Are the Trumps the new Russian Royal Family? The amount of taxes that they spend on themselves will be useful to radicalize the masses.
Are the Trumps the new Russian Royal Family...
Bit unfair to the romanovs doncha think
Americans love being cucked. They are all temporarily wage cucked shit eating millionaires. Americans must be genocided for Communism to work
Does this mean Steve Bannon is their Rasputin? I can dig it, as long as he winds up with gunshots in his back at the shore of Washington D.C.
What is the point of this comparison? The Trumps are far from the most extravagant rich people in the US. Americans also don't tend to get mad at wealth. What pisses us off is stepping on the little guy. Think Martin Shkreli.
Who is more extravagant? Dude slaps gold on everything he owns
I feel like the Trumps are the most gilded, i'm sure someone is more of a dick with their money, but he really does put like gold and diamonds and fine marble on everything.
Are you familiar with what happened to the Romanovs?
The thing is that Burgers hate paying taxes for shit, especially for with conservatives who voted for him. The Trumps are the most hated people to ever step in the white house and it could add fuel to the fire for revolution about them spending tax money on trips to mar a Lago or protecting melania.
Americans are fine with this provided it's someone perceived as inferior or unworthy. I'm not sure if the Trumps are the most extravagant rich people, but they are the tackiest. They're like a parody of what a working class person thinks rich people are like based on watching tv.
What this guy said
lol No they are fucking subhumans who need to die off.. they read fucking Breitbart and listen to Rush Limbaugh.
I'm not even joking I fucking hope the Holla Forums conspiracy theory is true that the jews are deliberately genociding whites in America through immigration. Fucking Anglo protestant cucks need to be genocided for Communism to work
How were you anglo faggots any better before zionism? Jews only became prominent in American life during the 20th Century. You were always a bunch of class cucked genocidal maniacs
Yes, I hope to see them AND their kids go under the guillotine one day.
idpol is apparently the main factor in actual Western politics today so it might as well run it's course especially in America. The baby boomers will die out soon and white America will glorious uprising even harder than it is now becoming more and more fascist and retarded once they are a minority. I'm not even kidding that we must support their downfall land the destruction of American society and their way of life. Holla Forums can go fuck itself, fuck American values, the American state and the American people
Why are so many leftists under the delusion that normal people are listening to them?
I don't think raising your spaz kid in the school he's comfortable is going to piss Americans off too much and the Endowment for the Arts is a load of fucking Liberal shite, so nobody will care when that goes, along with NPR and PBS which are now just propaganda and unwatchable.
This makes no sense whatsoever, probably because you're a braindead zionist.
Because the jews genocided the Indians enslaved the niggers, invaded every neighbouring country, implemented the Monroe doctrine, established rampant gilded age oligarch run capitalism etc If anything the jews are a positive civilising influence on America
If the Trumps are the Romanovs then who is Lenin?
you guys need to figure out that most of the wealth of the wealthy came from stepping on the little guy
this tbqh
And to think I thought we had actual leftists hereā¦
Are you autistic m8
The little guy = Insurance companies
I would love to see the world through the eyes of an AnCom
What are you going to do, stand there with a BLM t-shirt and think you aren't getting mauled to death in a Nazi masturbation fantasy?
You will shit your pants and join whatever race you come from to save your skin.
nazicucks leave
lol if you think the average person knows who Shkreli actually affected.
Holla Forums you will bitch cry and stage minor c.himpouts here and there but your death will be slow and mundane. You won't go out with a bang but with a whimper. There will be no flag waving mobility scooter obese truck driver revolution to restore the glorious ancap republic. You faggots will die out in a sad methodical fashion succumbing to late stage capitalist fun and existential ennui overdosing on video games porn and fast food while crying and bitching that the propagnda you were fed in your childhood about the greatest nation in the world, your racial superiority is false realising that you are not needed for the new international capitalist mode of production the dreams you had the lifestyle you grew up with and considered your birth right will be forever out of reach. The system you cherish so much killed your ass and all the things you like not the jews there is so much more money to be made in sex, drugs and rock and roll than there was in Christian paternalism
I'm not the one asking for it you tard, he was, and thinking he was above it all and would somehow not have to pick a side.
You only need to pick a side if you are living in a dysfunctional society founded on settler colonialism theft and (I will get downboats from this) white racial superiority. You cannot fix American society since it unnatural and cancerous at its core. America will become another Latin American state within this century, it's society will fragment, it's warmachine will crumble, and it's global influence will collapse and then once the Anglo cuck influence is thoroughly diminished the America and the world will be far more conducive to socialism
lol if you think the ancom meant that :'D
What did he mean then?
it's not the jews, it's the fact that there's money to be made..
it wasn't the nazi's who killed those jews, it was the fact that there were lampshades to be made out of their skins
how can anyone be this fallacious?
I thought he was getting salty at Shkreli ripping off the little guy and projecting that onto "us", not implying that was what other people were doing.
they simply dont care.
people whose lives will be wrecked by people like trump will stand there & applaud him because they want to be him (or they think that they do) & they're happy that he "upsets the libruls".
The little guy has a boot perpetually on his face and it's considered high treason to suggest we might want to try to get it off.
It's fallacious to compare the retarded polip conspiracy theory of the sneaky anuddah shoah by jew products as the cause of all problems to an actual genocide that took place
as actual as jews promoting degenerac.y.
as you know, the jews can't be blamed for this because they make money doing so, likewise, the nazi's can't blamed for their acts because they also made money doing so
we can then come to the conclusion, that there is no blame as long as there is incentive for the wrong doing
There are so many assumptions here. Polip nobody is stopping you from blaming the jews for promoting and selling things you don't like (but still use even tho ur redpilled and all) anyone who is even moderately intelligent will also recognise that non-jewish whites proportionally own sell and promote all the things you dislike in America more than jews. There are countries like Japan, South Korea, and India where no jews exist that still have all the things you dislike promoted and sold
anyone who is intelligent and can read between the lines will realize that my comparison was made to illustrate the point that "the jews have no blame, it's the profit motive'' would lead to the conclusion that there is no blame when there is motive, which there is for nearly every evil act.
There was no profit motive in the nazi genocide. It was pure autism, they would have made a profit if they kept them around as slaves or taxed them more than other citizens.
they stole art, gold, jewelry, real estate and used jews as slave labour. it was entirely based on profit for the nazi's
there is no comparison to be made here. Jews are not committing an evil act because some of them are involved in the smut industry, hollywood and the promotion of liberal ideas you retard
They could have stole it and not have them killed by the millions. There is a legal and moral distinction between a thief and a mass murderer