Why do liberals feel the need for liberating drugs? As a brazilian who lives in an área with trafic Liberation of drugs woudent Change anything. The goverment would put heavy taxes in drugs and this would alow cartels to have even more profit since they would sell drugs for cheap price, poor communities would be even more violent and marginalized since more drugs would be coming in. Só liberal would actualy be making the situation for poor people worse by legalizing drugs.
Issue of drug Liberation and effects on poor communities
All the violence would disappear as gangs exist primarily to enforce rules outside of the state. The state would take up the task of enforcement.
So if you get caught with some weed you won't get thrown in jail.
because throwing people in jail just breaks apart families and creates new drug dealers for the next generation.
Because adults should be able to do what they like with their own bodies.
Because everywhere that has tried liberalisation has seen massive positive benefits with absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule, Portugal being the main case study.
how about you actually look into it.
Portugal is first world country who hás small crime rates, im talking about country that probably will get more fucked by this them benefited like Brazil, México, US and others.
I never sayd i did politicians suport drug dealers to fund the drug war and militarize the police, But making it legal is just going to benefit the drug dealers even more.
Don't you see how what you're saying makes no logical sense
Im also not saying we should arest drug adicts since that Just make shit even worse, But what im saying is that Liberation is not going to resolve the problems its just going to create profit for drug dealers and the burgeoi.
It does make sense How do you think hoje chi min and Mao solved the problem with drugs like opium? They made went against drug dealers and the supliers wich where the imperialist Powers while also helping drug adicts.
When anybody goes to prison/jail there isn't any attempts for rehabilitation, and prison structure is not designed to hold reintroduction to society as its goals. At least if drugs were legalized, many people would be prevented from being ostracized in the community, and maybe they could better get the help they need
I can't imagine you realistically think situations for drugs and legalization are the same everywhere; drug issues encompass a vast amount of interrelating subjects, such as cartels, prison systems, economic incentive, rational choice, etc. No legalizing drugs is not solving a problem of drugs that has a bigger frame than the issue of legalizing. That requires large economic investment by governments to end drug problems, which frankly nobody seems to be concerned with. But legalization is a step in the right direction. See
…so just regular capitalism then? Still better than doing the same thing with 5x the number of people in jail
The problem of drug trafficking and gangs are entirely systemic to capitalism itself.
If the people control the means of drug production, then 90% of the issues would disappear.
Except all real world experience points to the exact opposite.
Can't remember the last time I even ever saw condtraband cigarettes. I probably never did.
btw the point is exactly that the market would be regulated. cartels have no interest in selling you good stuff, they know you'll buy just about anything.
Yeah, except none of the statistics show the war on drugs actually works.
tl;dr stop sucking porky dick.
When a market becomes regulated, the black market alternative almost always vanishes or at least loses a big amount of influence – it's just natural if you consider that the legal market provides safety and convenience at the cost of slightly increased prices (which is not even a given either). Drug cartels will either make the switch to become legal enterprises or they will be massively weakened with the potential to lose all of their influence.
ok, so liberalisation of drugs works against crime, but how do you fight drugs then?
Contraband cigarettes are kind of common in Europe, but they get legally manufactured and distributed in any case, the only crime is smuggling the contraband across borders because of price differences in taxation.
By changing the material conditions of the people – I'm a drug user myself and know all about it from personal experience, people take to drugs because they lack fulfillment in their personal life, run away from emotional scars or the direct emotional terror around them and sometimes they are just poorly educated/lack the necessary guidance about what they are planning to get into.
You need to present the people with efficient alternatives to their problems or ideally prevent those problems popping up in the first place.
also this
Just get rid of the government, that way communities can freely develop a drug economy
That's what Eric Gardner got killed for. Though that's a ludicrous NY tax code thing.
How is losing their raison d'etre and losing complete control of the clandestine market benefit them?
The trick is to make the legal cost lower or equal to the illegal cost.
they'd have to mass produce if you account for taxes
It would at least mean the state would lock up fewer poor people
As soon as you're imprisoned for a non violent offense like drug use you are marked by the system as a criminal and placed in day to day interaction with criminals.
This system basically manufactures recidivists.
Even if it's fucking terrible for them you liberal stooge?
Not him, but yeah, you fucking rube.
yes what the fuck is the matter with you
what the fuck i'm dumbfounded
you don't think people should even be allowed to make their own decisions and we live in this permanent preschool environment where you're watched constantly for incorrect behaviour?
Bolivia legalized weed relatively recently and I don't think they have any problems because of that.
They are even talking about selling soft drinks and stuff with coca extracts to Ecuador now.
It's true that drugs like opium are more dangerous and debilitating than weed, but despite the strict policies against drug use in the US, it doesn't prevent them from having a serious opiate addiction epidemic right now.
ironic coming from a nazi.
What does 'no' mean?
that you're wrong.
i changed the flag to spurdo so you can now address what i'm saying without being distracted
I disagree.
Obviously not, people have different circumstances, and some can't be held accountable for themselves.
in my lengthy experience nothing helps them
offer treatment don't forcibly do shit
and in the case of drugs i should be allowed to do all the drugs i fucking want. go away cunts
that's not a problem with them more than it is with a failing mental health care system, and a development of psychiatric medicine.
