Sorted for your convenience.
School of thought essentials
Where's radical centrism?
add buddhist nihilist to the top
MTW is the worst ideology ever, are you retarded OP?
The middle.
Between the Aut-Center and the Far Center, but such an Übermensch ideology cannot be represented within the same space as the rest of ideologies.
Mao perfected party vs class dialectics. You could learn a thing or two from the great chairman.
Existentialism and Left-Nietzchian thought above "Stirner-ism"? Can you please explain why the latter to do no both fall under existentialism, and why Left-Nietzchian thought isn't just a knock off of Egoism?
Also Marxist/Neo-Heglelian Psychoanalysis is a tad bit spooky friend…
I'm both impressed at the relatively wide range of ideologies you've included, and yet disappointed that Communalism never made the list.
Are the one guy who admins the communalism reddit?
Are you referring to, "that" Tails comic?
Thank you based OP.
existentialism is sartre/camus, that's one century later than nietzsche/stirner. also left-nietzchian thought is not stirner egoism. for nietzsche "egoism" would just be another system of morals, not an overcoming of the system as a whole.
calm down, it's satirical. We all know MTW is shit and OP is a faggot. There, there…
Why is it a pyramid?
marry me