When the alt-right talks about πππglobalistsπππ are they referring to a coherent political and economic ideology that actually exists, or is "globalism" just code for "letting brown people into my country"?
When the alt-right talks about πππglobalistsπππ are they referring to a coherent political and...
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One of my teachers is always talking about globalism & how it's bad, but when I ask what he means he just starts talking about how they hate america in middle east.
globalism is the former but they tend to mean the latter
it really does just seem like the latter
mainstream economic theory that promotes outsourcing, transnational corporations, immigration to reduce labor costs as well as to keep growing the population so the debt bubble can continue, belief and emphasis in international solutions and organizations likw the wto or the imf, global citizens, jews
Not really.
It's the marxist NWO, headed by the Rothschilds and the gang.
Creating chaos in order to unite the world under one world totalitarian government. Rapefugees, outsourcing and war are just tools to make Earth into a loosh farm with no escape.
who is this supposed to be
The Alt-Right basically created Globalism.
While liberals were already mesmerised by the power of bringing markets to the third world they had little to no philosophical justification behind it, and it was often opposed by instinctual and learned anti-capitalist and anti-corporate sentiment leftover from the New Left, now that the Us VS Them dichotomy has been strengthened, Neo-Liberalism will bounce back even harder since allowing the exploitation of 3rd world will now be seen as a humanitarian affair, since Nationalists have denounced free trade as "hurting white people" (in favour browns).
No, the anti-capitalist sentiment channeled by right-populists is the result of regular market relations, the immigrant crisis simply serves to make "Globalism" an ideologically consistent entity to direct popular resentment against without putting them on course towards the true Capitalist institutions.
Non white go home.
Whiteness is a spook
They literally just mean free market capitalism, but are too dumb to realize this.
It's a capitalist
They're usually talking about the latter but really it's neither. People think globalism is government conglomerates like the EU or the UN (which it can be, certainly), but realistically the globalism we face is corporations rising way above their level of power and being able to control entire countries outside of legislative means (facebook, google, microsoft, apple, etc).
This I guess.
free flow of capital and workers is just the logical conclusion of capitalism and cannot be reverted without attacking capitalism itself
but Holla Forums is retarded as always
so capitalism?
the alt right doesn't exist, you idiot
I dunno, Keynes' proposals at Breton Woods seemed like a way of squaring the circle. (Free flow of capital controlled by governments multilaterally with a system of automatic trade balances to prevent speculative pressure, and free movement of labour not explicitly controlled, but de-facto controlled by extant governments.)
lots of things are capitalism. not much use in pretending that globalism and protectionism are the same thing even if theyre both based in a capitalist model
globalism is inherent to modern day capitalism though, the course of history cannot be turned back
Globalism is globalisation is neoliberalism is capitalism
But yes, they just think its "cultural marxism jewish conspiracy"
Capitalism with third world immigration and identitarian social liberalism basically
free trade is the reason for all exploitation in the modern world
They genuinely believe globalism is a world wide conspiracy put together by the 'ruling families' (the jews) to kill off the white race through irrelevant shiting, leading to a society with 'no strong sense of nation' that can therefore be more easily controlled.
Yes, this is what they actually believe.
yeah but its true
Only people ive seen use the term 'globalist' get their news from alex jones.
I suppose it is globalisation (inherent in capitalism) combined with constructivist-idealist international organisations like the UN or EU.
Fun fact for everyone who knows about the theory of international relations: Just about every hardcore realist-tendency expert or theorist eventually supported an one-world-government - due to the existential threat of nuclear war.
It's true though.
Hi Milo
no surprise
shouldn't whites go home?
their goal is to create the perfect kind of consumer who lacks the desire for control over their own destiny
which literally cannot ever exist in a nation populated entirely by whites
because reasons
3/10 bait, made me annoyed.
Still reported for being Holla Forumsyp.
the racial soul is our defense
well, god help you, fam. you'll need it.
Isn't globalism just a euphemism for Neoliberalism? That's how I always understood it. The effect is that they provoke people who belive to be left, into opposing them (while it's actually their position, at least on a general level) and then attack them with that.
