How do anarchists plan to deal with nuclear weapons?
How do anarchists plan to deal with nuclear weapons?
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they're going to be used on america before the revolution because thats the only way itll take place
By destroying the whole fucking world at once.
posada plz
I'm actually interested in hearing some answers to this, as an anarchist sympathizer who hasn't read much theory. If there was an anarchist revolution in a country that possessed nuclear weapons, what would be done with them? Who would be responsible for deciding when to use them, if ever?
Nuclear bombs are the most bourgeois weapon ever.
[email protected]/* */
How angry do you need to be to fucking stab your keyboard with a screwdriver?
Pretty angery
I took a walk to the park and smashied it all over, at a bench now
I'm sad and autistic
Those are my depression meds next to the keyboard, clearly not working
at least give us a timestamp
He's trying to do it with a screwdriver, the madman.
I'm sorry i tried to delete but it said my password is wrong
I'm retarded
I feel you fam, the frustration sometimes is unbearable.
Multilateral disarment
By pulling an Escape from New York and rendering all technology useless.
At last. The anarchist plan revealed.
We hand control over to the AIs which will take over all decision making.
Humans cannot be trusted with such technology.
Just make sure you pull the plug before Skynet achieves self-awareness.
Well it sure is a great way to reduce the world population.
Collective owned nukes when???
If we nuke the whole world, then no one can apropriate it
They should be destroyed along with the rest of the state apparatus.
Tell me, my friend, did Syknet have Capitalism? No. What was Skynet's economic system?
That's right. You've guessed it.
top kek m8
what's gonna stop some one just making more of them. Pandora's box is open. You can't put the cat back in that bag, man.
It's incredibly difficult to create and even use nuclear weapons. No individual would ever be able to do it, and there would be no conflict where a large enough group, with those resources, could possibly desire to use it, and then if they did, there's just as much stopping the global powers now who do not need to follow their own rules if they decide it's important enough.
This is a question to which there is no purely anti-authoritarian answer. This does not, however, preclude the possibility of any anti-authoritarian answer, and it is a question worth answering.
As a basis for the construction of a standing military self-defense structure, a prerequisite for even dealing with nuclear weapons, I see no reason why, for example, the syndicate responsible for shipping industry could also manage the naval ships until they are needed in actual combat exercises. To coordinate the military assets of syndicates into a coherent overall force, however, it is necessary that there be some central authority. I propose that there be internally-democratic military think tanks representing various coherent foreign policy, and delegates from each democratically self-managed section of the military decide which action plan best suits them. It is regional delegates who must authorize all action, however. For training and advocacy of military interests, self-organized societies of both veterans and active duty members could easily fulfill this role.
So, who manages nuclear weapons then? Well, presumably the complex responsible for creating and maintaining them - the scientists and workers who make and maintain them are themselves a singular industry today. There must be, however, a way for the currently-dominate military school of thought to order their launch at a moment's notice if given the OK by the regional delegates.
As for how to fund it, the military itself must negotiate within the system of planning by collective bargaining for what resources it needs. Presumably, society wants to be protected. Plus, this would put a hard cap on grabs for more and more resources for their own sake.
They should launched and blown up so the aliens can come and build socialism
Are you implying there was no underlying economic conditions to Skynet's activities? Also believing robots didn't act out of their free will is human propaganda.
Destroying the world destroys all suffering and therefore can be considered to be the ultimate moral act.
what the hell
it involves squatting in nuclear bunkers to survive the nuclear holocaust and repopulate the earth
it'll be like fallout but an anarchist utopia
Right, I'm much less worried about renegade nukes than I am about bioterror (or bioerror). Come 2100 it probably still won't be possible to build a nuke in your garage, but it certainly will be possible to breed a new strain of influenza.
This just alters the question slightly: how do anarchists plan to prevent some chucklefuck unleashing Spanish Flu 2.0?
Nice image for ants.
Recover what we can to nuclear fuel for use in reactors and fire the rest into space like fireworks to celebrate the victory of our revolution.
If a nuclear war happens then everything will be like fallout 4, and we can build settlements and implement true Communism, and get to wear sick ass leather armor with spikes, and stay up as late as we want, and get tons of pussy
So… Nobody has any idea. Huh. Fantastic.
1. Launch rockets
2. Win of anarcho-primitivism
If it becomes possible to make biological weapons of mass destruction in your garage, it will not only be anarchists who would need to answer that question.
I knew liberals couldn't read.
So this is not anarchism.