Amount of transgender kids doubles in Sweden

Number of children wanting to become opposite sex doubling each year in Sweden, say doctors

Last year, a Swedish gender investigation team saw some 197 children and young people keen to undergo analysis to determine their gender identity and become the opposite sex, Louise Frisen, child psychiatrist at the Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital in Stockholm, told Swedish daily Aftonbladet.

Wew lad, looks almost like Gender Dysphoria is environmental and the desire to change sex is entirely based on culture. Shit feels like a scam to cut off the genitals of some angsty teens.

Other urls found in this thread: of Care V7 - 2011 WPATH (2)(1).pdf

I want to be a little girl.

Gender is a spook.

1) No one gives a shit
2) >rt
3) It's due to lessened social stigma and increased awareness of gender dysphoria

Sex isn't.

who gives a fuck

wtf i love tankies now

I give a fuck because if there is a half-cooked decision to transform a child it will affect them later. I believe that decisions about your sexuality before one reaches puberty shouldn't be taken with more than a grain of salt. We are moving towards the acceptance of sex change as the standard procedure to treat symptoms of confusion about the gender (which can have many causes with kid) and away from therapy which might be more sustainable.

Russian propaganda in a nutshell, also

RT shills left-wing viewpoints as well, but first and foremost this is not an argument.

scandinavia is literally the one place on earth where this isn't extremely unusual

socdems: not even once

I think it is time to seriously ask if the recent media portrayal is in fact encouraging kids to do this. I question whether a kid can really know at the age of 6 what they want. Basically are some kids and their parents doing this cause its trendy?

Biology isn't. Go all in and cut of your balls and you've irreparably damaged your biological function.

Doctors are determining this, not kids. kys


kids are overly curious about literally anything that isn't portrayed as painful and evil. as far as bad parents go, fucking kids up for life is already the norm

who gives a shit, let them mutilate themselves if they are consenting adults

Had these in the last few thousand years too.
They were called eunuchs.
They were a slave class.

That's why they are being encouraged.

Sexless drones, mindless and built to serve the elite that made them.

It actually is

Have you even read Stirner? The wiener dangling between my legs isn't a fucking spook.

The value you attach to it is.

This part is important. Transition is just an unnecessary medical expenditure. You can be a woman even if you look like a man.

What is the process in Sweden? I mean is there a genetic marker for gender dysmorphia? I always assumed it was done by asking them questions.

I value my own bodily integrity. Cutting my limbs or genitals off in the name of an abstract, cultural concept like Gender is the very defintion of a spook.

May I bash your skull in? The value you attach to it is a spook.

Not necessarily, as costs for depression treatments are reduced.

I sometimes feel it's going a bit too far as well. Ultimately though, I don't really care.

t. trap


How? Depression rates aren't lower.

omg truscum kys

What's problem with that? I don't give a shit because I don't want to intervene in what order people's gender. Meh this doesn't really mean that there is more transgender but more people will to show that.

Gender is a complete fucking spook, why can't you just do girlyvshit like wearing skirts or putting make-up without sterilizing yourself and getting self-mutilating surgery? Someone must be profited off this.

well of course you don't have it

who gives a fuck reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Demonize masculinity long enough, and men will start seeing a sex change as the only escape from being demonized.

Why do you feel the need to irreversibly change your body over a spook and a mental illness? Should we give anorexics liposuction?

Why is Sweden such a punchline of a country nowadays?

caring this much about it is also spooky.

Do you think all these kids would have transitioned anyway or that they all genuinely need to? Personally I wouldn't ban people from doing it but in kids I think it is hard to tell if it is actually going to be good for them or not.

You've just been spooked. I recommend reading Stirner yourself

Fuck off with this. The discussion here is kids. Why the increase? Is it being pushed as a positive thing in Sweden? How many kids seeing this government sponsored push get the idea from there that they want to be a girl? These are legitimate questions and if you don't like it there's a place for you.

transgender people dont want anything actually harmful done to them, we just take the same estrogen cis women produce naturally with a testosterone blocker and maybe get some plastic surgery

more people are just realizing earlier because they know what it is
its like 1 in 300 people, being trans isn't really a rare thing

It's not even half percent of any given population the fuck are you talking about

If this leads to more cute traps then lets hope it trebles.

Half of you fuckers seem to think they let you have genital surgery immediately after declaring yourself trans. Like, you have to present yourself as another gender for years before they'll consider letting you do that, and this is after taking different hormones as well.

Besides, not all trans people even have genital dysphoria.

Injecting yourself with estrogen as a man will most likely make you infertile. SRS literslly means cutting off your dick and creating a gigantic fleshwound that needs to be stretched regularly so it won't close. Is that not dlef-mutilation?

Masculinity is the worst spook.