Quick questio: why do they do that?
It's meant to evoke imagery of lolbert-tier New World Order FEMA bullshit.
t. retard who hasn't been paying attention
just like starvation is inherent to modern day communism?
Races are a social construct
society is a racial construct
You didn't reply: why do Jews want to kill off the white race?
I fully support the degradation of quality of life in the first world
Those who oppose are larping liberal cowards at best, unapologetic imperialists at worst.
That's literally what a Porky would say.
t. """aryan""" superman
on a surface level theres noel ignatiev sjw themed explanations about how whitey must be removed to end muh privilege.
on a more deeper level they consider us amalek
you obviously call them porky instead but there's a group of billionaire psychopaths who in a never ending struggle for power seek a breakdown in nation states, borders and protection of citizens to ease the exploitation of people they enjoy so much
tariffs would be a great start to slowing this
What? Let's recapitulate what Holla Forums actually believes.
The Jews are alledgedly controlling the world, while at the same time leeching from it. The White race is the principal producer of culture and science, seconded by the East Asians and then everyone brown. The Jews are incapable of great achievements. They try to make white people disappear by mixing them with non-White people.
That just doesn't make any sense, if they're leeching off the White race, why would they try to kill that White race? The point of being a parasite is that you don't kill your host. And why would Jews let tons of Muslims in Europe when Muslim anti-semitism makes Hitler look like a fucking rabbit?
chiapas isn't starving
Meant to reply to
I don't know about most of them - but as far as I can tell, this is basically true. A discussion with a friend suggested that they use "globalism" as more-or-less "new world order with Muslim immigrants."
It's not primarily about economics or communications for them, in my experience. But economics slips in there - they just don't have a firm grip on what the economics in question is. So, NAFTA - somebody said it's bad, so it is. And while for years, you'd hear this ilk talk about how much standards of living improved in China when they brought in capitalism and those new factories, I heard literally the opposite from someone who's on board with all this stuff recently - that it's really not helping these countries and the benevolent capitalists who move their facilities over there are really just keeping all of the wealth.
Consider that, and then consider it came from a person who was not anti-capitalist and indeed disliked globalism due largely to a belief that it was some kind of monoculture project and not a euphemism for "free trade."
Only when everyone is fucked by porky will we have a revolution. Comfortable first world proles don't revolt.
Confirmed for Bourgeois kid living in a gated community
Try staying in topic, and not spazzing out with "this is what pol actually believes" straw man bullshit. I'll humor you this time, but get it together. This post reeks of jewish desperation.
This part is totally irrelevant to the rest of your post, not sure what you're trying to say here. great achievements have nothing to do with it.
yes, duh. Are you arguing that a pro-irrelevant shiting agenda does not exist, or that jews are not behind it?
1) many parasites kill their hosts
2) its not exactly whites that are their hosts, just goyim in general
Uhhh. because europe is the white homeland, the whole point is to ruin white people you retard. furthermore why would they put their own homeland in the middle east if they feared muslims so much.
Poor show, you can do better than this.
good thing you guys have word filters to do your arguing for you huh. can't have people openly talking about r a c e m i x i n g
rly made me think.
No they don't, only when they infect unusual hosts, a parasite evolves specifically to leech the most resources while doing the least damage and triggering the least resistance. That's their standard of evolutionary success.
lol, why?
because they're holy book says so, this type of damage control feels like it's actually Holla Forums pretending to be Holla Forums
parasites evolve into symbiotes yes. but parasites are not symbiotes. anyway there's no point in stretching this metaphorical frame to the point of uselesseness. we can just look at what jews take from us, and what they give in return.
next you'll be telling me all about the wonderful benefits of usury
because their holy book says so.
I'm going to rape you
The banking and financial sector are responsible for all innovation under Capitalism by allocating Super-Profits in the fields where they are most needed and thus reducing the Socially Necessary Labour Time.
