How do you maintain hope in the face of the total ideological brainwashing of the general population? Leftism has zero appeal to anyone, they're either committed capitalists because of muh freedom or proto-fascists. All the normies will just jump on the fascist bandwagon when capitalism next goes way off the rails, and soon after Porky will have developed armies consisting of drones and other robots and become impervious to revolution.
How do you maintain hope in the face of the total ideological brainwashing of the general population...
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I don't. Take the Schadenfreude pill.
Hope is a tranquilizer. Rage is a stimulant.
Fascism died in the 40s why do you think its coming back
Are you asking us or is it a rhetorical question?
racist frogs isn't fascism
Then we will have the robot revolution comrade. Do not doubt the revolutionary potential of your robotic comrades
I just don't fucking care any more. The scale of political illiteracy is just insurmountable.
What about it?
I feel that way a lot. I care, but the amount of completely politically illiterate fucks out there is daunting. The fact that you see people online genuinely calling Obama a communist, for example, is mind boggling. It's unfortunate that America is the most illiterate politically, yet have such a reach online, on many platforms. Terrible combo.
Most Americans don't even know the definition of socialism or communism, yet argue vehemently against it. It's painful. The US really has perfected propaganda. People parrot shit constantly & think they're informed.
Europe is just as bad. People think modern SocLibs are socialism, and that Communism killed 300 bazillion people.
alienation and despair is what the system wants, it wants the population pacified by any means necessary so it can continue to perpetuate its cancer.
that ship has sailed a while ago.
now i'm just trying to get enough money to retire on a desert island and watch the world burn
I don't anymore. I mean, I can dream of some consciousness raising event, but we're well on the road to barbarism and the energy resource scarcity is fast approaching. Plus my personality is such that I am useless to any political organization. All I can do is watch in horror.
Drones and robots are not impervious. They are suceptible to EMP.
As for how I maintain hope, I just keep reading and keep trying to spread the message. Every day more and more people wake up to leftism. Millenials are more open to, at the very least, social democracy then previous generations. If anything things are moving forward, to some degree.
I am planning to acquire a bunker in the woods. Then I can read my books in peace. I am so sick of memes and not-arguments. Nobody seems to have their priorities straight. And worst of all, people seem to enjoy this sickness, the culture war, the clash of personalities, all this superfluous bullshit that distracts people while the world is burning. I just want to get away from it all.
I don't. I have given up on humanity a long time ago.
ok but why did the penguin go to the mountains
I settle for smaller goals. I don't think the revolution will come where I live, and even if it did I'm afraid it won't implement actual socialism. I'll try to create a squat or a commune in a few years with comrades.
With the aid of no less than 5 psych meds. Porky saves me from the very alienation he throwns me into! Isn't he just dandy?
Study hinduism and them buddhism. It really is a fresh outlook on the world, especially from a foreign perspective in the west.
Uh, have you been following international news lately? Golden Dawn is more powerful than ever, many eastern European countries are becoming far right as hell especially Ukraine, the UK has a far right witch who is even worse than Thatcher, Duterte (a proto-fascist) is president of the Philippines, and Trump (another proto-fascist) is president of the US. The far right has never been more powerful than in WWII.
More spooky religious shit?
I thought Golden Dawn was past its peak and the government had began a much-deserved crackdown.
I reckon that the Phillipines are politically more akin to Latin America, and by what I know of Latin history, he isn't quite a fascist but something else. He belongs in a rather rare category of monomaniacal strongmen, I guess you can call them. They ride to power on a single issue, usually via populism, and tend not to display symptoms of power-hungry caudillos in any area outside their "big issue". I'd say it's a good bet that after his term is done, he'll leave politics for good.
And let's face it, Trump is mostly undistinguishable from the usual American president.
I don't actually have hope. I think when the next economic crisis hits, porky will ramp his porkying up to an 11 and blame it on socialism (and the general public is shifting their minds to rightism more and more, so it will be a dangerous mix so to speak).
I really hate being defeatist, but I think we'll see a nuclear hell on earth before implementing socialism.
Not anymore. The circuitry used in modern military gear has a very high resistance to EMP.
Zizek accelerationism keeps me satisfied. I reckon we're about two or three economic crashes away from an uprising.
Accelerationism is useless as fuck without agitation and organization, and could potentially be devastating. We have to raise class consciousness, not just sit in our armchairs.
Well, yeah. Certainly. And you know what, I think that's possible.
Which is more likely to bring literal fascists to power than anything else in the current political climate.
Postponed suicide fantasy.
Going down the politics route was my Flowers for Algernon
One out of three Americans disagrees
attempts to raise class conciousness will be sabatoged and subverted by radlibs and turd worldists tho
10/10 great book
I doubt their are enough Third Worldists and Radlibs for that to be a problem.
Who is this anime cutie?
Sakurako from Yuru Yuri
Leftism is when the government helps poor people, right?
This is the only way.
I don't
The effects of climate change are already irreversible. There's nothing we can do to stop the slow rise of temperature and resulting climatological catastrophe. We're too late to save the world.
