So I heard you were a communist, user

What do you do?

I stick three dicks in my mouth and sing the National Anthem.

Correct him and tell him I am an anarchist

*teleports behind him*
*stabs a knife on him*
hahaha not this time
*sings the internationale*

I eagerly begin listing other communist sympathisers I know.

break his nose


Reminder that they have proven in court (decades later) Mccarthy was atleast on to something
It just took a lot of time

What they proved was that Soviet spies existed at all. McCarthy only fingered people that were inconvenient to him

Massive revelation. And how does this justify the witch hunt and destruction of people's lives?

you're goddamn right

I call him a fascist and get ANTIFA on his ass


Just keep working in my Co-op and say 'Isn't Capitalism amazing?'

No sir I'm an anarchist.



Well yeah but there's like 9001 'forms' so w/e.

lol and when did I say that? I responded to your post, while you didn't respond to a point I actually made. Congrats, you really beat that imaginary tankie in the corner though.


Throw myself out of a helicopter

Is there any actual cited literature about him doing this?


Wow, this sure compensates for the total failure at a basic economic level eventually leading up to collapse.

What is a basic economic level? Do you know what that means?

The industrial and technical accomplishments of the Soviet bloc contradicts the idea it was a total failure at a basic economic level. The USSR was able to not only rapidly industrialize to as Churchill put it "gut the Wehrmacht" but also beat the USA into space early on. Chernobyl alone proves the economy on some level was working since for there to be a nuclear meltdown there has to be nuclear reactors and if they were fake there could not have been such a massive accident.

The Foreign Office declassified the list in the early 00's. Use google.

Considering Marxism Leninism built itself from backward weak feudalism out of 2 Revolutions, Interventions, World War 1 and 2, each time victorious and strengthened with its industrial capacities and becoming the world power next to the USA that only profited out of its military campaign against germany, and hat to be sabotaged over 40 years before revisionism and open social democracy could take it finally down, i'd say it was the greatest success imaginable and if it weren't for revisionism, the Soviet Union would by now be the dominant power that already colonizes the entire solar system.

I pull out the pistol I open carry just for this purpose and blow his brains out. No capitalist zombies allowes in my office.

"I'm an egoist. It's like Ayn Rand's philosophy but much better."

…I eagerly begin listing classcucks I know and tell McCarthy they're communist sympathisers.

Considering Orwell saw firsthand how tankies fuck up everything he had every reason to rat them out.


I mention how I think coops are the purest form of revolution. He'll leave after he concludes I'm just a simple retard.

I give up every SocDem I can think of.

Ask him how he came back from the dead.

Or you could just say that you are a nazi and start talking about Nietzsche.

I report all Trotskyists, Stalinists, Social Democrats and classcucks I know.


As usual ancoms being fucking retarded

As usual annils being admitted lifestylists

Stop following me around you butthurt faggot

cesare lombroso was right

That's how I would do it :
*unleashes a bottle of Jägermeister*
Nein, I'm not a communist my friend ! I hate those filthy dogs !
*winks to the hidden Stasi agent*
Would you like to taste this delicious liquor from our Fatherland ?
*put strychnine in glass*

not gonna happen

Begin saying I'm a registered Republican

Call him a fag, tell him that his friend Riy Cohn is an evil fuck and that he'll be connected to two gangster presidents. He really was a closet fag too

Yeah he was onto something, he still ruined the lives of hundreds of people for no reason


Anything is fair in the fight against communists

need i remind you

This is the only correct answer. Report all the 'muh bootstraps' faggots