It's Friday Holla Forums
What are you guys doing tonight?
It's Friday Holla Forums
What are you guys doing tonight?
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Argue with my mother because she's a racist NeoLib and then get wasted on cheap alcohol and pass out in a shed
The usual.
Play dotka, drink vodka
It's Friday after all.
procrastinate and contemplate suicide
Rack up some nice lines of amphetamine, study hard and then end the night with some GHB
Not an argument.
Listening to how scientists came to understand the DNA molecule from speculation and the falsification of theories.
Read this book to find out what sort of USSR Lenin envisioned as compared to the one we got.
user no :c
going to ride in a bus for six hours and then watch a mate of mine fucking blow it in a quiz show on national television. bretty good.
Take pills and work in the library, helps against procrastination.
And allahu ackbar on wall street if you gonna kill yourself.
Watch anime, perhaps with others, grind through an essay, and curse the normies as my campus descends into a Saint Paddy's Day alcohol-fuelled Hell
Continue studyinf Science of Logic and try to get into formal logic with some shitty textbooks
Same comrade.
Lan party
Hang arround some hipster Post Rock location, get drunk on cheap Gin Tonic there and contemplate about existentialism while listening to Godspeed You, Black Emperor.
wow same
Keep on watching kapitalism101's "law of Value" videos.
Maybe have a pint with friends.
And of course, masturbate.
Fucking around in hammer editor, and smoking weed, and listening to folk. Maybe gonna make a burger for lunch, maybe gonna actually play some counter strike.
I've gotta plan for my tabletop game tomorrow, I sure hope I don't fuck shit up.
Drink and attempt to dual boot Arch Linux on my PC. Maybe a quick international revolution if the mood strikes me though.
Try to become less of a brainlet
I'll go for a walk in the evening if it doesn't rain, after getting back home I'll listen to some nice music and draw a bit, or watch a film, and then I'll read a bit and go to sleep.
Lift weights, work, go home and shower, then decide between meeting a girl or playing Pillars of Eternity before drinling myself into a stupor.
Meant to be going to the IMT's national conferance but I have homework to do so I might try and go tomorrow instead.
Super excited stuff either way.
I have a bunch of theory to read for school, after than probably a bit of vidya and later tonight some light drinking.
Wondering how I can get my parents to understand their manchild is an autistic retard and that they're gonna have to temper their expectations for me.
(I can't do it, to pierce the cognitive dissonance is impossible, doubly so to normalfags.)
And then later I'll go to the store and buy juice.
fnish my business plan for my coop
I don't have much at all to do, so I am likely just going to go for a walk, and read the Complete Works of Rose Luxemburg for most of the day.
Why Arch Linux ?
Work my shitty part-time job and afterwards hopefully get drunk and/or stoned.
Hang in there
Finishing my thesis. Once that is done, I will drink until I'm blind.
Do chemistry homework, read my current history on the American Civil War, watch The Sopranos
needs to be a nazbol edit of this image but in even worse quality
It's St Patrick's Day, gotta get wasted
Nigga we gon' read sum mutha fukken books!
awwww yee
You hide you tankie level well
Hanging with the chapo boys
Hopefully get drunk with my party-comrades, otherwise get drunk in my room and jerk off.
They're extremely autistic, I wouldn't recommend it
That's what drinking is for. I can't imagine drinking or St Paddy's to engage in a strong intellectual tradition or whatever you're imagining
Getting drunk and ironically going to a shitty edm show after spending my whole day "sick" so I can bully people from my school.
Even when everyone's drunk, Felix is still pompous, Will is still a frightened twitchy weirdo who seems scared of me for some reason, virgil is a sarcastic bitchy tween, and matt… Matt is cool. I like that guy.
That sounds hilarious tbh. I think I just have a higher than average tolerance for douchebaggery
tell them to stop stealing jokes and memes from frog twitter and old twitter
getting mad at third worldists
Don't do it comrades, idk how old you guys are but I think there is a time in everyone's youth when things seem pretty shitty and hopeless. Things may get better might just wait and see. Wait till you are at least 50 to kill yourself.
