Capitalism is fucking toxic
>Human lives < Profits
had to get it off my chest
Capitalism is fucking toxic
>Human lives < Profits
had to get it off my chest
They needed help with organizing their President's Club meetings - the participants couldn't select the activity for an ATV tour through the Amazon jungle.
I hate my fucking job sometimes.
Big pharma is undeniably the sickest, most vomit-inducing part of Capitalist decadence. Tell me you wouldn't hang this guy every single day there is left of Universe.
yep OP capitalism is profit over people. Holla Forums shills to discourage will enter this thread in 3 2 1…
blame the game, not the player
martin is actually a pretty cool guy, despite being a bit alt-light
I like that time he got shit thrown in his face.
OH MY GOD you're such a leftyuck I mean do you know how many people get medaceenz because of Caplism? How many do you think would get them under Vladimir Stalin the president of Russia?
Like oh my fricking god I can't even believe what you're saying, like I would love to gas the jews but like on the other hands we need people to innovate you know?????
tfw you can't even tell if it's satire or not anymore
Isn't he a berniebro?
At least under this system the drug was created. A bureau of medicine wouldn't have done shit.
Cuba doesn't create any medicine
But R&D departments are bureaus of medecine.
Oops, forgot to take the shitposting flag off.
Almost all new medicine comes from corporations in the US. The R&D incentives (monopoly in the US market for a decade at extremely high prices) in the US literally subsidizes drug development for the entire world.
If the US were to change to a normal system like Canada has, new medicine would crawl to a stand-still.
Who does the investigation, retard? The scientists or the shareholders? And who decides what is investigated on? And who has which incentive?
You sound like you have no fucking idea of anything.
Scientists are hired to work on shit that will be profitable.
Okay, so you do agree on the following, right?
Big Pharma spends billions on advertising, political bribes and bribing media corporations, then it does into actual R&D.
More like the Scientist incentive is maintaining a comfortable existence via livable wage and reliance on the market.
Truly the best system that a man can imagine, peak human nature.
So, what does Holla Forums think of Scott Alexander? Because as far as he researched, no drug price regulation might obviously harm people in the short run, but ends up benefitting both generic brand users and brand name users in the long run.
No, the direction is decided by the shareholder/executives before scientists take a stab at it.
How does that contradict any of my four statements?
There should be one with a caption that says: "Surely our system has more positive adverse outcomes than negative! Surely!" With the snake having visible blood in its mouth.
Your statements imply that scientists decide what to study and that's not true.
My statements don't imply that, but w/e. Do you agree, given your "correction", that the points I made are true?
Not really because the context is radically different.
I don't even really understand the point you're trying to make either. That the incentives are different? I don't think two classes of people have the same incentives.
My point is that the profit motive does not create medicines, and Capitalism is in no way better for creating medicines, or any technology for that matter.
Are you trying to seem retarded or are you actually this fucking dense?
While we're at it, there's this well-known substance called (2R,6R)-HNK which might cure or highly relieve at least 75-80% of treatment-resistant depressives. It could be out there right now, saving lives every moment. But not one lab is interested in making it. Guess why.
Because it fundamentally tampers the system of production for production's sake, while also eliminating more socially necessary labor time of commodity production and service, due to it's permanent solutions, ergo, eliminating profit for the parasite class. This is the same with addressing climate change, and piracy mind you.
Also, what the fuck is this? I hope it's modern art.
… that's a remarkably erudite way to put it. Kudos.
A gizmo they use to get babbys to stay still for x-rays.
Its demand-directed medicine
Its not perfect, but that's how socialist healthcare systems get their new medicine.
A funny way to spell marketing-directed medicine.
People really underestimate the power of simplifying leftist theory. Brandon Mccoony is a real blessing, and a recommendation to every Norrie. Wolff helps too.
I was kinda worried since this is the internet and all, and it might something like a blender. Thanks user for relieving this fear.
Scientifically illiterate CEOs and shareholders don't produce the body of research necessary to produce new medicine and good scientists aren't motivated by some mythical "incentive" (mythical because scientists get paid dirt).
For example, big pharma spends massive amounts of money on antibiotics that are slight changes to existing antibiotics, ones which bacteria develop resistance to really quick. Meanwhile a scientist at my university discovered a way to find hundreds of new antibiotics that are radically different than the ones we have no because he wanted to solve an age old scientific mystery. Where exactly does market incentive play into innovation here?
Not him but you put it very well. Only recommendation I have is maybe find some normie replacements for the marxist jargon like "socially necessary labor time".
Blame both. If you play a shitty game, you deserve what comes to you as a result.
No sympathy, no clemency. All porkies deserve to die.
Do you brain dead lefties even know how the market works? It didn't provide the bang for the buck so they cut it and demanded more efficient drugs.
This is good for R&D.
What would you rather have: shit expensive drug now that may or may not save or invest the money that would otherwise be blown on the shit drug and develop good drug that's a fraction of the cost in 1-2 years of more development.
This is the reason why the Communist block fell. Why innovate if the current inefficient technology can be maintained with credit, provided by the nanny government? Who'll pay it back? Dunno, your kids probably.
Yeah, I bet it costs $14,000 to produce the drug.
Go directly to S-21, do not collect any food.
The market crumbles when resources, or commodities, are no longer scarce. This is what piracy does.
There is literally nobody on the planet right now not partaking in the shitty game, you fucking retard
The scientist at your university is that proverbial New Man, who would use his liberated time to the betterment of self and the world. Props to him.
From what I saw of his streams, he is capitalist and elitist as fuck.
Then kill people until the game can no longer function.
So long as Porky's dead, I'm happy. And possibly dead.
t. the SS at Nuremberg
Literally doesn't work that way.
muh edgy nihilism
Watch out for that edgy katana beside your desk.
No, your company goes down under and you don't want that.
There's a reason why newest Windows are called Botnet operation systems.
Worked in Kampuchea.
Rifle Butt or electric cables work better.
the players are the game. There is no game without shitty players