They are putting kids on hormone blockers to delay puberty, it's all sorts of fucked up the way this is now not medical but led by sociological bollocks and LGBTQ idpol.

Numbers seem to vary wildly.

I wonder in what way environment and culture shape this? I also suspect that for some people diagnosed or self-diagnosed the desire to change their appearance is linked to a deeper issue of self-esteem/self-image and the changing gender won't fix help with the root cause of the feelings.

Browse Holla Forums long enough, and people become this retarded.

it sounds like you just dislike the fact that it ain't your brand of idpol m80

Yes, I dislike the fact kids are being encouraged by their parents to butcher their bodies at 12 years old when the evidence suggests waiting reverses nearly all dysphoria cases in minors.

This is almost a fetish now among Liberals, and these parents are real pieces of shit.

dysphoria about having the wrong set of sexual characteristics and the wrong set of sex hormones inside you is not a spook, it's not a delusion, and it actually is a cause of mental unwellness which is remediated by changing those sexual characteristics.

"irreversibly changing" it is the actual way to fix it and works shockingly well. Trying to paper over it with SSRIs just leads to awfulness.

if giving them liposuction worked as well as giving trannies hormones, alas, it doesn't.

giving trans people hormones actually works lmao

How does this work out?


Are you saying undergoing puberty is a social construct?

This has absolutely no basis in reality. Trans people have hella issues and difficulty finding doctors who're OK prescribing hormones or doing surgery. I could count the surgeons who do SRS in the *entire United States* on my two hands (and they all have huge months-long waitlists). If there was profit to be made from trans healthcare there'd be people rushing to provide medical services to trans people because it is a hugely under-served market. If anything, that the medical industry doesn't generally give a fuck about trans people (nor wish to provide effective and timely medical access) means that there's a huge undersupply of doctors and they don't face enough competition.

Also the medical approach to trans people is literally the opposite of "too fast decision" – to the point that many trans people end up just getting grey-market hormones because doctors drag their feet (or there just aren't any doctors in their area who are fine with a new trans patient).

no, we're saying that undergoing endogenous puberty (like many endogenous biological processes) isn't to be treated as something universally good and natural and wanted in every single case.

Jeez, if you think every endogenous biological process is good and all exogenous medical interventions are bad, then become a bloody primmie and forswear consuming any biologically active molecule.

Some of us live in the 21st century and don't have weird spooky objections to using medicines to change our biological functioning in ways that suits our needs and significantly and permanently alleviates distress.

Are you saying it isn't?

Yeah, I'm super sure you're real broken up about it for the children's sake.

love too use numbers about prevalence of transness that are generated by awful doctors whom'st do their best to gatekeep trans people from medical access and thus have an incentive to misclassify people as "not really trans".

It's to be treated as a serious mental illness, not just another warm fuzzy hat for Liberals to jack off too.

i got my balls cut out and incinerated a few years ago and I wholly recommend it. It's great. It means if I ever get incarcerated or involuntarily committed and my jailers won't give me my prescribed oestrogen pills, my body won't produce endogenous testosterone.


It doesn't suit your needs. It just makes your life harder.


and my doctor gatekeeps me from benzodiazepine lol

I like how the article does not say if it is mostly MtF. I would be surprised if it isn't.

yeah, indeed, lots of doctors and academicians have examined gender dysphoria as a serious mental illness. Amusingly enough they tend to conclude that giving hormones and eventually surgery (if the patient desires it) is actually the best way to reduce distress.

Are liberal IDpolers making trans people a stupid political issue as part of some culture war nonsense? Yes. What does this say about the medical necessity of transition? Nothing. Liberals will co-opt everything and anything, if you think you can get truth value based on liberal rhetoric about minorities you're prolly dumber than a box of rocks.

You're retarded for wanting it.

in communism only transbians are allowed

So you think in reality the number is ow many? Where'd you get 1 in 300?

it actually suited my needs plenty bloody fine and made my life a hell of a lot easier and removed pretty much all the dysfunction and mental illness that i had pre-transition.

literally all I do now is take two oestrogen pills every day, if you think that counts as "hard" then you are a lazy git.

wow it's fucking nothing. Don't you have something better to discuss?


You still sound thoroughly dysfunctional and mentally ill to me

No, they don't, that's the point.

So you just flop out of the house, two pills makes you a woman? You don't spend hours on your appearence, anxieties about passing, spending a fortune on being a 'woman'

Can we just stop having this fucking topic literally every fucking day?

It has nothing to do with anything. Doesn't matter how you look at it, it doesn't constitute a reason to shit yourself and be an asshole towards people that have to deal with it. This has absolutely no significance to the world on any level but how you interact with people that have issues of whatever sort.
Even with socialized healthcare it's such a ridiculously low level matter to adress with "costs" or whatever else you might grab out of your ass.