Ok these people have to be plants or trolls
Work for maybe a total of 10 minutes on an important essay before getting crossfaded and going to a party or something.
I have to work tonight. Then I'll go home and smoke weed and play video games until i go to bed to wake up and go to work again the next day.
Revolutionary mass suicide would be a tempting idea if porky still needed us, but the forces required to bring it about (mass murder is no substitute: it has to be voluntary, a clear statement that the masses would rather die than continue to be exploited.) are so great that you might as well just use the wish from the genie's lamp to get a proletarian revolution instead.
I kind of want to articulate this more (in particular the relation to the principle of "work or die" and the idea you should always pick the "worse" option when someone tries to door-in-the-face technique you.) but perhaps it's irresponsible to pile ideological justification on around those who're genuinely suicidal in the here-and-now, since for me it's a distant concern of when NEEThood ends. jesus christ what if i'm too chicken to actually do it and i have to work under capitalism
Watching a Jonathan Meades documentary
anyone wanna play tf2 with me?
Tankie Twitter gives me aids
drinking and jacking off gabe newel's stumpdick
steam has refunds now tho
it's why EA only publishes their games on origin now
Origin had refunds before steam
yeah because EU law forced them to
Im going to finish my 8 hour shift today and then when I get home at 8 I am going to make some delicious burgers and then I am going to go back to get up to go to work at 5 and then I am going to work a 13 hour shift.
Then I get another 8 hour shift.
And I still barely make enough money to pay rent. I have been working at u-haul for 7 months and haven't been able to save a single dime since I started working here.
Of course the soc-dem is a fat loser with no job living with his parents.
im going to go drink with my friends
Who /anti-social socialist/ here?
Oh god. I'm so lonely.
Programming a little and going to sleep early because I have more minimum wage slavery to do tomorrow.
It's a flag of convenience. I'm too depressed to believe in either reform or revolution. Because my last stage politically was desperately looking for reform, the ideas floating in my head are social democratic, even if I've concluded that modern democracy will never see them implemented. My main sympathy is with the wider left, but on the whole I don't believe things will ever get better. In many ways I believe one should fight anyway, even in the face of certain defeat, just to have died fighting.
I just want to check out of politics completely. This is all a derivative of the idea that I'm a smart-ish person who should dedicate his time to serious things, when in reality I should never have delved into this rabbit hole. I should have thrown all my effort at cataloguing the color palette of Bubsy 3D or something, it'd do more to contribute to humanity and my own mental health than this nightmare.
But there's no closing Pandora's box, is there? I'm stuck in the hole I dug for myself with the encouragement of others. Still, it's better to die jumping up and down on the lid of the box in the face of certain defeat…
Drinking on my own because I just tried to use the treadmill to have a little run and tire myself out to stick to my sleep pattern (which took months to get where it is) and the rain has leaked into it and I have shorted the motor by turning it on.
gg me no re
I have no money to go anywhere, so I don't think I'll be going anywhere.
All that stands between you and happiness is effort.
Good luck comrade.
I'm slowly making the effort, but the results will never be completely pretty.
I need to square the circle of knowing too much about politics while wanting to toss it to one side and throw my energies at something else with more optimistic outlets. (Trying to salvage politics through faith has an air of self-delusion about it, even explicit self-delusion is preferable.)
I want to fuck but I'm alone today
I think I'll do the housework and play Smite
Maybe read a bit
jerk off
all before 1 am so that i can wake up early tomorrow to study
feels good to be in one of the best universities in Europe hehehe please kill me
drinking with comr8s
4.5 years of feeling this way with no lulls implies it's not just a cycle it's chronic. And my negative thought paths are so deeply engrained now I'm pretty fucked. I want to stick around to die in the revolution but it's so far off.
I have the exact same fear.
