people are totally idpoled, they are easier to recruit to be agents of the bourgeoisie, these agents have one purpose and one purpose only, to continue the idpol fire so to further divide the lower and middle classes in the hopes of getting extra muh privileges.

And you know what the scary part of this is, nobody would suspect a thing about it.

There's only one solution my dude: support the PKK and their revolution to abolish the Turkish state.

Holland YES!

Is there anyone pushing harder for WW3 than Erdogan?

Think this might be an interesting read for you

we could have dwelt in paradise

The only correct answer.

There are plenty of Turks that don't agree with this. But peer pressure is a powerful thing. Turkey today is like East Germany: relatives ratting each other out if they insult the Dear Leader.

I don't know though if at this point things can be turned around by directly attacking the Turkish state. Any sort of reaction just seems to fuel more patriotardism and enable another round of crackdowns.
Just like Syria, the state needs to burn before people can come to their senses.

It's unnerving that there exists a whole nation of genocide deniers. It's not like Holla Forums where it's mostly edgy nazis on the internet.
I'm seriously worried that if the PKK doesn't win they will slaughter the Kurds.

they'll just killing as many as they can under the pretext of war (relatively little given the number of Kurds in Turkey) and forcefully assimilate the rest

Is Anzu an Erdogan supporter?

Finnish girls have the most attractive personality.

because when people get into petty arguments like that they wanna just show which is better.

Not bad to be perfectly honest

It mainly shows puberty

Why just armenian genocide? Recognize assyrian and greek genocide too. Three genocides in a span of 13 years. Hitler would be proud.

Is no one going to respond to my bait?

As long as Europe keeps supporting Turkey, Erdogan can basically do whatever he wants.

Kurds may have a field day though. Armenians probably too.

Erdogan is really something else lol

What of those that choose not to integrate?

Does she look like an Erdoğan supporter?
Do parents, who subsidise her weeb behaviours through allowances seem the kind of parents who support Erdoğan to you?

From what I understand, they have two citizenships(Turkish and Dutch). Take away the Turkish so that they cannot vote for the upcoming referendum and deport whoever is being a fucktard nationalist. Problem solved.


wew lads

If given the choice, most would give away their Turkish citizenship just so they can live in the netherlands.

oh and here is a map representing what party people voted for in the 7 June 2015 elections. They are actively hurting Turkey as well

Red represents the CHP
Purple represents the HDP aka kurdish party
Yellow represents the AKP aka Erdogan

Unironically just bomb the mecca


Well, I wouldn't be surprised if rich people are content with the status quo.

I need to know if I can keep fapping to my favorite turkish weeb in good conscience.

Disgusting faggot.

dumb nazbol poster

What is Erdogan's endgame? He seems totally unhinged and irrational.


Kill Dutch porkies and maybe your government
Kill Erdogan

Das it mane

Literally the opposite happened


Then offer one of your own. Judging by this thread, there is no solution that will effect the change you want. But that's because you come from a fundamentally non-Left position, in that you're trying to find a solution that involves your nation persisting.

How selfish of you. How nationalist of you. How racist of you. The Turks are right. Nazism must be stamped out of Holland once and for all, and the Big Turkish Cock will do the stamping.

Eat shit, right white pigs.

You want Dutch workers to pay for it and turn against the immigrants? They've had enough of the Liberal bullshit already

Actually Trump would say you need to fight your own war, NATO & EU.

No, you simply ban all further Turkish immigration. They are of course too pussy to do it.

Fuck off

And because the EU is so shit the Dutch can't look after their own interest with sanctions.

Set up European PKK

Ocalan will decapitate the devil Erdogan in the center of Rojava.

I can attest to this.

Stelletje economisten hier, zijn jullie soms neoliberaal ofzo?

They should keep being a pussy until the referendum.

dit is wel heel verdacht

Yes, I want the government to pay for an integration program which actually works and doesn't create an impoverished lower class of indebted foreign nationalists who can't even speak the local language. Fuck me, right? And no, everyone here adores liberalism, seeing how they keep voting the most right wing of the lot into power and even the 'left' voters always go for the social liberal option. And then they bitch when their social services get fucked and the immigration problem is never resolved.

Turks and Marocs are not your friends and never will be.
They will always be first for their own people.
They never should have been allowed to enter in the first place, they are completely counter to your culture. Them being sterilised and/or deported immediately is the answer.

Otherwise they will continue to breed like flies, continue to eradicate your culture.
The Netherlands was a nice and unique country in the 80s still. Now in some parts it is just another arab colony, stinking rags and filth.

I see nationalism as glorified tribalism.
Which is the reason I don't see the turkish as some evil, but rather as a bunch of brainwashed fools, same for the dutch nationalists. This whole problem wouldn't exist if we'd reject any form of authority or identity based on nationality, but that is not a realistic solution here.
Also I said that hacking the referendum and killing Erdogan are reasonable solutions.
Also by that logic Leninism was to be considered non-left.

clearly b8

I hope everyone here realizes this I get that a lot of this "exterminate turkroach" type shit is just ironic banter or whatever, but it gets pretty questionable sometimes. There are decently strong Turkish leftist groups they (with the PKK/YPG) are the only real ones who can deal with Erdogans bullshit

At that point you could just throw them out tbf

It will become genuine over time, imageboard's law.

this this this this

Yeah that's what I'm worried about.

Deport them.