And at the same time there's no fucking need to talking them into all sort of treatment to milk them of money as a supposed precondition for self acceptance. Yet how does it matter any more than any other money making scheme of the "health" industry?

I truly wish i could just say i do not give a fuck about this topic that will resolve itself in socialism with actual experts having a look into it and developing treatment without making it an idpol shitfest that's only for distraction within the bourgeoise spectrum of a smokescreen debate over how "liberal and open" or "bigoted and closeminded" someone is.

Give me a fucking break.

If estrogen pills is all it takes then I don't see what gender and trans identity have to do with it. Just call it a hormonal imbalance.

the WHO has considered classing it as such actually.

Let me clear this out one more time:

Anyone who believes they are any gender is mentally ill

They should. It would get rid of a lot of ideological inconsistencies.

Anyone who believey it matters whether there are genders and if they actually exist is idpol infested bourgeoise.

Whatever was left of my "fertility" got transformed into flue gas when my balls took a trip to the medical incinerator about 5 years ago. Still don't regret it.

If you think people don't have the ability to effectively make significant, irreversible, and high-stakes decisions like these (and thus have to be prevented from doing so for their own good by paternalistic doctors :^) then it might because you've lived a deeply sheltered life with not much at stake.

Also transitioning isn't really a one-step, irreversible process like launching an ICBM, if you start exogenous hormone therapy and find out you hate it, you can bloody stop taking the pills. It's not like setting into action an unstoppable series of events, it's not like the day you first take a puberty blocker or a hormone pill that you get scheduled for your surgery date.

Stupid notion, you believe it matters if you are posting in this thread

Are they actually giving them treatment at young ages? I think they can dress call themselves however they want but I draw the line at giving permanent biologically altering drugs to children so young.

The earliest I know of for HRT is at 16

No, i'm itt because i do exactly believe that it is not of relevance, see
This shit needs to be bumplocked on sight and saged to death.

The thing that matters to me is idpol cancer we must rid ourself of, in all its forms, this being just one manifestation.

They give medication that halts puberty from hitting in. No damages. Why do i know? Because this thread needs to fucking die, i want this place to be for shitposting and sending anarkiddies to gulag ffs.

actually sex is everything to them

i literally just need to take my pills otherwise I experience hot flashes and other menopause-y symptoms (osteoporosis isn't fun, either). I have no endogenous source of oestrogen (nor testosterone! hah!) so yeah it's sorta a medical need.

and, no, I don't spend hours on my appearance, i don't spend a bloody fortune on anything, I don't have anxieties about passing or whatever, I don't give a fuck about shaving my legs or anything.

I just put on my pants and T-shirt and flop out of the house and everyone somehow genders me right (even when i'm in my ugly-ass BDU shorts and an old baggy t-shirt with motor oil stains on it). it's not something that generates huge anxiety or anything.

They only get hormone blockers and crossdress as a kid, though. They don't actually start to transition until later, if at the appropriate age they decide they want to.

There's limited profit in transgender people, though how porky profits from gender segregation is obvious (more idpol to play off against one another, and the creation of new markets by selling products that advertise themselves as making you manlier/more feminine, such as certain de-oderants etc.)

kill all stirner posters

Then you don''t have dysphoria?

Yeah but you still believe it matters if you believe that it matters that people do not be speaking about it.

When I was a kid, they were times when I wondered what it's like to be a girl, when I sorta wished to be one, and felt closer to my girl peers than boys.
Now I'm a man who feel good in his body. I'm definitely not the most masculine guy out there, but I like my dick, my superior physical abilities compared to most women, and I don't really give a fuck about the rest.

Kids don't know what they want, and they certainly don't understand the consequences of taking hormones and undergoing sex change surgery.
While I'm all for trans acceptance and modifying your body if that's your thing, it should stay an adult thing, and kids should stick to cross-dressing.
I think it's just a dangerous fad propagated by medias, and parents just forget what it's like to be a kid. Meanwhile, porky doesn't give a fuck if an entire generation fuck up their life as long as it creates economic growth.

The amount of trans kids could be 10 doubled and it would still be the most insignificant issue ever. It's only social purpose is to serve as yet another object for the constant game of liberal and conservative "opposition"

Yes they do. The regularly cited Swedish study has no data on a suicide rate increase after transitioning, only that those who transition have had higher lifetime suicide attempts. (Unsurprising: They're the most serious cases of dysphoria, they're self-selecting. Every single attempt could be pre-transition and it'd still nudge up the numbers) since transgender status is very rarely recorded after death.

It does only matter insofar as it doesn't actually matter but is brought up constantly regardless. That's the point. It's not hard to grasp the difference unless you're just shitposting and "pretending to be retarded".

just be a dude jfc

So in what way then is declaring it a spook in any way different or bourgeois than your own activity?