I'm ill and in bed and didn't even feel well enough to have a drink myself on St Paddys
Me. Everyone here seems like a normie, a student, or are really young
Smoke weed and maybe finish NitW.
just drink when you get better, honestly unless you planned to go with friends then it's better than going when a lot of potential drunk drivers are out there or when the bars are crowded
Plenty of those people haven't had sex before.
Not usual for me, but today im crying and watching anime.
This is true but not in the way I think you're implying. Happiness is a state of mind, not something that magically comes to you through certain achievements.
Wow thanks Oprah
The desire for hapiness is something that was made up to promote selfishness and money.
So many people who are perfectly fine suddenly ask themselves am I happy?
There ego starts growing and their desire to have fucking ukuleles playing in their head at all times increases, ultimately causing them to feel incomplete. So they start doing stupid shit like Yoga and travel the world to find themselves not realizing they are in the process of losing themselves.
Then they try to buy enlightenment for 10 dollars and so the market profits.
Also it helps the idea that making money to do all the things they need to do to become happy.
Listening to Closer and contemplating suicide tbh
What genre? Got some tracks?
p-post punk, how have you never heard of joy division?
M8 I was getting shitfaced in a flat listening to them over a decade ago as a teenager. I thought Closer might have been a band I never heard of before.
Life is shit and you hear everyone who sympathises with this is years older, and if it wasn't the case you wouldn't feel so alone, but don't kill yourself. You'll grow out of wanting to eventually, and that's not to be condescending, but the world stops surprising you with how bad it can be, and eventually it starts to affect everyone else far more than you. You'll be better equipped to deal with it than you can imagine, and you already know you won't be happy, but nobody is. Life is shit and you didn't ask to be born and it's sad and unfortunate but that's the way it is and you have stayed alive this long without killing yourself so you may as well invest a bit more time. Have a drink, it can always get worse.
It was actually quite interesting and I would recommend it, btw.
Laughing at youtube celebs
I was supposed to go to a punk show but a high-school friend I didn't talk to for a couple of years called me out of the blue, and we stayed on the phone for hours.
He is a conservative neoliberal right-winger but I like to talk to him because he is still pretty open-minded and always tell me interesting stories about his friends close to porkies. It's a strange breath of fresh air each time.
Then, I hanged around briefly with some lumpenproles, but they wanted to get their dicks sucked by a prostitute, so I got out there and came back home relatively early.
It was a funny night.
Accepting that I'm powerless doesn't really do anything to help my situation. Accepting my life as a slave shouldn't bring any happiness. I've always hated amor fati. I'm just hoping for a legitimate revolution within my life.
We may not see revolution, but you can always go the way of domestic terrorism on your way out.
I didn't say accept you're powerless, you were always powerless and so is everyone you know. Life's shit, that's it. You were powerless from the start. The big gripe here is it never occurred to you. Go wear something edgy and get some pussy before life becomes even more shit.
Going to work.
I realized the truth behind the Irish conspiracy,
top kek
you ever seen videos of people somehow getting these monstrosities inside of them?
it's not even disgusting as much as it is medically fascinating
It's my day off from work so I jerked off. played a fuck load of overwatch and I'm going to go out with my friends in 1 hour.
it looks painful.
they'll all know
I shower to go out user. don't be fuckin stupid lmao.
at any moment they look like their ass is literally going to rip apart
Drinking masturbating drinking masturbating drinking masturbating posting here now am I Irish yet
Same, as well as dread having to go back to work and try to reclaim the lost meaning and drive in my life
All I wanted to do was revolt and make video games
Lurk 4chan and maybe play some r6 Vegas
I need to decide what to masturbate to before it gets too late.
Got drunk, ordered some Swiss Chalet, and sitting here smoking Tuna Kush and browsing the internet
If you've been masturbating witha potato 'en ya yer gud
Honestly wondering what a potato's texture would feel like
Do you think it would put down roots if it was held in place for long enough with a chastity belt?
