rip Fidel castro
Rip Fidel castro
I mistook you for Nezi linking a new thread.
He was 90 years old I don't seen why anyone is shocked.
i tried ok it's only my second thread
stay strong sejuani
Now I will inherit all of Cuba.
what about all of meme?
What about I AM ALL OF ME
I hate you.
Meme still belongs to the one true queen, Chii.
Where did Landlord-sama go?
people are still shocked about the concept of people who became famous in the 60/70's being old now
#fuk2016 xD
lol Grim.
How is he a landlord?
So the Berenstain memes are finally working?
He rents rooms probably?
Woah, when did dragon ball become so PATRICIAN AS FUCK?
No u
pretty sleepy hufs
hush up that mouth.
I must ask though, when did they start fusing with potatoes?
M-make me~
I have no idea what you're talking about.
He lives with his parents, I thought.
I dunno mang. Ask him.
I should be proud of myself
I could have just taken the rest of the hydrocodone syrup but I didn't
I didn't abuse prescription drugs at the easiest opportunity
I was expecting a blowjob joke you hussy.
in public??
Well I suppose.
You're the one ignoring me in Discord, so...
that conversation ended gracefully
sarcasm is palpable
you're palpable
Elma and grim fell to the floor. Fucking.
how's your yum yums
i really have no words for that one
Fine. I might be getting sick.
It's kind of to be expected from gas station food.
wan mirrion troobs
all the female pokemon protagonists are cute it's one of pokemon's few redeeming factors
user are u still here?
allow me to explain
All of the Pokemon protags are also 12.
I mean in general. I got chips.
I'm 12~
good. hush up then :3
stay hydrated and dont stress too much.
I got into bed and forgot I have boob's so now I'm like resting on my side boob and it's nice
sure you do revy
Im not stressed aside from that one thing.
everything will be daijoubu
Oh, there's was this one when I lived in the middle of nowhere that sold fried chicken and traditional homestyle food.
I ate it once then spent two days vomiting.
actually most of the aesthetic stuff about pokemon is gr8 except for a lot of the actual pokemon
if u do that doesnt it make them come in looking funny..?
I hope.
I was just lying on my side and realized I have sideboob
generation 3 is cool and the rest are creepy
so ur not lying on boobs?
Now I'm craving Krispy Kreme.
Never had.
Super unhealthy donuts.
But they're delicious.
So this isn't a potato?
who are u
All of them are unhealthy. .
Meme, Shitpost Extraordinaire at your service.
Ill lick your doughnut.
That just means I'm 2 lolis, right?
Don't be gross.
pls enough of the itaots meme i think he got it...
They're a body part it's best to pretend doesn't exist.
that feel tho, revy
Like ear canals and arm pits.
But he hasn't even professed his love for Jesus Christ yet.
You cant ignore my girth.
it's nbd
now why are u here
That assassin's creed remaster tho
You should try Jenny Craig then.
Is Jenny Craig like a diet or just a support group to help you lose weight?
Here to post in the fastest thread IN THE FUCKING GAME.
That is counter productive to what i want to be.
i see
Don't be a fatty.
That weird "fat glamorizing" thing is just bizarre and fairly unhealthy.
Aiming for this. Not fat but bulk.
he just wants to be built/dad bod
you dont have to be a skellington to be healthy
i love that album
It's kind of a common look for the "trying so hard after the divorce so tried steroids" people, too.
Anything within the realms of "average" is all I meant.
You can be "not fat" and still not thin either.
If not then i could settle for this.
finally a good opinion from you
you can be from "overweight" to "underweight" on the bmi scale and be medically healthy
my healthy weight would be like 205 pounds or sommat
do u know mercury rev
I was mostly just joking. Like, those heavier set guys that get divorced and try so hard to "improve" and a bunch of lines about how they can either do better or win them back.
So they just go down the route of bulking up but still being kind of fat and/or steroid bitch tits.
It's kind of weird how many times I've seen that situation.
Unless you're 6'4", that's still overweight.
Are my lemons tied? Is my hair in place?
Have I got a cute expression on my face?
Are my shoes all shined?
I try to keep in line when I'm dancing in the show tonight
If anything ill just date a guy like that. Im not sure i can get the body i want right now.
idk if i can respect anyone with a BMI over 15
no self control
My bmi is 64
I am 6'4 or better
I've been measured 6'6 at the doctors office but when I did myself it was 6'4, so somewhere around there
I'd never want to be skinny skinny anyway, just doesn't suit me
yeah not a fan
would it be amiss
if i blew a kiss
Wait no. Thats my nintendo.