I don't experience dysphoria anymore! I used to (and hence why I transitioned with hormones and surgery and stuff) but now I don't.

What makes you think that early gender-fuckery wouldn't actually beneficial to child development? It can't be worse than bad parenting in regards traditional gender norms, most normal "cis" people still grow up fucked.


Not sure if you're being dishonest or remembering something wrong but that same study showed a higher rate of successful suicides among trans post-transition too.

Not if you include things like fashion and cosmetics.

It's a market of less than 0.5% of the population user.

I'm gonna need a shitload of sauce on that, because latest science shows it actually increases the suicide rate to the point that John Hopkins (the hospital that largely pioneered the practice) won't even do it anymore.


All scarcely more harmful than smoking.
Of all arguments about this inane bullshit from people who feel entitled to hold opinions on topics completely irrelevant to them, the "it hurts you!" argument is the worst.

This is why people need to have pain exposed externally, so that they'll stop worrying about such minor things. I'm going to eat the fucking big mac and you're going to starve, now cunt off. Don't try to hide the facts by making pretexts this and that. You are strictly prohibited to contest me.

I tried that for some years and decided it wasn't for me and was actually causing me quite a bit of grief and damage. I sized up my options and the consequences and risks and made a decision (that I don't regret).

Why are you irate about someone else making a significant positive change in their life? Jealousy or something?

Being a guy sucks, I wish I could pass and get all the attention that girls get.

I don't know why any of you give this much of a shit about transsexuals more than the more material aspects of things.

Every day, it's more of like "X minority demgoraphic blah blah" instead of insisting on economic discussion on a board for the purpose of shitposting on casually said economic discussion

You realize what you're doing, don't you?

you're fucking rambling mate. I didn't say they aren't free to cut their tits off, but it puts aside their notion that what their do is perfectly harmless.

You don't get to decide that. Mother nature does.

who gives a fuck.

This is why people think you're mentally ill. Your assessment of your situation does not correspond to reality. Any sane person can see that being trans is pretty shitty all around.

Rome had the largest amount of gays and transgenders right before collapsing.

mother nature doesn't really gives a fuck along with me.

Gender is a social construct.
Gender is purely biological.


he's no less a dude i he wears a dress

Dudes don't wear dresses

that "swedish study" showed that post-transition trans people have a higher suicide rate *than the general population*:
It is not a "pre-transition vs post-transition" comparison, actually read even just the abstract or something

If you want pre-transition vs post-transition there is a whole list of references here:

or in the actual medical standards of care for trans people of Care V7 - 2011 WPATH (2)(1).pdf

look at Appendix D ("Evidence for Clinical Outcomes
of Therapeutic Approaches")

here's some more:

If you don't follow all the above rules, you shall get many lashes of electric wire. While getting lashes or electrification you must not cry at all.

And they legalized lesbianism and homosexuality during the French Revolution, what is your point

Great nonsequitors

>>>Holla Forums

Because, when you are a kid, you don't have the concepts of sexual relationships and infertility for example. Kids also don't have a fully developed sense of gender roles, and don't realize the disadvantages you could have while being someone of the opposite gender (or at least, way less than adults do, who can read feminist literature and form their own opinions by themselves on the subject).
If you are only half-serious about wanting to be a girl, but have been kinda pressured by society to change your sex and realize too late that "oh shit, I just liked to wear my sister's dresses when I was alone, I didn't wanted to be sexually harassed by boys", you are fucked.
Like I said, I'm all for fucking with your gender when you are an adult if that's your thing, or even as a kid as long as it doesn't involve surgery and hormonal treatment, but this trend is dangerous for the well-being of this generation of children and the proponents of it obviously haven't thought of all the possible outcomes deeply enough.

The fact that Hitler was a horrible politician doesn't make Trump a good one.

Mother nature saw it fit to include oestrogen receptors in all my cells, clearly mother nature saw the need for post-manufacture reconfiguration and helpfully left in all the parts needed to do so :)

actual transgender fag here, do you actually want to talk with me about this, or just how on a conspiracy theory rant?

So which is it?

Don't listen to reformed Holla Forumsyps here, you're doing just fine. Keep doing you.

Statistically speaking one of them might be transgender and not even fucking know yet

how do you do fellow tranny

probably are, in my experience, most TERFs for example are closeted transmen, some even revel in it

eh, I've been better

it's shitty but not nearly as shitty as being pre-transition (or worse, in denial about one's transness).

nobody thinks being trans rocks and is a fucking awesome thing, you'd have to be fucking delusional to do so.

