We should radicalize the Drunken Peasants

Or at least let them know what the deal is with Capitalism. They have a P.O. Box we could send books too, books like the Ego and It's Own, or Guy Depord's Society Of The Spectacle.

The Drunken Peasants

227 Bellevue Way NE


Bellevue, WA 98004

Be sure to put the name on the package you send as "The Drunken Peasants". If you would like to send something to a certain peasant, include a note inside the package with what goes to who.

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TJ went off the deep end long ago



They are knee-deep in capitalism, half their show's running time is spent whoring out: their patreon, their paid subscription service, their t-shirts, whatever online service they're being paid to advertise this month. I listened to a show a few days ago and it was literally like that.

What I'm saying is they're greedy fucks. And you get the sense that they're all assholes in real life. You can just tell you know. Well they don't really try to hide it I guess.

Ben, the one who does the actual work of running the show, is a commie. TJ is a socdem who thinks socialism = government and so is Paul probably. Scotty strikes me as an "apolitical" type who sees the charade is dumb but doesn't realize there's a whole world outside US partisan shitflinging.

They are prime material for radicalization.

This basically. Although Ben WAS not IS a card carrying member of the American Commie part, which is dog shit. I wish I could get on there and blab about market socialism honestly.

We should try to get one of /ourguys/ on YouTube to be a guest. It has to be one of the anti-idpolers though otherwise that's the only thing that would get discussed.

Get Muke on MAYBE if he actually picks something and stays with it, otherwise just get someone who can slick entryst marksoc and be a fan that can shoot the shit. Until then send em some books. Boockchin for instance.

The trick with normies is focus on the bad of capitalism and avoid the question of violent revolution - they're still too spooked to realise that the violence caused in revolution is nothing compared to the violence of capitalism.

Ben = The State and Revolution
TJ = The Next Revolution
Scotty = The Ego and Its Own

I'd just tell em to star co-ops if they can. I would focus on the specific labor organization rather then 'muh evil' nonsense.

Scotty would make a great egoist tbh.

So, how would you go about getting on their show? I'd be down.

What's your YT? Generally you could start by either shitposting them on twitter, or make a video about them, like being class cucks, but also kinda 'kayfabe' as they would call it and send it to them on fedbook.

Also, the moist important thing is point out the nonsense of idpol to them and their audience at the vary least. This would BTFO idpolers quite entertainingly.

I'm muke. I guess I could try twitter.


While that is shitty, fucking Creationist Cat did a better takedown of Milo honestly, by digging up actual shit that he wrote.

Make a video really laying into Capitalism, arguing we need communism now or something that seems equally nutty to a normie and then post it on their Facebook page (where they have people send videos to react to) under a different name. Tell them it's for Troll or Not a Troll. Then tweet at them after you're on the show and ask to come on and explain your position. Then let us know so we can flood their chat with commie memes that episode and comment on the video how you got us really thinkin' 'bout dat economy.

They have a legitimate grievance with him. He reported on the story that came out of their interview and gave no credit. For somebody who wants to be part of the new media he's keeping in line with the dinosaur media never referencing the source of the Milo interview.

And Jimmy spitting on Alex Jones and then running away was a total bitch move regardless of whom he was targeting.


You mean something like this?

That's too reasonable and your face isn't in it (that's usually helpful because they'll want to ridicule someone's appearance). If it's gonna be you, it should be like an old video where you still had that facial hair. As far as content goes I was thinking something like this Sceneable video, which they've done before.


Lol you can get on the show if you pay them a bunch of money on Patreon. Otherwise you need to have a relatively popular channel already

They've had less popular people than muke. Also they respond to the community so if a bunch of us harangue them about getting someone on, they might.

I like JF's response to the video there on resource sharing eventually will fuck you up due to hoarding, and he's not wrong, but if something like replicators are made then it would eventually render this problem null and void, and the possibility of natural selection might take over.

Well I said relatively, 20k views per video is relatively popular to me

JF is a typical STEMlord except his apparent degree of ennui makes him tolerable for being so low energy.

yeah leave him alone, i'm pretty sure he made peace with the fact that his anti idpol videos have attracted so many aut-right that he just has to pander to them now. btw it's really a poor show, it's unfunny as shit and it's like they're stuck in 2006 edginess mode.

I'm sort of hoping they get him on and they make amends in a way, at least like they kinda did with Dusty.

We should try to get Zizek on their show. Some people were suggesting trying to get him on Joe Rogan but DP is much more plausible. He'd probably love it.

They god Gad Saad on there, so I don't think it's much of a stretch.

Paul on economics, from a recent AMA. I swear if he got his hands on the right book he'd turn red.

"the Ego and It's Own, or Guy Depord's Society Of The Spectacle"

The problem with that is that they could choose not to read them but it would be great if they really did.

TJ could learn a lot from Stirner since he already agrees with him in a lot of ways but not yet entirely. He could become a true atheist thanks to that book.

Ego and its own may be a good choice since Paul's handle is PaulsEgo.

Paul's Ego and it's own.

bump for justice