You're way too fat.
Majestic, even.
gross :(
i'm working on it
No judge
Body type is a really weird thing to idealized or force.
Just be somewhat healthy and enjoy however you are.
Kind of weird to be so worked up in forcing changes that are mostly impossible to get to your ideal.
You're fairly wide so it'd look really fucking weird.
You can do it.
Purge those pounds away.
Out skeleton Brian.
is guro the big one or the derpy one?
The muscular build would help with factory work. So it has uses.
Not sure why you're encouraging this :/
Plus I just ate a sub and a turkey pot pie lol
He can't be two people, Test. Come on. Even I'm not that retarded.
fat guy
my dad was a skinny little bastard cuz of drugs and he always looked weird like that
same build as me just no meat
wow, got em
got.. me
just throw it back up
Nah, I don't do that any more.
Most factory workers aren't really "jacked".
Just muscular from manual labor jobs and not really going to the gym.
Boredom, I think.
Fair enough.
Mutilated lips give a kiss on the wrist
of the worm like tips of tentacles expanding
in my mind, I'm fine, accepting only fresh brine
you can get another drop of this, yeah you wish
I could afford to get in shape.
u got me
Fair enough.
i dont wear hats
t-thanks i think
good talk
i need to go to bed and im not sure why im still here
I wont become a whale. Dont worry
That's way too spooky for this good christian image board.
Or does the hat wear you?
rly maeks u think
I'm not really saying it out of concern. Just giving an opinion.
that very question is the reason i dont wear hats
Nervousness probably. Christmas lights are a big responsibility. You've inherited a nuanced and significant tradition.
Or maybe you woke up too late or something.
These are the quality posts I come for.
It's only ironic shitposting.
really makes you think
I have foof and sleepies I ran out of cappu though or at least the good kind
Thanks, YouTube.
crippling existential dread is equally likely
or maybe i'm just not tired because i'm staring at a bright fucking computer screen
youtube is pretty helpful
I saw that recommended, but only out of the corner of my eye before I loaded another page.
When I went back it was gone.
I wonder how much i need to gain to hit my goal.
Ironic shitposting aside
I need music
probably like 30 pounds if you're just trying to fill out
that's amount i've lost and it's just about enough to notice
I don't understand the dread, myself.
But yes, you should lie down.
like what
Might be enough. Most needs to be muscle.
Seeing Test post yandere-esque fanart just kind of makes me have that as my mental image for him and it's weirding me out.
not all of us are perfect nihilists test
i still get overwhelmed at times
give me a few more years of practice and ill b good
also i will soon
my gramps is for sure gonna wake me up unnecessarily early cuz he's a billion years old
putting on that much muscle takes actual work my friend
hope you have energy for the gym after work
Iunno. I like older rock and trancy stuff mainly.
I have a bench now.
You should kill your grandfather.
here's some great music
give examples?
I'll start emoting *stabs you* and talk about the cats I murder, and my transformation into Blood-chan can truly begin.
Don't forget to put your mask on when you do.
I have one rusting in my shed, too. Gonna have to dig it out soon since my weight loss without working out is starting to plateau
you know how many gooks that man killed? I don't think i could even take him in his old age
yeah i will thanks babe
Not like some autistic edgelord but a person with a fairly twisted concept of attraction.
The kind of person that kind of trope is based on, not the terrible autists who post it.
We can work out together.
I got a new spider and my G.pulchra is in premolt.
Aerosmith, Jacob Tillberg, old new Manson, NiN, Tom Petty, Eagles, etc.
He's been used by every edgelord ever but damn, I still love Ghosts and The Fragile.
ah i dont think i'll be able to help u, sry
i dont listen to that kinda thing
It's not a bad trope when a writer actually plays it like it's a very BAD, very SCARY thing to deal with instead of just a quirky character who HEHE STABBED SOMEBODY AGAIN OH WELL.
Have you tried not being awful?
no fool
Yeah, that's what I mean.
When it's actually played real is even more disturbing. Like a really fucked in the head person where you just get to see how progressively more warped their view gets.
wew lad
Why do so many say wew lad lately?
Your music tastes are abhorrent and you're an abhorrent person.
The Eagles suck. Like, for real.
The 'tism.
I only listen to the Wiggles.
wew lad
Test, write your fucking papers.
I listened to the Wiggles once. ONCE.
You can't tell me what to do.
I'm older than you.
And will give you swirlies.