I always forget how much of the trans community hate ftm

trips confirm, you're a girl, go transition or something, it's worth it :3

I am a leftist, but I believe trannys are a disease. It's nothing like race or ethnicity; gender dysphoria is a mental disease.

what? no, I like FTM, even dated one for a while

cute fem-transmen are one adorable mind fuck

also Johns Hopkins fucked it up a lot and this was wayyy prior to even the first (and very shitty) Standards of Care documents.

I don't doubt that the very initial gender dysphoria treatments actually left some people more fucked up than before, the doctors running it had no fucking clue what the fuck to do. this was decades ago and doctors have unfucked themselves a bit and as time goes on cohort studies show that the later cohorts of trans people are much less fucked up from transition.

being in favour of access to medical intervention for trans people is not at all an uncritical endorsement of all the awful things that doctor and the medical establishment have done

gender a spook

this tbh

That's a stereotype. Read about some actual trans accounts of their lives before transition and if you're trans, don't assume everyone is the same as you.

Some people do

fucking Holla Forumsyps get off my board REEEEEEEEEE

transtrenders don't count

Race is a skin disease tbh

dubs have spoken

You will never, never get them to reconcile the theory of gender being socially constructed with transgenderism being a biological necessity.

Most actual trannies don't actually believe in this. It's mostly socjus types.

trans people are like 1-3% of the pop why give a shit gender is a spook anyways

That's just an argument against gender norms, not against transing kids. Raising a boy as a girl isn't any worse than raising a boy as a boy, it's actually better.

my ex was a tumblrina stereotype, and even they thought gender wasn't a social construct

Nobody cares about your special-snowflake definition of transgender

most actual trannies dont care.Explain how it isnt a social construct

Mate some doctor literally tried this and it was fucking disastrous

are you masochistic?

you mean scientifically accurate definition

there's neurological evidence from autopsies, look it up.

That's just one sensationalized data point

But it's not scientifically accurate

men and women are different, transgender people are one's born with a birth defect where we have multiple mental traits of the opposite sex's brain, including their body map, causing discomfort in our life

are you masochistic?

I'm just lonely yo, and they came onto me.

i'm sure the non-consensual genital mutilation on a baby had nothing to do with it

yeah and theres a height difference between males and females.Thats biological sex,not gender.Is there a part in your brain that makes you prefer blue to pink if youre male

look up autopsies of transsexual brains.

inb4 berries

You'll notice this person does not advocate raising girls as boys. There is a very anti-masculine sentiment is contemporary social justice and it manifests itself here. It's why the conversation is always about mtf trans.

i dont get it

Are you trying to say you doubt the concept of innate gender differences? Have you like ever, looked at animals? Animals are sexually dysmorphic and have different behaviors depending on their sex. Humans are animals.

the "berries" thing is some utter pseudoscience about "why women like pink", namely, that women, being gatherers, need to be adapted to finding berries.

Of course the blue-pink/male-female thing is literally just a hundred or so years old, it's literally arbitrary and it's changed over the years so it's utter bullshit lmao

inb4 calls us truscum

this would be so awesome. I want to be a girl, but I like girls, and therefore cant be a girl myself in my current society

im trying to say sex and gender are 2 different things.

oh lol

I can't even really be truscum because I love mah enbies. They are like partially transgender, the bisexuals of the trans community.

There isn't any significance to raising a girl as a boy because girls can already be as masculine or feminine as they want. She'd just be a tomboyish girl.

get on tittyskittles, find qt trans girlfriend, problem solved.

society at large doesn't give a shit about masculine girls, hence why they don't talk about them

I swear half of you here are trans but pre-transition or something, y'all need to get on the estrogen and shit, it ain't all tittyskittles and rainbows but it sure beats being a boy.

Where do you get that idea? Masculine women are literally the most lionized group in contemporary western societies.

Then explain why it's "better" to raise a boy as a girl, but not better to raise a girl as a boy?

I was being sarcastic.

I'm 30, 6'2" black and never would have passed even if I transitioned when I was 18, because I'm also ugly.

It's not "better" just more transgressive and hence more necessary. I'm not advocating against raising girls as boys, I'm actually very in favor of it but I already see it as a norm.

Stop. This is stupid shit. I'm over tumblresque "if you are depressed, get on HRT now!" Horseshit. There is nothing wrong with being a man, and if you feel wrong it's not necessarily because you are a man.

honestly I love the stereotype that trans women are feminine, it means I can dress up like a fucking butch and not give a crap about how I look and just wear BDU pants and a t-shirt and pretty much nobody reads me as trans.

People can process "trans woman" and people can process "butch dyke" but put the two together and they go

who gives a fuck about passing?

Yeah that's me. I'm a trans butch dyke. I act like a man and fuck vulnerable young women. How fucking brave am I.

lol same here, are you me?


yes, they're mostly accepted hence no-one cares enough to discuss them.
unlike feminine boys where everyone and their nan has something to say about it.
how does it contradict what i said?

