Tfw no leftist cuteboy bottom bf to cuddle with
is a tranny ok too
unless you have boobs
I'm more of a switch
Come over boi see what happens
To live is to suffer.
Just get a fucking gf you fags.
I'm so alone
We want less suffering, not more.
Trannies are gay, and also capitalist.
A thread died for this.
very good thread, thanks /r9k/ or whatever shithole you came from
I'm not autistic enough to warrant using r9k
why even live
Then why do you post the same garbage they do lol
Hello r/socialism
do you guys get paid to fill the board with garbage
is COINTELPRO switching strategies?
why is it always the most reddit-like shitposters that call others reddit
Thanks for the 7 (You)s
Your trying too hard to fit in lad
nigga what
Literal meme ideology oh I am laffing
Get some self-awareness
At least he isn't making and bumping shitty threads, reddit
Silly me, it's too late now
i've posted a thread about this but i would totally fuck Libertarian Socialist Rants. no homo.
What an insightful post, reddit.
Do you even have standards?
There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to fuck LSR. Name 1 thing you faggot
What the fuck
be dialectical comrades
Hahahaha how did leftists go from being one of the most serious threats to the established world order to being full of fat-assed tranny-loving homofags? Hahahahaha you are absolutely pathetic Holla Forums, pls commit suicide
so just like /pol?
That's rich coming from the movement that loves traps.
I unironically find Muke incredibly attractive
Leave this place.
Say you want to fuck Muke and nobody gives a fuck. Say you want to fuck LSR and everyone loses their minds.
He look like a kid. So no.
Fuckmuir is cuter tho.
This is why gulags were invented.
Also gross.
i think Schnitz is cute, he should grow out his hair and work hard on becoming a decent trap. does he still exist?
Look at the thread title and tell me that you're not projecting, dumbasses. I personally think traps are mentally ill, and not fapworthy
I want batko to do a face reveal tbh
whatever you say fam
that'd ruin the magic
I'm not talking about traps dumbass
On the contrary, most of the left is quite open about it. It's your movement that is in the closet.
Like I said, projection, and quite possibly narcissism. Just because YOU like traps does not mean everyone else does.
I know this feel.
tfw no alunya trap gf