That's a lie. I've never listened to the Wiggles.
I loved the wiggles.
I imagine Goggles listens exclusively to The Wiggles or Rolf Harris.
Actually that's a lie. I'm listening to the Wiggles right now. Specifically that song that's like Say it ain't so, your drug is a heart breaker.
Weezer is fairly terrible.
I liked the part where the lead singer took out a mollusk and decided to eat it on stage. Man, what a great live performance by the Wiggles.
Weezer is the band that has that song that goes People would have had enough of silly love songs.
What the hell is a mollusk?
A small shrew like ferret, kind of like an elephant, but bigger.
Now I had the fruit salad song stuck in my head while I showered.
Have to go. bye.
The hell is a shrew?
who can get in contact with ui?
It's a meme used to describe the behavioral patterns of your average user.
What is a pattern?
Le ebin meemay?
le ebbin meameaey indeed
I love it.
Absolutely horrendous
Walking Dead, Westworld, or Bakemonogatari?
Boku no Picu
D.Va best girl
Nice nipples nerd
so yeah
how about that fidel castro?
bard are you there yet
I gave him a command to never speak with you or me again.
well we were talking like five minutes ago so was it after that?
I gave myself a command to never reply directly to someone.
This was going around like 20 hours before it happened
new yui guy will be here in a minute
He looks like an unshaven nut sack
go away sci
dont be mean okay
where is everybody tonight L/
Hi i am the new Yui poster that sci has been talking about
hello there yes hi
it's retty dead right now
you might find som moore people to talk with if you're here at a different time
You have to be an e-whore tho
Well, I don't really intend on staying here.
I came here to ask about being approved as bard number 4. Something sci has talked to me about.
sluts gtfo pls
That, I don't know. Sci called me b4rd and then asked if I wanted to talk to you. To which my reply was "sure".
gtfo Yui imposters
yeah that sounds about right :/
Well I'm sure you're a right good fella but we don't really know even the first things about each other
And there's probably not too much community overlap between our boards yet, so the chance of getting to know is a little lower
I think at least for now it'd just be best to go on as yourself, make your own way wherever you roam
It wouldn't really make so much sense to put that label on you if you don't really know much about it you know?
no offense mate
morning scooty of duty
Call of Scooty - Modern Memefare
hear about fidel castro?
That's a shocker
None taken, that was originally the path I was going to choose. Guess I can go on being just Yui or yuiposter.
Thanks, and seeya.
if you are ever too bored we just kind of lounge around here
the more the merrier
Rolled 2 (1d2)tfw nobody gave a shit earlier about him when it was first announced and i posted it
heads mandarin? else russian
I gave a shit
When I went to bed I saw this article of his speech and when i woke up he was dead and tbh that's pretty fucking crazy
we shouln't be so surprised. He was old. But you know. He survived the CIA. He mae em MIA nad internally KIA kek
i guess just nobody did earlier when it happened then ;-;
i told a few of my friends and one of them just went "good, he was an asshole anyways"
Surrised he made it so long
America is pretty scary
but they can't even get the leader of a coutnry 90 miles away?
Castro kinda looks like count dooku
hooray for bard 4 !
I would apreciate if you stopped
didnt u like that guy tho? u should be friends
I don't like people being forced on me and I'm sure he feels the same
Leave me the fuck alone and stop talking about this place everywhere you go
but dont u want more friends? i want to be a gr8 friend match-maker
and hey i only brought him here cuz u refused to post on 4chan i usually dont talk about animus outside of animus
I don't like it there and they don't like me there
aw u just gotta try
i dont know what u did but they should love u there
and everywhere
i think ur just acting upset cuz it was me who did something
what's the best way to an hero
quit it already good god
Castro dies on pinochets birthday.
Has meme magic gone too far?
everyone knows ur not gonna kill urself
pls stop attention whoring w/ suicide it's not v nice
helium bag exit
doesn't change the fact that I want to
no u dont, ur a poser
nezi pls
gonna play me some pocket monsters too since all the kids are
pocket monsters yellow!!!!
which one of you faggots gonna be my rival
and u also
dont tell me how to feel about blood-chan u big bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also whats up how u doin
im good, been drinking and flying/teaching. you?
wth does "flying/teaching" mean..?
i hate myself
i'm fat, ugly, boring
i'm going nowhere in life
everything is a lie
i'm worthless subhuman trash
I just play video games all day and moan about how depressed and lonely I am
nobody would miss me
did not read
i'm a cute loli with a phd in cute
teaching a friend to fly
u fly planes huh?
ye. like once in a blue moon, before yesterday i hadn't in 6months
wats your name? :3
thats cool ! do u do flips and shit like that? do u blast the top gun soundtrack while ur flying?
same tbh
(female symbol)
Got it!
nezumi means mouse in japanese.
never listened to music when in the air before. kinda seems cheesy and also i don't go out for long for it to be safe
i thought it was rat?
