If the United States stopped being a major power for whatever reason and only Russia and China remained...

If the United States stopped being a major power for whatever reason and only Russia and China remained, do you think these two would be just as bad, less bad or even worse than the US?

Someone has to step in to fill America's bloodsoaked shoes.

They would be as bad as they could get away with, just like the European great powers before the USA. They're all motivated by the structural needs of the same system.

Russia would still be bad because they're white(ish). China would be a progressive force because they're indigenous PoC.

lmfao, nothing can get worse than the US

Stop shitposting any tim now.

Russia is so far below the US and even China it's absurd.

That said, God only knows what will replace the American hegemony, but I imagine it'll have to be something that can field the same naval power.

well the chinaman has been buying up land and mineral rights in africa left and right, and i saw a russian movie from the 70s where they talked about having colonies, so yeah theyd both be pretty bad

By what measure? Imperialism, or living standards in said country? China would be less imperialist, Russia would try to bring back the Russian empire and maybe Great Eurasia or some shit.

This is a total lack of imagination lol

they say truth and imagination are incompatible =)

capitalism with Chinese characteristic

in terms of GDP and manpower not in terms of other important shit like the Military Industrial Complex, Scientific Research and technology, natural resources, nuclear weapons geographical/geo-political importance and influence

They don't. We can ask "imagine a world without capitalism" for example, which is necessary but difficult for many people. The poster I am responding to cannot imagine a world without American hegemony. Even when he thinks of it gone he replaces it with an indentical copy, not truly picturing a different situation at all.

Sounds like just racism to me. Fear of the inscrutable and perfidious yellow man.

a world without capitalism would be a world without marxism or socialism, just thought you should know

Thank you for this stupid reply.

how is it stupid tho?

I concede on these, not on the rest.

Russia is nearly impossible to invade, but it can't exactly invade the US in China. Russia is a troll state, so all it can really do is try to piss off the US to make the citizens feel relevant.


Maybe like "a world without cancer is a world without chemotherapy"?

Russian Military industrial science shit is superior to China's. That's why China and India buy all their shit from Russia.

If the USA stopped being a major power, the Chinese would activate the Dengism Deception plan and reinstate socialism. Then they'd turn the world red.


t. Anatoly Golitsyn

Let's take a look into the mind of a modern democrat…

Russia is too poor to be America and China could but they have a no intervention policy. Overall I believe we're approaching a multipolar, post-west world order.

Goolge GDP per capita the new asian overlords are coming.

Russia would be just as bad, China would be far worse

wew lad

Eurofaggot superpower 2020


What I've learned from Leftypol is that leftists are not immune to racist thinking and xenophobic fear of foreign others whenever it comes to China or Korea or really any Asian country and people

If you're referring to
it's a joke.
If you're referring to anyone in the thread just saying china would be more or less as bad as the US is today. Well that's neither racist nor xenophobic.

It's hard to say. The lack of pretense of freedom and democracy means they have more leeway among their own citizens to do imperialist bullshit, but the US also had the Cold War as a convenient excuse.

chinas gov is fucking evil you dipshit

Russia would be better and China would be just as bad as USA

No it isn't.

It's extremely racist to say that the White Mans capitalism is just better than the Yellow Mans capitalism.

Evil is a spook

Why do you think China would be worse than the USA? They don't stage coups around the world. They don't force countries to "liberalize". In Africa their dealings are perceived as fair, their government is popular, and they treat the African nations as sovereign and legitimate. Does America do the same? Do the American people even do the same? I would say it's extremely likely that posters like the above one, who refer to China as "evil", are recipient of what is decades of plainly racist and xenophobic propaganda from the U.S.

This would be funny if people didn't actually believe it.


Ask the north koreans or tibetans


Back to reddit with you


If USA stops being relevant. It would become a question of how resilient the government of Russia and China are. Capitalists would flock to these countries and lobby for their multinational interests in there instead. There is a minute chance that China would undergo a second revolution if the US falls. The problem would be how the current elite in China would react. It could either become a violent suppression of revolutionaries, because, the elite try to seize the chance to take over the global market. Or they could co-opt the movement and turn it into NazBol with Chinese characteristics and create an international with Chinese interests.

I don't think Russia would be able to do much. Probably take parts Eastern Europe and Caucasus. If they are weaker than what I think, they will probably work together with EU and The Middle East to try and keep China in check. Since Eastern Russia would be an easy target for China.

But you have to give it to them.
They can still play with the top dogs and even do serious damage and this despite it got weakened two times and every time they came back and started doing serious damage.

As a tsardom the entire meta was to prevent the Russians from getting a warmwater port, be it in Turkey or India.

Then they thought they got rid of them when communists took over. Little did they know.

And then they thought they got finally rid of them when it fell apart. To make the point moot, they recognised the badly drawn borders to ensure eternal conflict and even out Yeltsin in charge so that he could fuck them royally and imperially.
24 years later and they apparently returned the favour.

The Russians are a very strange bunch of people. They always seem to perform best, when they are on the fringes, but once they are well off, they don't know what to do. Apparently they didn't plan that far ahead, because they themselves didn't assume that they would make it.

but i didn't say they would be worse