You enter Stalin's body in 1930.
What would you do differently?
You enter Stalin's body in 1930.
What would you do differently?
lets replace that market socialism with federalism
oh and gulag and slave labor can wait
almost forgot, coops and exporting goods, actually good ideas
Team up with the reich to destroy liberal capitalism forever.
1 don't fuck up where he did, actually move toward the state withering away
2 personally assassinate FDR so the New Deal doesn't happen and a commie tsunami gives the world the USSA, preventing a half century of imperialist capitatalism and accelerating the path towards communism.
Fund germany's communist movement and send armed forces. A socialist germany and lack of nazi germany can mean victory for communism and control over europe. USA never stops being isolationist and japan doesnt have a strong ally, which allows us to grow our war machine, square away china and japan, and point our weapons to the capitalist states.
Also more federalism, fund electrical engineering and computer science instead of space science and order the mass storing of grain and food to prevent the famines.
If everybody agrees it is, then isnt it?
t. ministry of truth
Nothing :^)
Kill myself
Oh and stop deporting ethnic minorities, and disappear the kulaks in advance.
But first you guys have to learn what he really did, no?
Become really good friends with Trotsky so there's no purge
And be more aggressive with Germany
The horse had bolted with Trotsky by that point.
Repent your sins and try to make it up with him.
Kill even more revisionists. Set up Molotov as my heir apparent.
I'd fuck Trotsky and get gay married to him
Literally nothing.
I would do this. Claim to transition to Not Socialism, say you've seen through the Jewish lies and then export them to Palestine for zionism. Save as many Jews that way as possible when you carve up Poland.
Hitler hated slavs so I'm not sure if it would be enough.
And then the obvious things like rejecting Lysenkoism.
Tons of children outside of marriage.
Also cocaine.
you don't know what you're talking about, do you?
after post-war rebuilding is over and nukes unlocked, destroy the party, purge the army from all the wannabe Napoleons, delegate all state authority to the supreme soviet, retire and get all the pussy from fame
Why the fuck did this EVER happen?!
Just. HOW!?
Hitler had a deep admiration for Pilsudski and allied himself with the Croatians and to a lesser extent the Bosnians.
Think about what the Nazis tried to argue with the concept of genetics and how they perverted it. Its only natural that you would be tempted to go the complete opposite direction there.
Nazi race theory was dumb as fuck, but eugenics isn't. Saying genes play no part in intelligence or personality is insane.
Grow winter-resistant corn in the gulags
It might play a part in intelligence but it really seems like literally every other element that plays a part in intelligence is way way WAY more important than genetics
According to one book I forgot the name of it was adopted in part because the USSR didn't have the hard currency to afford full-fledged mechanisation at the time.
But lysenkoism is anti-scientism, whats that got to do with mechanisation
bang cute broads tbh lads
invite Asser over for a nice sitdown dinner and try to make some sort of arrangement with him seeing as he's literally the reason why the nazis weren't basically a fringe bavarian movement
Because lysenkoist agricultural practices if successful would've been a cheaper way to improve harvests than importing thousands of tractors or building hundreds of tractor factories, training peasants in their usage etc
Of course there was still the political angle ("Genetics is bourgeois science" etc), but it as also about perceived practicality
Not really. It plays a moderate role in determining intelligence, and it can be permanently lost in a way that's not really true of material conditions or even culture (assuming biology doesn't make up for it). You can certainly have hereditary retardation, for example.
Environment plays an important role too, but more stuff like not being around lead in development and not experiencing any head trauma. Things like school quality have a surprisingly small impact.
Its still retarded though.
You forgot access to nutrition and shit.
Also that last part is a load of shit, because every generation has been getting higher Autism Level scores in educated countries, and poor countries that get education also have leaps in Autism Level
Return to the Church and restore the tsardom
Gee, I don't know, how come someone selling exactly what those in power wanted could get funding? Solve food problem? Check. Political points? Check.
Cold fusion got a lot of private funding not too long ago for a similar reason: free energy, easy money, first come first served. Time, as always, messed up everything: people found out the numbers didn't reflect reality but by then the money was long gone.
That goes contrary to the facts, but you're entitled to your opinion. According to research nature is #1 when it comes to intelligence. Not surprising, really, it's the same for the rest of your body, not many pygmies can play basketball.
Transition to a more humane social democracy.
This is because of improvements in nutrition and reductions in lead and other harmful materials.
Flynn effect has leveled off in developed countries because public health conditions have stopped improving.
There is nothing social democratic about state capitalism.
no homo
We've been seeing different research then
That comic ignores that blacks still live in abject poverty in ameriga while the russians took over their own country and established amazing educational systems.
Gee it's almost as if even a marginal attempt at socialist education and worker empowerment is better wage slavery
Put all funds into developing a time machine.
Go back to before the kikes slaughtered the tsar and his family, wipe out all kikes in Russia.
Work with The Kaiser to wipe out all kikes in Germany and Poland.