You two are fucking gross. All I can say is I'm glad I don't know what you look like.

yeah it's the same for me except i don't act or look like a man and I'm into older men, not women (and especially not people younger than me)

Bizarre. You can raise boys who are boys as girls, just to make a political statement? Or is there not such thing as "true" gender.

You don't have any evidence to back this up, do you ?
What do you even mean by "raising a boy as a girl" anyway ? Telling a boy repeatedly during childhood that he isn't a boy would seriously mess with him, and is straight abuse. It should be his choice to become a trans or not.
I never said that all boys should only play with G.I. Joes and learn to become good soldiers btw.

tfw even in communism you'll still be a hon

can should just all plan something out some time, to have a big trans orgy or something lol

the thing about "fuck vulnerable young women" as an accusation to trans women is horribly funny given how many trans women are into like, daddy kink or mommy kink (aka, into older and dominant partners (of their preferred genders)). If you wanna make fun of trannies at least get the stereotypes right, sheesh

hi im also a trann

Yes, you can raise anyone however you want for whatever reason you want

There is, but it changes over time



How is it abuse? And why is telling a boy he is a boy not also abuse then?

So it's fine to raise "transgirls" as boys and punish them for acting girlish etc.

Now we're back to the "gender is a social construct" arc of this circular discussion.


Sure, whatever. I don't see how raising a child as one gender is inherently better than any other or why the idea that parents have a lot of control in this regard is somehow questionable?

Is not the whole of the law, "do as thou wilt?"

i mean that's what people already do for the most part

I don't even take anyone who uses the term "social construct" seriously. It's a red flag that someone is a clueless redditor to me. If you think that's what I'm saying then you're putting words in my mouth.

The only actual hivemind enforcement on the chans is disgust.

sometimes i wish i was a dane or even a savage finn instead of living in this faggot country, it's hell.

Also, this thread is unironic idpol.

i swear i will make Pol Pot look like Gandhi, thats what Sweden needs

not wanting mental illness being encouraged among children isn't idpol

i dont fit in anywhere

Because, in this scenario, you wouldn't only grow up with your delusional parents, but the rest of society. And when your peers would tell you "no, you are a boy, you have a penis", you would just be extremely confused, at a critical age when your mind and gender identity is developing.
I don't understand what is so hard to get about this. It's very basic developmental psychology.
The solution isn't to enforce your delusions on a child. We should just show more acceptance if some children ON THEIR OWN behave more like the opposite sex than others because they prefer to do that.

Also you still provided absolutely no evidence or even hypothetical detailed scenarios where raising a boy as a girl or vice versa would be beneficial.

Because I don't care about individual scenarios, hypothetical or otherwise. One person's life means fuck all, but I will say that being atypical builds character and could make a strong individual stronger if they make it to maturity. Obviously the opposite can happen and a weak person will become fucked up. Either way it doesn't really matter. People's lives are full of shit outside of their individual control that leads them to becoming fucked up even when they are not aware of it. The average person is like a scared little ant ruining around. It's telling that you're so caught up with this particular issue rather than being indifferent and focusing on the larger trend.

This is the dumbest aspect of trans-politics

TERFs are like identity politics turned up so hard, that they start having friendly fire

idpol is inherently divisive and will create friendly fire with or without TERFs

Then maybe masculinity shouldnt be tied to rubbish spooks like the nation and subservience to a boss.
Its no wonder people have no attachment to masculinity as an idea, when it this much acts against their ego. It is a fucking spook.

I'm not sure there is anything more idpol than trans tbh. You don't even have to have gender dysphoria these days and not accepting their identity is apparently violence

Riley Dennis is not a woman and if that make me a TERF then w/e

I don't care about transgenders, it's such a minor issue. It's the non-transgender people who feel the need to comment and argue indefinitely that makes me long to have people dig their own graves under starvation conditions. (Hey, if you die digging you don't have to be buried alive!), it's the purest sign that people have far too much time on their hands to play intellectual when they should be dying.