Well I mean
Do you really want to be lying on your deathbed thinking to yourself, "Have I really lived?"
I mean it could but that sounds like hell. You would have to have a steady supply of soil wouldn't you?
Or I mean would it just treat the whole thing as if it were underground?
I don't know the mechanics of growing a potato inside me.
Sounds like one hell of a year.
This is true.
Watching old sci fi and wishing i was not a loser
Shooting Heroin in order to dull the pain of existence in this dead capitalistic world.
what old sci fi my dude
If popcorn made it so can you user, I know it's addicting but don't do that next one. Its easy to leave yourself and the world, but its just as easy to use booze you know
Don't know how well you hold your liquor man but shit isn't like it's weak if you want it to be.
I mean anything is better than Heroin, I know you get this talk from everyone, but you know that kid inside you that you knew is telling you that your better than this
Im fascinated about the topic of vaginal plant growth now and if its truly possible. I think I heard a story someone grew some kind of plant in their cunt
What an experience
I like to think I've done my part to make the world a weirder place.
protip: by shooting heroin or doing drugs in general you're pretty much accepting this "dead capitalistic world" and making sure it won't fucking change. You're on a leftist board for a reason, organize. Life is awful most of the time (as a direct result of alienated labor and bourgeois ideology) but we must do everything to find the will to change this shit. You're probably not alone and will eventually find people in the same situation as you.
@OP: chill with some comrades of mine as I usually do
First result
The human body is a warm, wonderful thing isn't it
Well, that's disappointing.
I don't think of alcohol as a drug as much as it is a tradition. Be that as it may, its been with us for thousands of years, I don't see it leaving us anytime soon.
It's not unhealthy, but it's a vice and under economic conditions as dire as they seem to be coming up, drinking is all the more popular escape.
It's always been a drain of steam.
Watching vidya. Spreading leftist memes in my friend groups. Getting banned from Tumblr.
This made me think of:
I installed Ganoo/Loonix just out of boredom.
Eating a leftover sandwich I got for free from work tonight, drinking a 40, about to load up my pax and play some Zelda.
How's the night going?
I mostly spent the day reading, browsing Leftypol.
Then worked 4 hours at my shitty hardware store job. I'm having a drink and enjoying browsing Leftypol.
It would be nice if /leftyv/ was a thing. I want to discuss video games without identarians obsessing over other identarians or the unpleasable hipsters. Too bad it looks dead.
Yeah I was just trying to breathe some life into it
Battlestar Galactica and Logan's Run
meaningless, it doesn't do anything to change the current state of things
I'm asocial, I can't form relationships with others on any meaningful level.
I threw up a bit.
TBH this is going to sound so fucking corny but Alien, not the sequels
The first one. That and Outland. That sort of setting and design spoiled me. I fucking love he industrial look of making home in industrial equipment built to be as inhumane as possible. Just brilliant miniatures and set designs and costume design. Outland ripped off Alien but there's a surprisingly large pool of Alien rip offs but not a lot that I know of that capture the, working class in space, deprived of nearly all necessity but the bare minimum. Capitalism in space.
Know of anything like that besides Alien and Outland? That is so my shit
Went to a punk concert in a smoking area. The people in the band are friends of mine. But when I started beating the drums inbetween shows the frontman went all douchebag and said I should stop and grow up. I left immediately afterwards. This is how anarkiddies are made.
what picture was that from? IK that its Reimu, but what doujin is that from?
Sunday is almost over, soon it'll be monday morning again and one more week of meaningless wage slave existence.
I wish I had a time machine so I could go back to the past and beat the shit out of my parents before they had me and made me have to endure the pain of being alive.
If we weren't born, we wouldn't be able to read theory, watch anime, and play video games. Start doing drugs, user. They help appreciate what little good there is in this shit world.
Hang in there, comrade. Things get better.
You hang in too. Please see a psychiatrist, man,
Join a coop