Thats fine I guess
Its means "rat" or "mouse" be it can also just be used in general as vermin.
I'm sure both work. the japanese are simple people.
well hello there spoilers. what's up?
see bebop? SEE?
sometimes we pick the perfect online monikers for ourselves.
ah i see. i think i only know that from an anime or something
not a lot, pretty tired. you?
not tired at all, because like a retard I was on my bed playing pokemon and got tired and fell asleep for like 9 hours.
I like to think I did a good job.
you did. it's perfect. suits you to a T
when you take a hit and the world dissapears for like seconds
that sounds adorable
it's not. it's just annoying. every time I manage to sleep at a reasonable time I end up getting tired in the afternoon anyway. it's very frustrating. I don't mind sleeping excessive amounts, but it's very disruptive to what little life I do have to always be tired in the afternoon.
FUCKING ADORABLE! but ye probably annoying too guess you just have to try to work it back to what you want again
I mean because you're cute like a mouse, geez.
I've been trying. it's hard to really put much into it though because I find it hard to care about anything so bleh whatever.
not caring about spoilers where's my mabel folder....
Uh huh
I said it's hard to care about anything. not that it's impossible.
it's true. your tough guy persona online is even cuter than grims.
better! well unless the sleep schedule is getting in the way of something it can't be that bad
Its more like I hate almost half of the people who post here.
it's mostly not, which makes it all the more difficult to give a shit.
d-do you hate me, nezumi senpai? .//.
well I could give you pointless reasons to change it up if you're so bothered by it. point stands though, it would've been adorable you passing out there
it wouldn't be adorable and you'd quickly turn it very dirty I'm sure.
it would be and yes that would be the plan, problem officer?
I definitely didn't say there would be a problem with that.
I don't feel strongly one way or another.
the pet doesn't get much of a say anyway even if there was
well duh, that's just basic dynamics of such a relationship.
you sure bamboozled me by replying as though you thought otherwise at first!
I like to play hard to get.
You keep forgetting to type something before you post.
I'm sorry that's so horrible of me I bet you hate me for it
more like playing in need of a firm hand maybe
why are monster girls not animal tops tacked on human bottoms
why not both?
because that would be weird.
Sun and Moon protag is actually 11.
Stop being so god damned gay.
I can't help it. you should punish me.
If you're asking for it, it's no longer punishment.
adorable pokemang
Furries tho
don't you ruin this for me
furries like it to be all monster.
Oh David Bowie died.
fair game, cutie
I like it when the game is rigged, actually.
Pikachu ja nai yo, Mimikkyu da yo.
No thanks.
how unfortunate
bad sombra, bad
are you really trying to deny that you cheat all the time?
i want an airhead loli bird with clumsy winghands
Maybe for you but not for me.
I meant for the world in general.
the cheating is what allows me to not have to admit to cheating all the time, it's like a cheat within a cheat within another cheat. hackception
Tbh, I ship Silver and Kotone.
see, you really are good at this.
I don't follow you.
Its good
nerd! if you're awake tomorrow I'm gonna bug you to get on overwatch again, keep you up more that way :^)
I know, and it's adorable
good plan, I need help staying awake, clearly.
I dunno about you, but I'd be sour if my boyfriend was keeping me up to just play Overwatch.
At least offer him a blowjob, right?
I'll be sure to lend a hand however I can to keep you up euphemisms :^)
oh my gosh he's not my boyfriend shut up rin
haha! wordplay! banter!
Rin you're a dude that's GAY
for shame, it's like you really believe I'm not an idiot
the best
I like the slime too tbh
oh please. you're not the one who would fuck things up.
im his boyfriend
well, fiance
suu a cute.
you'd be very surprised, bae
Does that last one count as a smug?
I mean.
This one seems to have been going on for a while.
And the only difference would be giving it a title.
And maybe cybering if you don't already and wanna be weirdos.
You wish.
Sci kill yourself
I want to pet Suu.
youre the greatest
bard i will always love u...
that's my line.
she'd suck your hand in.
