Should africans return to their tribal origins in order to restore the balance in the continent?
Should africans return to their tribal origins in order to restore the balance in the continent?
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no they'll just get colonized again
they need L I B E R A T O R Y T E C H N O L O G Y to survive. we all do.
They need more Sankaras and less Mugabes
Another anprim here?
Its not a question of should or should not. it will happen, we are running out of resources.
Civilization is a giant meme
what's that?
Whoops didn't mean to sage
I think he's talking about Maxim guns.
This must be a joke.Sources please.
This picture gives me hopes.
Fuck off you anprim retards.
No, fuck off with your reactionary primitivst bullshit. Read Bookchin.
Because its better to give guns and modern technology to people without properly educating them first, right?
IDpol social ecologists get out
what this picture is referring to is when peak consumption will be hit
Better than genociding them? Yes.
Historical materialism does not work in reverse. A society can only get progressively more productive, or else it will be unable to provide for the basic needs of the individuals within it. They have too many people to just hunt and gather.
No one is talking about genocide. Just let nature run its course and have population reach an equilibrium
Civilisation is nature running its course, though.
Wouldn't genocide then be natural?
Of course.
There is literally no difference between 'natural' and 'unnatural' because nature does not exist
"Natural" does not mean "good."
fuggen kulaggggs :D
Congrats, this is officially the same argument holocaust deniers use for why intentionally starving people isn't genocide
I'm not a Stalinist either
You dont even know what idpol means.
Intentionally starving people is not the same as ending foreign aid
Bookchin is filled with IDpol
Bookchin on identity politics:
Here's another quote from their "Anarchism, Marxism, and the Future of the Left":
"Such [particularisms] developed a wide influence in the 1970s and the 1980s, resulting in the current plague of "identity politics," in which different ethnic, national, and gender groups cultivated whole outlooks specific to their own kind. Rather than taking a social approach to the world, people were moving into a mystical realm, in which specific ethnic and gender groups viewed the world according to their own "identity." Such groups often wrote or rewrote history to suit their agendas and mysterious, exclusive ways of seeing the world. Identity politics is so pluralistic that it dissolves reality into incoherence, dividing the oppressed against each other, on the basis of gender, skin colour, and the like. I do not regard this development as having anything to do with the Left.(page 117, 1999)
And honestly, if you are so triggered by the mere mention of these words that you're unable to understand the thesis of that essay, then you might be retarded.
Yes they should. They should forget all those borders european countries drew at the Berlin convention and organize their countries culturally thus avoiding more stupid "civil" wars like Ruwanda.
that would be pretty cool
Isn't your tribe supposed to have killed you for using a computer by now?
Just mentioning those things doesn't equal "idpol."
y stop at africans?
Wrong. Anprims advocate for the destruction of such things, Communists don't.
When did they leave?
Tribalism for the sake of "tradition" or some irrational disdain for technology is a spook.Dumb, dumb dumb.
ecoAnarchism > Anarcho-Primitivism.
Anarchic-Privitimism is very flawed.
Social Ecology is filled with SJW shit
ah it's the same malthusian peak ___ crap that keeps getting revised upward every 10-20 years. "Ehrlich/Malthus was right their predictions just came true later!!"
Damn…Can't believe these SJWs that don't think hundreds of millions should die off and/or be forced into an extremely undesirable lifestyle
[citation needed]
Daaaaayumm man!!!! that disproves ecology! fuck no dude. take your spooks away. that SJWs like it doesn't makes it dumb.
Ecology is correct. Tech can get along with the ecosystem too, that's optimal way to do it actually.
Exactly, they need to reduce their numbers