Why do you assume this to be a problem regarding physical force and non-force. Cases where the individual would be constrained against their will in order to treat them would be so far and few between. I don't see how letting them harm themselves is any better just because it's voluntary.
ah yes, not licking boots is a mental illness. Good worker!
well i was specifically talking about drug use and you've made it about anorexics
so then i say 'whatever if they accept treatment (their own decision) it's fine
and now we're arguing about whether they'd be forcibly stopped, which is the entire problem with my initial gripe about drugs where you'll be arrested and generally tormented for using anything (even tobacco)
so basically shut the fuck up i guess
Who said anything about being arrested and jailed, more than addicts being required to go through rehab.
make me :^)
yeah they shouldn't be required to do anything
So the option is to let them rot and kill themselves even though it goes directly against their interests? Great argument.
literally fucking yes
they're a sovereign person who makes their own fucking decisions and soccer mom tier faggots like you hound them at every opportunity
why don't you and every other preachy piece of shit just fuck off?
You know their best interests, user?
I literally just said that it is self-destructive, and that the mentally ill can't be held accountable for their actions. You're the one crying like a bitch because someone hurt your fee-fee's.
Does that not strike you as condescending?
No, because it is largely true. Schizophrenics without treatment are a legitimate threat to themselves and society, so too are the psychotic.
hey how does your incredibly pathetic scope of view deal with addiction to prescribed pharmaceutical drugs such as valium for depression? did you know the withdrawals from that are worse than even endgame alcoholism?
stay out of other people's lives cunt
wow, it's almost like I admitted that medicinal treatment, and mental health care are in poor shape right now largely thanks to capitalism.
I will once alienation stops being a thing.
i'm telling you those people don't want some milk sop bitching in their ear about what they should ideally be doingvand using government institutions to fuck with them
It's amazing that you think that's how mental health care works, or that is how mental asylum's will forever be run.
You admit that these people harm society and yet they cannot be allowed a right so basic that even a child can exercise it? A person can choose what they imbibe and no law can ever stop that.
Who said they're denied "rights?" Ideally with more funding in genetic editing, psychiatric care, and medicine, better treatments would come about. I find it hypocritical of you to talk about rights, and then say something like the statement below.
they can, but it doesn't mean they should.
I'm fairly certain you're already on drugs.
That was Uruguay, a country with 1st world living standards.
Bolivia is poor as fuck, they "legalised" coca but there it is a popular tradition by native americans and not really a drug.
You're missing the entirely crucial point that addiction is self-medication. You're saying that people they can't take the medication that makes them feel better about their shitty lives. Create a better alternative and they'll choose that. Considering how many people relapse after rehab shows of much of a fucking waste of time and money it is. Mix the conditions that turn people to drugs and you fix the drug "problem", which can more accurately be called an alienation and shitty world problem.
bump again
I've been through the mental healthcare institutions. That's basically what it was.
Thnx for the qt Aubrey pic Hammer&sickle
It lowers overdosing and harder drug use.
Yes, burgerfriend, Argentina, Uruguay and Chile have high HDIs.
yes. And you will never stop the flow and use of drugs. You can't stop drugs coming into a *prison*, how do you expect to do so for a fucking country?
Before opioid prohibition deaths from opioid use were quite rare. You ever heard a pothead drone on about "it's nearly impossible to overdose from smoking marijuana"? The same thing applies to smoking opium. It's nearly impossible to overdose on that. But prohibition has pushed us from opium smoking and oral laudanum to injectable heroin to fentanyl and now we're at carfentanil (which is so powerful it's literally been used as a *chemical weapon*).
The current USian "opioid crisis" is another manifestation of opioid prohibition pushing people from safer, cheaper, less disruptive and deadly drugs to more deadlier ones. Two decades ago some USian opioid users could go to pill mills and get prescriptions for pharmaceutical grade opioids but the DEA kicked down doctor's doors a bunch and that ended up pushing people to the illicit market. Maybe next time you see those scary increasing graphs of opioid deaths vs time, give that a thought? Sum up all those deaths (compared to the baseline, prior to the increased LEA focus on "pill mills) and ask yourself: are all those needless deaths worth it?
For a unit volume (so, for a unit risk of ending up in a concrete box as a consequence of shipping/making raw product) of uncut/active material, you want to be able to sell the most diluted/cut doses to end-users. Of course people will want their chemist to synthesise carfentanil (over regular fentanyl), because you can supply the the same number of end-user doses with 10,000 times less active material. The harder the enforcement, the more potent this selection pressure gets: en.wikipedia.org
That statistic is false, drugs aren't legalized in the netherlands.
also lmao between bitcoin and tor, drug trafficking is getting easier by the day. ever heard of silk road, you bloody tankies?
Completely removing the selection pressures (those created by fear of law-enforcement actions such as search and arrest) towards easier-to-conceal drugs will, by itself, allow for exactly the shift back towards safer drugs. Combining that with regulatory requirements for labelling, dose accuracy, and lack of impurities will allow people to safely use drugs in controlled accurate doses.
Can we have a tankie free discussion on this issue?
i concur
post more canadian shitskin sluts op
When you don't enforce a law, that's as good as legalizing it.
Nope. almost everywhere, drug "decriminalisation" just applies to just possession of personal use amounts.
if you're caught with anything more than that, caught with a fucking scale or baggies, you still get fucking arrested.