Hegelian philosophy and its offshoots. I shift between that outlook and nihilism. For now I just try to not use too many resources, not waste my time. Also let it be known that a drone/robot army is not technically impervious
Well, not with that attitude.
We can at least try to make our last years here not be a time of mass exploitation. At least if everyone figures out we're fucked they'll be more willing to revolt.
What's up with these weird anime scenes?
Ikr, they're so blatantly pro-communist. :^)
Tbh I have no idea. I rarely watch anime, but liked how they were seized for the cause.
Apparently they're edits of some random slice-of-life anime from 2013 called Aiura.
They're small in number and in brainpower, but more than make up for it in stubbornness and occasionally snitching to the FBI. I fucking hate Trots, they're so focused on just getting into power that they sacrifice every last bit of ideological dignity. They're the purest example of social democracy at gunpoint, even better than your average tankie.
You wonder how we got here in the first place with "all white people are racists" and "radical feminism" (which should have never seen the light of day), it's because opportunistic Trots tried to infiltrate "national liberation" and "sexual liberation" struggles and therefore ended up associating them with the Left.
When you're expedient and put power above principles, the dominant ideology will simply reroute your ideas into another onion layer of bullshit which future leftists will have to cut through. It's better to simply fail out of ideological firmness and be forgotten than to give the system concessions and allow it to protect itself even better.
As far as I'm concerned, the only thing the USSR did was to give the right an excuse to paint itself as "the face of freedumbz" and the entire left as gay kale-eating liberals secretly wanting to gulag everyone and indoctrinate youngsters in "cultural marxism".
Sometimes reading the news of the classcucked working class getting screwed over makes me smile. I feel quite bad for my Schadenfreude
They were done by a Situationist comrade here. I hope they come back, best thing every done on Holla Forums
Are there any more?
Yeah, the whole anime was détourned.
I don't suppose you have the webms?
Also shes gay
It's just a phase.
I don't have all. I think this link should have them but I can't get MEGA to work on my shitty computer:
Oops some of these are not that anime
It ain't a phase
This is Japan. Homosexuality is just something children do to mess around before they settle into their life of wage slavery and domesticity.
not when you live in a fictional japan world written by a yuri mangaka you don't.
Don't worry comrade I'm sure she will date you despite being a lesbian fictional character.
Oh, and thanks for uploading all of these.
Pretty good, thank you comrade
Hell no. You'd need to have seriously shit taste to be attracted to Saku, she's an awful person. It'd be like having a spoiled child for your wife.
Obviously, theres only one person that can put up with her.
Why do you hate Hima so much? She's a good person, she can do better.
but there is a reason she chooses not to
I suppose she's a masochist. Or she feels responsible for Saku, like you'd feel responsible for a mentally disabled family member.
maybe, maybe not namori said something that they're both just young and tsundere who will grow up in time
Too real.
Can someone tell me the name of this anime?
Hmmm. The only other time I've seen this anime chick used is the thread where reddit tried to infiltrate our ranks by proposing a leftypol subreddit which most rightfully disagreed with. I take it you'll be using these webms to splice idpol into them?
I wonder if it would be a good idea to stealth-upload these to a public tracker like nyaa…
That's legitimately retarded. They're publicly available for download and a parody of a very popular series.
My suggestion is to learn hacking skills.
Sure. And I'm carefully weary of those who use them, now. I've been here for years & hadn't seen any until then. So it's not retarded, but careful.
Hiding in a corner
Waiting for the storm
Maybe they'll forget about me
Avoid connection
Still they say you always surrender
All the smiling faces
Promising the sun
Another way of breaking you down
All is lost
Hope is dead
Feed my mind
Fill my head
Hope is gone
The spell's been said
Fill my mind
Feed my head
Waiting for my number
To climb upon the cross
Maybe they'll forget about me
Must avoid detection
But they say you'll still go down
Safe in dreams
Away from where they are
Let me be nowhere
Just another star
Safe in night
The shadows cloak their eyes
Take me to nowhere
Where everybody flies
All is lost
Hope is dead
Feed my mind
Fill my head
Hope is gone
The spell's been said
Fill my mind
Feed my head
All is lost
Hope is dead
Feed my mind
Fill my head
Hope is gone
The spell's been said
Fill my mind
Feed my head
All is lost
Hope is dead
Feed my mind
Fill my head
Hope is gone
The spell's been said
Fill my mind
Feed my head
All is lost
Hope is dead
Feed my mind
Fill my head
I'm not sure if I hate or love these.
I know what you mean.
congrats duder, that is the gayest thing i have ever read.
I don't. Every day I get more alienated. The sooner humanity gets euthanized, the better.
I'd like to think geoengineering will help.
The ego is a spook as well. Unfortunately people need spooks to live day to day. You live with spooks as well and are probably better off because of it.
Mankind was shit from the very start user. Nuclear Destruction will make humanity great, a wonderful pile of ash that will fertilize the soil!
wow, no wonder people think weebs are pedos
let's put aside the fun and games for a second and recognise that this is the only path to wake the left