That's like saying "Why should we care about capitalism ? People are going to be messed up with or without it anyway, and it builds character".
I agree that facing some adversity when you grow up make you stronger, but too much of it and you just snap. I don't think most serial killers were inherently evil from birth, but they grew up in an atmosphere of constant physical and sexual abuse and they became fucked up because of it. Same things with a lot of people who have severe anxiety disorders and shit like that.
It just sound like you are justifying your laziness or inability to think about the issue a bit deeply and come up with actual arguments tbqh. If you can't focus on a particular issue for a couple of hours, you won't be able to understand why society at large is such a fucking mess right now, drive people crazy, and come up with solid realistic ideas to try to fix it.

wait, another titoist tranny ?
are you my twin

its about to get ultra-gay up in this shit

there are always some trannies lurking in everything comrade

feels bad man

You're in the wrong place

We should care about capitalism, but not because it makes your or anyone else's life shitty and you want to put a bandaid on it. That's called identity politics. You can't have a revolution if you're too attached to some conception of normalcy or satisfaction. Revolution means everything has to be ready for sacrifice. I'm not justifying anything other than total lack of compromise.

trannys are just the tip off the iceberg in this liberal shithole

how do we make leftypol gayer?

make the catgirls tgirls?

nazbol gang doesn't approve of your existence

niggas i just need y'all to be in my communist trap house on discord
but i don't think putting out the link here would be good, any idea on how do i give y'all a link ?

Where did I said that in my previous posts ? And I don't really give a fuck about trans black Muslim hispanic-fluid Jew women, I was just concerned about child raising. The workers owning the means of production won't magically fix parenting issues and shit like that.

As far as I'm concerned, I would love to witness a successful revolution, but to be very honest, I don't see it happening any time soon. So I would gladly take potential porky concessions, like the 40 hour workweek we had in the past because my time on Earth is limited, and I want my life and the life of others to be better right now.
But I'm too pissed off by the way capitalism have destroyed cities by transforming them into open-air malls to be just satisfied with that.

uh yeah they are check out the articles cited in

oh mannnnn just looking at that reminded me of the nasty hellish bitter minty taste of uncoated inhousepharmacy-sourced spiro. Oh *man* i'm glad I got my orchi.

i wouldn't mind joining but i have no idea how you would do it

tfw cyproterone eurofag

tfw burgerfag whom'st lacked cyproterone

it's not, the whole point of transition is to change your sexual characteristics so you don't "look like a man" (or "look like a woman" if you're a trans guy).

email me here: [email protected]/* */

its actually [email protected]/* */, sorry bout that

Oh yea, didn't even think of using a dummy email.
Drop it here if you'll still have me as well
[email protected]/* */

I'm not Holla Forums or nazbol, but since there seems to be a thread about it, I wanted to ask:

Why isn't tansgender a mental illness? This isn't bait, when I say illness, I'm thinking of the purely technical sense of the word (like depression), meaning that they should be helped and sheltered, not laughed at and discriminated.

I'm just confused about all this stuff, I'm not hating. If someone were to explain it to me, I'd probably understand, but from my point of view, it's all very weird. The necessity to identify with something one is by mere chance not, and then progressing to do all one can to be the opposite gender, seems obsessive to me. I mean, I don't fetishise masculinity, and sometimes even make fun of it, but I don't get why people then want to show everyone else that they are not male or not female (and I get that my personal case isn't a good example). Furthermore, I also read that there are many transgender people with other mental problems, and I just have to ask myself, if the causal chain isn't actually the other way around (transgender as defense mechanism).

Isn't the problem that some people just identify too heavily with genders? Shouldn't this be addressed? I still believe that it's harmful to but such emphasis on identity.

Again, I don't want to be hurtful, I'm just asking questions.

BTW. does anyone have any stats on the proportion of "male -> female" vs "female -> male" transition numbers? Just asking out of curiosity.

I see it as a mental illness myself, and the treatment for it is HRT, like you mentioned with anti-depressants for depression.

Transgender people don't exist because of societies sexism, *we exist in-spite of it*.

Google sissy hypno reddit. Some of those people actually transitioned. They probably did not all feel like they were a girl in a boy's body in prepubescence.

Clearly, the narrative that trans people all have body dysmorphic disorder and have "female brains" which don't match their bodies is not comprehensively true. There may be a fair number of people like that, but a lot of people transition for social reasons (feeling incapable of becoming a man on the basis of being underconfident, unambitious, or socially retarded, and wanting the free attention and affection that comes with a female body) or they're submissive fetishists who like being sissified or degraded (boipucci~ types). Blanchard was probably not completely wrong.

The MTF population will likely continue to boom. Real science didn't make it through the buzzfeed filter with homosexuality (findings show that it certainly isn't genetic and probably isn't congenital), and they won't filter through for trans people either. Lobbyist groups are making sure of it.

having talked to those people myself, I can assure you that most who transition have gender dysophoria

people without GD usually get screened out in the process to get HRT anyway

I actually don't think anti-depressants should be used for depression, but one should rather find out what ones problems are in the first place, imo.

And how will just "falling" for ones problems help it? You wouldn't let someone with depression, just act on his primitive desired and commit suicide, as a solution to the problem. Why do so many still have problems, despite the fact that they obliged to their ostensible wishes.

I've talked to people (both trans and chasers) who tried to convince guys from /r9k/ to transition because it got them off.