Convince or coerce ever other government to do the same.
World peace forever.
It was the kaisar who invaded europe for funsies.
So change nothing
Literally nothing. Just don't stop marching west in 1945.
A few dozen Russian inventors, philosophers, artists =/= literally millions and millions of people.
Some next level historical illiteracy there. It wasn't the russian serfs who made "immense contributions to science, literature, philosophy and medicine", it was the nobility and bourgies.
I should add that the Soviet state and the mass education programmes obviously changed that.
And then most of this turns out to be unfeasible.
Forgot your leftcom flag
For the love of god do us a favour and revise Esparanto to not include diacritics, diacritics suck to enter into computers.
I actually said "some sort of conlang" precisely because I hate Esperanto and would likely have some sort of alternative custom made.
Nothing. He was perfect.
I would change what happened after his death in the Soviet Union if I could.
I'd probably read Marx, so I can be an actual Communist.
Oh and I would give Trotsky a role in government, and listen to him a little more. Permanent revolution sounds bretty good.
Tankies will be triggered by this.
Well then, miracles do happen.
Once I was finished reading Marx I would know that I need to work towards that. I'd probably also switch to an advanced gift economy now that I think about it.
Yer not from round these parts, are you?
I actually am, joined in the first point that the board existed.
Saying "anarchism would work if fucking franco/stalin didnt attack us" is a common argument.
You know, everyone imagines what they would do differently from Stalin, but it really is a tough exercise because we don't the precise status of things.
Extremely underrated idea.
That's a nice euphemism for "wishful thinking".
Honestly, Trotsky seemed to have a more authoritarian verve than Stalin. Or maybe he was just worse at hiding it.
To do that either Ernst Niekisch, or one of the [email protected]/* */ brothers would have to be in charge.
Ally with the Chinese at all costs, be friends with anarchists and use them
Sorry but I'm not fucking gay.
Go to my room.
Fap all day.
don't worry he was straight, if you enter his body you're fucking straight
that's not how brains work
Rob more banks, fam. The revolution can wait a little longer.
Hey fucknuts! can you not read? user was replying to the question "What would you do differently". If anything they forgot their tankie flag.
Stalin should have dealt with the Jews far sooner. Also, he was assassinated by the sister of Lazar Kagonavich, who was his doctor. Because he knew Stalin was about to begin taking away from the Jews all the their muh privileged positions since their tactics were causing so many problems, especially in laces like the Ukraine, Poland, and Hungary.
I become Lennin.
I want that hair. My hair sucks.
In all seriousness, if Stalin made peace with Trotsky, what political opposition would they even *have* in Russia? I am asking here, I have no idea who else was out there at the time.
Literally everyone else. Bukharin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Rykov, etc. If there was one thing everyone agreed on, it was that they really hated Trotsky. Stalin allying with the idiot is a weak play which brings him essentially no benefit.
Shoot myself and let Trotsky take over.
Extremely lewd
Don't prevent German commies from an association with socdems so there won't be nazi Germany. Than do the same as he did but without that fucking cult of personality and maybe less repressions
Give everything to Trotsky and kill myself :^ )
It's a total meme that anyone wanted Trotsky to take over aside from Trotsky. Shooting yourself in 1930 would likely result in the Rykov/Bukharin clique taking over and a sort of perpetual NEP.
Stalin gets poisoned in an months
Bukharinites take control
USSR is state capitalist nao
good jerb anarkiddie
And everyone is better off. Planned capitalism turned out to be a total failure in the end and was not socialist either. I'd rather have the sort of distributist NEP idea which would have at least been functional in a basic sense, and would not have ruined socialism's good name by being an openly transitory and capitalist program instead of pretending that giving all power to inefficient bureaucrats is what communism means.
Kill Hitler in 1930 and help Asser take over
Then ally with Germany and destroy capitalism
get fucked up and have sex with everyone.
Rather, read these books written by "Marxist"-"Leninists" which are of course completely unbiased and accurate. :^)
Your head is too much up your ass
Save Spain at all cost.
Prevent Hitler and Hindenburg from manipulating the election to their favour.
Don't sign treaties with enemies of the working class.
Since I have a scientific background, make the Soviet Union the most dominant force in science and engineering. Put a man on the moon by 1939 to make this point clear once and for all.
You do realize the Unemployed Councils and Workers Alliance were tankie organizations associated with the CPUSA, right? If anything, this proves my point. Having a degree does not magically dissolve ideological biases. And truly, the USA being a shithole does not suddenly make the USSR great. As indeed it was not, except perhaps when compared to the even more corrupt capitalist oligarchies which succeeded it.
But please, don't let me stop you from fantasizing about the lost glory of social democracy with guns. Here's a book you might also enjoy which concerns a similar theme.
okay kid, believe what you want to believe.
I'd rather believe tankies and communists that lived in the USSR than porky and liberals that never read Marx and believe that communism is big gubbermint
idk fam looks pretty social democratic to me