Who said Ikt would be petting her with his hand?
w-whoa lewd
Slimes are probably best semi-transparent.
i want to roll everyone in the world into a big ball where we all hug and kiss and love each other
one giant orgy
should go to burning man dude
you just want to see your cummies floating around in there you perv.
What other reason could you have to fuck a slime girl instead of a vastly superior monmusu?
no, it's not a sexual thing!
lust disgusts me
I mean...yeah good point.
more for me
so do you
I don't think it would be fair to put him through anything involving me but cute ideas there rin
yeah but only I'm right, so ye
w/e u filthy lesser animal
im going to hug u
that's not fair.
That said, Slimes are basically the best general monmusu waifu.
Like, if you don't know what to go for, or what you wanna do, Slimes are a good bet.
You both put yourselves down far more than you really need to.
lesser animal? i'm all for keeping my family line going.
slimes are a good all-rounder, yeah. I think most of the monster girls they picked for the main characters in everyday life with monster girls are good choices, honestly. mermaids are meh, and dullahan is just fucking weird, but everything else in the main cast I'm into.
im jk bebop u know i think ur awesome
yuh i know, just playin is all
I don't need to play fair remember?
that's the joke~
my heart is going to burst one day
ttyl my good friend
I've never even watched that show.
You both do.
you should. it's fun.
a papi ios fine too
Leave and don't come back
a joke?! on my animus?! how dare thee!
I don't know I think everything I've said before hand mirrors what others have later said, like even here. why do you believe I do though?
o-oh...okay...sorry bard...
why not both? they seem pretty attached to each other.
I know right? it's pretty wild.
I usually don't have it at hand when I feel like masturbating.
I also actually really don't like how they did Papi.
Because I've long since learned that things are rarely as bad as people make them out to be.
the fuck? just because it's ecchi doesn't mean you fucking fap to it you weirdo. it's just a fun, funny show that also happens to get pretty lewd sometimes. goodness.
And Boku no Piko is a family friendly kid's show about the harm of STDs.
I'll have to bite you for that
this seems like a guess and not something you know for sure though
I love boku no piko. it's so cute.
looks more like you're about to vomit. which I suppose would be the appropriate reaction to someone who was trying to do something lewd with me anyway.
I never guess.
Really, though, I tend not to like ecchi shows.
makes sense you asexual weirdo.
I like this song and all but every time I listen to it I make sure I say out loud that I love God and and really don't talk to Satan lol
that was a random thing to add on but it's cause she's doing the dracula "bleh" sort of noise also you're wrong as fuck
oh? also I wanna name something after you, which pokemon?
I'm never wrong.
It's why I don't watch Pokemon.
I've see the way Ash looks at them.
Fucking furfags ruining my childhood.
well look at that! you are now
this will be done!
Ribombee is also acceptable
that's the real reason ash always lets his pokemon go. it's to avoid the lawsuit after he fucks them.
Furfags, monstergirlfags are both one and the same. And both ought to be gassed to death .
He doesn't even let them go, he just leaves them all behind for Oak to fuck.
morning scootameme
he's let a few go. butterfree for example. he let him go to get some nicenice from that pretty pink one.
choose one I'll name the other tokes
it just happened and when I catch a gardevoir it is so being name cupcake
I like to imagine that because he didn't use the computer that butterfree is still technically his.
So some asshole out in the bush is trying to catch a butterfree, but the fucking thing won't get in the ball, let alone stay in it.
Tokai should be in the same egg group as me.
For obvious reasons.
Gardevoire isn't in this game.
do they have gardy in sun and moon?
I like this idea. also it makes sense.
The only Psychic/Fairy that I've seen is Tapu Twinmold.
It also puts a new twist on when you waste all your balls trying to catch that fucking pokemon.
wait so you can't get her through trading? egg group?
I have zero idea, if not this makes choosing harder
how do you get cum out of your hair
Gardevoire is not in Sun or Moon.
You can only get her from ORAS or X/Y, and I think you need to pokebank it, which means you'd have to wait until January or so.
Egg Groups are what determine breeding comparability.
I'd suggest making me Mimikyu and Tokai Castform, but I won't subject you to that.
as long as you never actually catch it, sure.
go with alola vulpix!
peanut butter
cut it off
asking for a friend btw
gaaaay also subject me to wat?
oooh one of my favorite once I catch one I will!
would someone get a new thread?
i cant even post right anymore. rum is a bad idea but i'll do it again tonight
you have sun, right? Mount Lanakila, Tapu Village
sure bardy.
Weather SOS chaining for a Castform.
goodnight bebop. sleep well.
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
Me irl