This is your typical modern democrat
Liberals need to be gunned down in the streets. And failing that, send to the nearest gulag/concentration camp.
tell him liberals gets the bullet too
Tankies get the bullet too.
tankies are just crypto/pol/tards
I want to let Nazbols stay in the new communist nation because they'd be good at stomping liberalism
Why do you think they all suddenly spring up when there are too many liberals? They are the white blood cells of leftypol's immune system.
thanks senpei
If you care more about liberals than fascists you know you're fucking stupid.
Liberalism is the first and foremost enemy, and fascists want to eradicate it.
I'll gladly ally with any tankie, nazbol, fascist and even nazis and white nationalists that wish to destroy liberal bourgeois democracy.
We can figure out the details afterward.
And the fash don't?
Oh you literally are a crypto-Holla Forumstard.
i saw you saying you used to be a Holla Forumsack in another thread
you sure you used to be one? i keep seeing posts with that flag that reek of Holla Forums
while liberals like capitalism more than fascists they're also easier to turn into leftism than the far right imho
We need all the allies we can get. Liberalism won't collapse if we keep autistically screeching about every sectarian divide and disagreement.
Most liberals are lemmings. They're attached to the system like starved barnacles. The only way they leave in numbers is if the host dies.
liberals are equal to fascists on the need to be purged scale
Well, at least that's a lot more agreeable than saying we need the help of fascists to defeat capitalism.
What an insightful post.
If liberalism doesn't fall you'll never get to purge the fascists.
Think about that.
I make a distinction between "we need to kill liberalism" and "we need to kill liberals". Maybe I'm just a softie but yeah.
Killing the system will kill liberals. It's like shutting down the life support. There's no point pretending that it won't.
Let me guess he was implicitly referring to poor whites, not poor blacks when he said that
Probably **Because I used to do that when I was a liberal but you guys taught me the correct way to think.
doesn't that picture mean that revolution will never work though
not saying it's wrong but what is your strategy then
I keep seeing this graphic novel posted but none of you faggots share it
Kinda funny that this picture could've been made by either a nazi or a commie.
now if only that were true. laziness will literally save the world.
the use of "degeneracy" and "decadency" leaves only two options, a nazi or a tankie
Ask him if that includes poor blacks or women who make less than men.
What's the difference?
[audience laughs]
The revolution can work, depending on the implementation. See Rojava where people are taught the works of Ocalan and are actively engaged in implementing them.
However, the point is that as Syria has shown, political and economic collapse is the prerequisite for radical change. Just like WW1 provided fuel for the Russian revolution.
Even Mussolini and Hitler came to power by respectively overthrowing and gaming the system. And then rapidly demolishing it.
Mass movements without clear leadership, even if democratic, are prone to being co-opted. See OCW.
In contrast, look at Rojava. The revolution works because the people in charge - Executive Council, Heads of the ministries, YPG commanders, officers, leading educators - actively care about Democratic Confederalism. It is through them that the works of Ocalan are promoted and seep down throughout society.
That doesn't mean you need a "vanguard party". But it does mean that the most influential people need to genuinely care about the principles and values of the revolution, and don't just want to maintain the status quo. Without that, you get something like the Soviet Union.
Quotes at the bottom come from actual nazis and white nationalists. But the point they make still holds true. Organizing mass movements through people that want to operate within the system and are afraid of toppling it is a waste of time.
Today's liberals are unlikely to pick communalism/M-L/anarchism or any other alternative system over the one that already is in place and sustains them.
The only solution is to destroy the system. And for that you need to get everyone involved on both sides of the aisle.
A great example is someone like Steve Bannon that wants to tear down the federal government and instigate a civil war. He is singlehandedly doing more to further a future socialist cause in America than any pacifist intellectual has done in the past few decades.
ow the edge in this thread
have you explained what socialism is really?
I guess I agree with all that but a shithole like Syria that is full of destablising foreign influences from every direction is hardly the same as the West, how the fuck can the American government (for example) ever be toppled
Man I had a gut feeling but I was hoping I was wrong.
I mean there's a reason why nazis and commies hate each other more than anything
The American government will be toppled from within. And the blueprint for this is already being implemented.
End numerous welfare programs including obamacare, social security, removing millions of people from insurance. Then combine that with severely cutting back medicare and medicaid. Even food stamps are going to be cut.
Trash financial regulations that keep the economy and stock market stable.
Massively reduce taxes while letting the debt soar.
Abolishing a whole range of departments including Education and Energy. Trash the EPA and let companies dump toxic waste into water sources.
Erode confidence in and deliberately sabotage the justice system.
Foster religious and racial prejudice.
It's a bucket list for destroying America. Trump might be a fool, but the people behind him know exactly what they're doing.
I'd very well argue that in America fascism is a secondary threat to neoliberalism.