Does Holla Forums need to smoke a bowl and "grow up?"

Some might become more open, but I've known some pretty racists people I used to smoke weed with who were still pretty racists afterwards. Also, I'm saging because this seems like a bait thread.

Jesus they didn't age well, should go back to the Nazism


Sounds just like ex-idpolers on the left. I think Holla Forums mostly needs to get laid, just like the SJWs. They should fuck each other and realize the other side are human beings too and then shut up.

most racists i know are just racist, weed doesn't change that at all for them

How much of the radical right is male? 90%? It's a beta cuck movement through and through

Nothing I said is related to pedophillia

does Holla Forums need to smoke a cock and fuck off?

LSD turned me from a gay-hating conservative into a liberal, and leftypol gave me the final push into radicalism.

I think that I might've been originally left leaning, but my ultra conservative parents had repressed it after a whole life of conservative ranting on the dinner table, and LSD helped me let it go.

I think drugs can be helpful in this specific case, but if you're a Nazi originally I don't think it can help.

The only drug I need is Jesus.

Why, are you offering?

also sage, this is shit thread

sage isn't a downvote you signalling fuck

most SJWs are female though, user

So is this the proof that weed destroys your brain?

What the fuck is this post even supposed to mean

not really

most radicals for anything are male, for some reason.

Almost like men and woman are different in their obsessions.

I think the nazism is what did that

The weed just saved them from being shitty people forever

gee maybe women are more comformist and dont really do anything outside of the social aspect of the action

It turned them into Liberals, so no.

Have you not heard of American "libertarians"? They're racists who smoke weed.

Also, Holla Forums would need to have some kind of social interaction in the real world if they were going to connect with a weed dealer.

yeah totaly man, I used to hate gays, then i smoked some pot and now i smoke cocks LOL
I even voted for DRUMPF which i now totaly regret, i don't know how i will ever explain this to my hispanic boyfriend. Or bring up to my black lover, im not a slut just catching up LOL

What did he mean by this?

lmao i smoke weed and im not racist

what did he mean by this

I was as far left as socdems come growing up because I had an NPR mom. I took psychedelics late highschool and early college and have gone a long ways to the right socially.

Alienation makes you reactionary. "You may do anything you want. You may even kill yourself, if you like" is not a good organizing principle, and you cannot trust people to build inclusive communities in a vacuum. Sexual and social liberalism spits out friendless loners who are too ashamed of the way they're wasting their lives to talk about it with anybody.

As long as people want anything more than attention from social interaction there will be hierarchy within it, because not everybody is equally capable.

SSRIs will not save the world, or your children.

In the classic "your punching rights end where my nose begins" sense, not in the American politics way it's used here.

So you doin anything later or what?

Should've been killed tbh. Doubt they're completely reformed and will probably pollute leftism more so than it already is.

Became more right-wing after doing psilocybin mushrooms

legalize gay weed

it's sort of thing when you're under 16. and then it becomes a thing again after 40.

The greatest spook of all time.

Fascists are just angry liberals. They took some weed and they calmed down

Getting really high is actually a terrifying but also very profound experience.

I actually got shitfaced on weed one time, and just stood still while being bombarded by a million of thoughts, and I was doing this life review in my head. Most of the experience was both depressive but also liberating.

Weed gives this extreme sense of detachment from your own self, you see things more spherically and holistically. It is obvious to me why hippies and bohemian artists did weed, as you no longer dwell in the particular realm but see things as movemnts and flows.

A Nazi cannot do weed, because Nazis and people with a lot of anger in their heart always dwell on the pettiest particular things and miss the forest for the trees.

Oh great! They turned into liberals.

Who created Weed and Psychedelic Mushrooms then?
I can understand being against synthetic drugs, or drugs that have to be produced through a process (like alcohol for example), but what's wrong with picking something fresh off an all natural plant and then smoking it, or eating it?
In the Garden of Eden everything was up for grabs, except the forbidden *fruit*.
Not trying to start an argument, I just don't understand the logic.

Drug prohibition is one of those things that future generations will find nothing short of barbaric 1000 100 years from now.

Now I'm waiting until I can buy O-PCE for my sadbrains. I'll be sure to keep leftypol/ update, provided the alphabet soup doesn't poison the batch with carfentanyl.

Also little anecdote. In an old, old forum I posted, a known member of the college libertarian crew became a bleeding heart liberal (pre-socjus era) after taking antipsychotics.

I like a healthy degree of alienation from others tbh

Drug users are all getting gulag'd after the revolution

That's proof weed rots your brain.
FüNhrer fact: Hitler used to give a gold watch to any of his close friends who quit smoking.

so they could sell it and buy huge cigars

With a huge cigar you can make a huge blunt