I don't remember the exact video on Kapitalism101 but it's pretty great.
okay thanks for letting me know
They are referring to the porky obviously. Just replace the word capitalist with blobalist and you're free to convert the info wars crowd, I seriously don't get why nobody is doing it
no one likes to remember that the middle East hates the West because the US and UK have more or less been intervening there for like 70 years. all this hostility stems from the US and UK deposing the democratically elected leader and strengthening the rule of the shah
in the same way we have our crazies in the US, they have their crazies. there is no one correct or substantial solution to this issue
a porky
serious question: do you really believe this? is it not just more likely that the world is chaotic enough without the intervention of shadowy figures behind the scenes?
this does make a lot of sense
don't forget the brits telling the arabs to get fucked after ww1
sure, and neither do Nazis, the antifa, or the BLM movement
is this similar in scope to minarchy?
I've never really understood why people think secret cabals of Jews run the planet. it's just upper crusty white, yellow, and brown folk running the planet. no secret there
Gamergate was a mass hallucination
does this mean to suggest that it's only a matter of time before any individualist society organically becomes a collectivist society?
WW2 was actually a sleepover
come on. that's a load of bullshit. the world is very old and it doesn't need any help being a complex or complicated place
hi guys!
what does larping mean in this context? literally role playing? as in, a shallow belief system?
isn't this an oxymoron?
globalists is basically alex jones speak but its accurate enough. People who advocate for more multilateral organisation, closer global integration, open borders. They're globalists. Looking a bit deeper, 'globalists' are the anti-thesis to nationalists. Nationalism was rising in response to some of the agenda I described above being pushed.
To be fair, the Middle East and Europe have been at war for 1400 years. It goes back long before US and UK intervention. It's not like Middle Eastern nations have been innocent angels throughout history.
no surprise
people who pretend to ascribe to an ideology to reap purported social benefits without actually engaging in meaningful activities and/or believing in what they preach; lifestylists, poseurs.
lest we fucking forget. there's a reason that ISIS exists. it's not because they're trolls who hate a good time and want chaos. they have generations of hatred for the West and see us as deserving of that hatred. I have no sympathy for ISIS but they aren't wrong. the US has paid very little for it's crimes against the rest of the world
the KKK is actually just a book club with a bad rap
gotcha. people who are seemingly devoid of actual political integrity, who only aim to feel better about themselves by appearing less shallow and less bereft of ideological intelligence
I chose that date and that specific event simply to illustrate an impetus for change and revolt in the modern era.
and to be absolutely fair, it's not like there's any demographic of individuals or ethnocentric group or subset of humans who have been totally innocent throughout history. we're all basically shitty, both in a historical and modern sense
What's the ethnicity of a lot of the porkiest porkies in the world?
Not really, though I suppose it's not totally incompatible.
(Keynes generally had the state interfering in the market to end recessions quicker and preserve full employment. The main purpose of balancing trade and currency value was to make Keynesian policy more effective since money couldn't flee the country in persuit of better interest rates, iirc.)
white, brown, and yellow?
I'm torn on Keynes. obviously tho he has some salient points
No, it's jewish.
They are like orcs remember?
Right wingers are beta males
ASnd just google Liberal World Order. They are so open now, it's impossible to ignore.
This is common knowledge, my man.
It's marxist becouse it serves their interests and becouse it reflect their psychopathy and the wish for an ant hill ideology while they play the queens.
Immigration is to vote the European man out of democracy and into a totalitarian NWO. And drain him of money and give it to the shitskin to reproduce, overtake and butcher their children.
If Trump hadn't won, we would be lost. Commie Clinton, Merkel and May would destroy Western civilization and the jew would win.
We would never got to space since status quo is the safest way.
Enter 1984/BNW combined.
It's porky in your mind, but it's the jew/mason/muslim brotherhood/etc. in Holla Forums's. LOTR is a good analogy of what is/will happen.
sauron was the antihero
Cult behaviour and psychopatic in my books.
the 20th century sucked for everyone. get over it.
yes we certainly have. thanks Trump
but muh systematic oppression
Honestly a lot of the people running the planet are jews. By no means the majority but google how many of the worlds billionaires are jewish its like 10% iirc. We don't need to fall into the Holla Forums mindset but Jewish porkies have a lot of influence especially in the US.