I've spent my entire life researching totalitarianism, and I now reject all forms of ideology and leftism

well? Do you agree?

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I don't have anything against Jordan Peterson, the out of control Idpol shitlibs pulled him into the fray and he's scared their going to fuck up so badly that it's going to lead to a fascist reactionary movement against them; I believe he's mentioned before that it reminds him of communists and fascists fighting for control in the streets like the mid 1900's, but he seems to not have any dog in the race for either side.

Is there such a thing as "Radical Centrism"? That's how I would describe his beliefs.

he seems like a Rand libertarian to me

totalitarianism is actually good as he'll. i love it

He fell for the "cultural marxism" meme, that alone proves he studied shit.

He constantly spouts illiterate talking points against the left. He doesn't seem stupid, but I certainly doubt he has read any kind of serious political theory. That makes him a conman in my book.

he seems to base his entire basis of Marxism off of The Gulag Archipelago and sjw culture


Which is completely ridiculous. The material and historic conditions for that level of violence just aren't present in the US like it was in early 20th century Europe. He's just been living in the sanitized bubble that is American politics which has been devoid of any meaningful content for decades.

He's an idiot.

you are

That's exactly what he is. He's a culture war whore trying to make a name for himself.

fuckin CONMAN

le golden mean man


lol he has attention now, why not take advantage of it? I would love to hear how this makes him a conman


He's a conman because he has no clue what he's talking about and has based his entire worldview off of liberal memes. He's capitalizing on the present state of the US's inane culture war by trying to make a name for himself.

what the fuck?

I consider them pretty retard on the whole spectrum. They actually are great technicians and specialists, and I don't doubt their intelligence, but their focus on one subject makes them blind on the rest of the picture.
Even Einstein who was the poster child of a popular genius, and considered himself socialist, was self concious enough to not talk out of his experience.

Isn't he a professor? What is he even a professor of?

psychology funnily enough.

I've posted this before but this whole meme that Jordan is being forced by the law to use preferred pronouns is not accurate. This is just typical mountain out of a molehill culture wars bs.


this is the purest ideology

That's a shitty way to spend ur life

Peterson is such a fucking liberal faggot holy shit

He recently was shouted down by protesting students holding Communist flags during his talk at McMaster University.

clinical psychology not social

I throw a copy of "Homage to Catalonia", by George Orwell, at his face.

Where are these communist flags? I just skimmed through the video but only saw that tranny gender-bender symbol.

I guess I need to know whether to feel embarrassed or not.

It's impossible to be outside of ideology. Being "post-ideological" you've come to accept your own ideology as some sort of objective fact and only rejected the superficial trappings of ideology, arguably making you the most ideological of all.

Tbh we need to get Jordan Peterson on a talk with Slavoj Zizek so that both his fans get exposed to somebody with a different on political correctness and so that Peterson gets called out on his intellectual dishonesty

I don't know, the material conditions could go south awfully quick when this bubble blown up by unprecedented low interest rates pop.

I sense that a huge number of people, especially young people, who would be doing the fighting mostly, are deeply unsatisfied and really don't have anything to lose.

And the way I hear people talk about those not in their group… there's just such venom and hate in their speech. Virtuous like kindness, empathy, and generosity are considered quaint, things only fools take seriously.

I'm not predicting fighting throughout America, but I would not be surprised if skirmishes erupted in spots where there are especially high racial/economic/gender tensions.

Isn't an ideology a specific set of philosophical/political assumptions, codified in some book, and espoused by a group of people?

If one were to determine for oneself what political/philosophical beliefs one holds, perhaps borrowing from various ideologies, but not strictly adhering to any of them, does one truly have an ideology?

Is a personal set of beliefs and assumptions really an "ideology"?

The material conditions are not going to reach post-WW1 European levels any time soon in the West. Entire industrial sectors were leveled, millions of people died, and millions more came back from the horrible violence of the war to go to work in a factory for 16 hours a day for subsistence wages. Trumpettes and antifa aren't the equivalent of the blackshirts and Arditi del Popolo.

Do you realize how many people are living in inner-city squalor? What do you think those people will do when their shitty job or their welfare check goes away?

And are you aware of how strong a gang presence there is in the inner cities? How many guns there are? How willing people are to "act hard"?

I live in Oakland, California, in a nice neighborhood, but when I head down the hill into the flats, it can be quite scary. And the way people talk about white people, the way they look at me when I'm down there… they look at me like I'm insane to be there. There are serious racial/economic tensions in this city. Throw in the resurgence of militant feminism and it really does feel like people are taking sides.

And after people take hard sides, and stop cooperating and communicating with each other, fighting is only a matter of time.

In Marxist terms ideology is the internal logic of an economic system (the base) that is upheld by cultural and legal institutions (superstructure) by disseminating this logic to the population who then reproduce and internalize this logic which renders the status quo a mere state of nature. It's a false consciousness.

This! Based dubs!

It's more so the relations of production that produce that sense of false consciousness than just the arbitrary base. The social divisions of labor, and the class relations governing society pacify individuals towards the status quo. The material relations, and divisions that occur as a result of this is co-opted by the bourgeoisie who then use the power structures of society to perpetuate these same divisions through ideology, state enforcement, culture, mass media and etc.

Peterson is an ok guy tbh. He was just trigger.d by then forcing him use gender pronouns he didn't want to. They should have left the poor man alone but they didn't and he chimpe.d the fuck out


If you reject totalitarianism, the first thing you would reject is capitalism. Is there anything more dominant, total and totalitarian in its dystopian aspects than capitalism?

This is one of the most related meme I've seen in a while.

peterson would switch that around

Capitalism is the very opposite of totalitarianism, it allows everything, there is no one who is in control, look at the U.S and it's myriad of interests, ideologies, powers and religions, all being able to exist within it, without posing a threat to it.


It's not totalitarianism, unless you take totalitarianism as purely a reaction of horror, in which sense it gains that liberal mystification "fascism" now has.

(corporatism barely existed in the fascist states and was more an element of turd positionist propaganda)
Unless I've misunderstood and you're just saying capitalism is not inherently totalitarian, WAT.

Fascism was totalitarian because it required perfect servitude to a big other, with those that don't needing to be removed. It is irrelevant if private ownership is allowed or not.

They were indeed not totalitarian. Totalitarian is not the same as violent, you talk like a liberal "but this and those people here and there did bad things".

Gulag Archipelago made me question leftism. I'm now centrist in my beliefs. I recommend it.


Capitalism can very well become totalitarian by structure. It just has to be forced into fully executing the powers of the state.

It can never be so in itself, it can only exist in tandem with totalitarianism. There is nothing in capitalism itself that demands perfect servitude to a big other, labour is not such, exploiting surplus labour isn't.

Totalitarianism is fundamentally non-economic, in totalitarianism, economic interests take a serving role, such as in north korea, maoist china, nazi germany or the isis caliphate.

I've been on a board which had 'radical centrism'. They are influenced by utilitarianism. Some of them went on LessWrong. There is some overlap with New Atheism.
I don't think Peterson fits that well since the ones I know of that board - and just look at Reddit - are openly against any religion and are against pseudoscience such as Freud and Jung.

I don't think they are that objective as they think they are.

That's ridiculous and you know it, by that definition there has never been a legitimate totalitarian state in history. The most economically dominant class will become the most politically dominant class, and will use the powers of the state to subjugate others.

I reject all forms of ideology is a lie or foolishness. The badness of ideology is its own ideology. There is no escape from ideology.