Sexual fetishes can screw absolutely with body image.

*and treat those to fight the cause

trying to cure people of their GC has been shown to not work, like, at all

GC? (HRT and GD too) Please don't further obfuscate your theory. The average person is already confused enough about your ideas, this doesn't help. This isn't some expert conference on the topic.

While I don't disagree with this in principle, I do have to note that antidepressants are often given to people in addition to therapy. They're more like something to take the edge off and keep you from killing yourself than they are treatment in and of themselves, though unfortunately they are often the only real treatment that is given to people dealing with depression because pills are cheaper and easier to get than therapists.

Seriously though, I was on sertraline for almost two years (right around the time that I transitioned, actually). It was one of the hardest drugs to go off - unlike anything else I'd experienced up to that point. I basically had staccato'd vertigo with basically every step I took for about two weeks. Felt good to not feel as fuzzy mentally though.

All in all though, if someone is seriously (long term) depressed and seeking help for it, antidepressants are quite likely to be helpful, at least in the short term. At least that was my experience.

it was a typo, sorry

Well that's kind of the problem in the analogy. It's nonsense to medically change ones gender, while having therapy "against" it.

Still don't know what GD means…

The therapy isn't necessarily against transitioning. That might be the part that is causing the confusion.
-And not to answer for Pebbles, but GD in this context refers to Gender Dysphoria.

Let me try to find a copy of the DSM-V for us…

one's experienced or expressed gender and one's assigned gender. Although not all individuals
will experience distress as a result of such incongruence, many are distressed if the
desired physical interventions by means of hormones and/or surgery are not available.
The current term is more descriptive than the previous DSM-IV term gender identity disorder
and focuses on dysphoria as the clinical problem, not identity per se.

Gender stuff starts at around page 451 if you're curious.

Generally you have to go through several rounds of therapy with a psychiatrist to receive the diagnosis - but the reason (at least as far as I can tell) that treatment is usually in the form of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is because that tends to have the best outcome for a patient that has been dealing with gender dysphoria in a way that effects their day-to-day well being. People who are kept from being able to transition who have severe enough dysphoria tend to be much more likely to commit suicide, so even long-term therapy that could possibly reverse the symptoms or intrusive thoughts of GD are often impossible and a significant risk to take on. Basically it's just easier for everyone involved to let people be whatever weird thing they want, because that's generally preferable to them being dead, at least from a clinical perspective.

GC is a typo for GD, or gender dysphoria

So what is the psychological therapy used for then? If HRT biologically cures GD, there seems to be no point in it.

I still don't get why one would want to to go through the problems of transition. Are the causes so hard to treat? What are these anyway? Are they biological or social?

I am of two minds on this matter, because in some cases therapists and physicians are unnecessary gatekeepers for the drugs required for hormone replacement therapy. In my case, I had already done a ton of reading about trans stuff over the years, had met and talked to other people that had transitioned about their experiences, and had been living as a woman for almost a year before I even saw a therapist about getting hormones. For me the psychological therapy aspect was certainly cathartic but it was also kind of unnecessary. To some degree it felt more like Prove You're Trans than tell me how you're feeling, but that could just be my interpretation. I know another trans girl who had a similar experience - in some cases people just know what they are- and in those cases the medical professionals can kinda' get in the way. I think I had four psychiatric sessions before I got a letter of referral to an endocrinologist who would prescribe hormones and androgen blockers. It took months, I had to pay for the visits out of pocket, I had to take time off from work, it's somewhat demeaning to be treated like a child about what you put in your own body (I was 23 at the time), but that's the system we have in the US.

However, that isn't to say that even most trans people share that experience. I suspect that in many cases people are seeing therapists for issues that seem unrelated like depression, outbursts, whatever they're doing to bury the feeling, and end up at a therapist where they might be diagnosed with GD.

I also wouldn't go as far as to say HRT cures GD. It helps alleviate it, but the end-game treatment for anything like this is to have a community or safety net of people you feel safe and comfortable around and having a general sense of wellness about yourself. HRT in itself doesn't do that (it just makes you soft and gives you a bit of extra tit, to be quite honest) but the 'cure' to transness is, from my perspective, to just have people accept you for you. When you don't have to pretend to be someone or something that doesn't fit your mental picture of yourself you tend to have a lot less mental disharmony, I guess. And that's the goal. Whether you get there through therapy, drugs, one or the other, both or neither, it's happiness in ones self that is the goal of good mental healthcare treatment.

White geno.cide is real

[email protected]/* */
let me in too pls

This thread has nothing to do with economics or political theory. It should be deleted.


we got lobbyist groups? that'd be huge news to me.

where can i get in touch with these "lobbyist groups" and like, get some policy changes done and shit?