Why dont commies read their theory??
Anarchists have no theory
even from a glace at different anarchist ideologies I know that they have shit behind them
and they are the only ones I have actually see *do anything* in the meatspace
Any AnNil that isn't a lifestyle illegalist is retarded.
But didn't we(anarchists) have lots of theory too that lots of people don't read? Also some of anarchists are communists so commie isn't a good word to use.
I doubt he was referring to directionless action and protest with no class content which is exactly the type of shit we're seeing right now.
You mean smash trashcans?
They did, but then they revised it.
This is what a revolution looks like.
Being a smashy is not revolutionary. It's a glorified riot.
Engels was a lifestylist and a revisionist.
Literally nobody has ever said this. Fuck off you falseflagging anarnigger.
Remember when Engels lead that massive revolution and changed the face of Europe?
I mean it goes without saying because we're all living in the aftermath of that glorious event. Our children can only speak of capitalism in the past tense because Marxie and Fredie abolished class. They could have got mired in their want to outline the problems with capitalism in great detail, but instead they knew what they wanted out of socialism and went to work. Now we all get free ice cream while we sit at the beach while automated factories create surplus goods.
Are you shitting me? Ancom debates are basically rote recitations of theory with not an ounce of originality. They will straight up ignore reality bible thumper style if it goes against der monies or takeover of loaf
Do you think that the YPG just appeared one day, fully formed, with all those guns, and all that infrastructure? There's a hell of a lot more to building revolution than tearing shit up, but every Anarchist I've ever met understood that, and spent 99% of their political energy doing community building, outreach, and workplace organization. A lot of the smashie stuff is intended to be a type of outreach, and recruitment. It's propaganda, and little else.
Theres a difference between stabbing the sea and actually doing usefull actions.
Marxists have better theory, but anarchists have better praxis
Not surprised at all that you don't know that Engels actually fought on the barricades in 1848 and that's despite having quite a lot to lose. Even Marx was down in the guts of Cologne publishing his newspaper, trying to gain a following, doing everything he could to get the revolution to go further even despite police harassment.
When they saw the revolution had come they threw everything they had into it to get it to happen.
When you master the theory but stood against who did direct action you already lost.