Would the anarchists here be willing to help out a tankie revolution in their country ?

would the anarchists here be willing to help out a tankie revolution in their country ?

and would the tankies here be willing to help out in an anarchist revolution in their country?

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I'm a leninist, I think anarchists are naive and idealistic, but at this point I just want some kind of revolution to happen, so yeah, I'd support it.

I'd support any kind of leftist revolution other than a blatant psyop designed to discredit the left. I recognize that MLs can build a society much better than the status quo, but I just don't think it will lead to full communism. Pretty much any attempt is better than nothing at this point.



Lenin was chill, but tankies aren't very leninist

this tbh fam


Yeah, why not

Probably not.

Me neither for the record.

If another Lenin rolled up


t. anarchist

And I think your pragmatism will kill the revolution to win a battle, but at this point capitalism will kill us all if it isn't stopped so we can't be too picky.

That's because you're a capitalist in denial.

Not after what happened to the black army. that wound will never heal

love to larp based on historical events



Historical events aren't just things that happened for no reason.

It's really not, lads

Believe it or not, some people prefer shitty bourgie democracy to Stalin Death Squad Patrol

That shit happened almost a century ago

How is it still relevant ?

Sure. Anarchism will inevitably revert to some sort of state socialism anyway, as it has always done. I'll be happy to call it the Communal Directing Committee or whatever if that pleases them.

So leftcoms are just liberals ?

yes. we need a democratic peoples army
compromise between state-socialists and anarchos or barbarism
I want socialism, if it's structured by a horizontally organized militia, even better

leftcoms love the status quo

horizontal organization is an oxymoron


Worse, they suffer from maladaptive perfectionism.

If anarchists were having a revolution and they were winning, sure I'd support it. I even support the YPG even though it's probably doomed. I'm only a Leninist because I think it's the most practical way to do things.

However, if a bunch of stupid smashies won't let us M-Ls organize ourselves the way we see fit (hierarchy), or they're sabotaging an M-L revolution, then there's gonna be trouble.


If you're gonna give me social democracy I'd rather have it without the barrel of a gun, feel me?

anarchist revolution can also revert to rebranded capitalism

but I agree with you, it is better than nothing
if narchos are really serious about their revolution they'll revert to the state socialist side anyway
and if they're not, well, nothing of value would be lost

This blog is hilarious. I especially love the Hoxha worship. Schrodinger's Ultra in here:

I have my reservations about anarchism and Orwell, but the guy literally fought on the fronts of a revolution. A revolution betrayed, an insurrection killed, but a revolution nonetheless.

I can TL;DR it after a few paragraphs already:

The blog is irrelevant; I chose it because it provides the most readable version of the article with the least cancerous layout. The actual text is copy-pasted from this book by Michael Parenti. But you know, good job spazzing out about unrelated crap. And if you're going for a strawmanny TL;DR, I prefer the following:

A strawmanny TL;DR of what, your own demagogue article again?

This is rich. If left communists were welcome in the Comintern it's because the Comintern once stood for something vaguely international-communistic, and that it saw in the Dutch-German and Italian communists a lof of potential, and this potential turned to a whole lot of action.

I love to critique and I do love to indulge in the "left communists never did anything maymay too", no doubt, but if you want to get serious you're going to have to do better than relying on Stalinist apologia. Don't bother fishing again if all you have is your tankie routine; it's a broken record I've heard too many times already and it's gotten old.


Of course I do. Given the choice however, I'll take the most human flavor of capitalism any time, if not simply because armchair and literature acquisition is easiest under vanilla social democracy as opposed to red social democracy.

pure delusion

revolution devours its children, I would probably die in any revolution, might aswell help even if I don't particularly support the leading faction

Hey, OP is giving me the choice ("help out a tankie revolution in their country?").

No doubt my veneral Marxist-Leninist comrades would manage to persuade with the immortal science of Dear Leader to join their cause. Or the barrel of an 47, those bantering madmen, haha.

I'm a tankie, I just disagree with how to achieve communism.

If there was a big anarchist/syndicalist movement I would join it of course.

Leftcoms get the gulag tho.

No fucking shit. Leftcoms are the most effective COINTELPRO

Unfunny comics

I have literally never seen a tankie who legitimately thinks the CNT or YPG are not socialism. Or a tankie that likes Dutuerte or Putin.

they show up on leftypol all the time
check tankie twitter sometime

We've never seen the inside of one of those; I'm sure we'd love to come over, providing you got us some armchairs. But you know, the folks you're talking about here:
are more than familiar with winter camp. It seems you've got it backwards over here.

It's clear you've got some catch up to do.

haha, comrades violence is never the answer, m'kay?
labor camps is capitalism, don't cha know?
we should tolerate all opposing ideologies


I believe in the establishment of a worker's state post-revolution/during the "revolutionary phase", so I guess I'd be considered a tankie in this dichotomy.

I'd support an anarchist revolution, because I know they'd end up developing a state but just calling it something else.

Yeah, I would go kicking trash cans with the smashies right now. We can worry about ideology when we are standing on porky corpses.

You jackasses wouldn't even support other anarchists.

Why not? I'm all for violence against the bourgeois state. Violence against workers to sustain your social autocracy? Please no.


Well, given the fact that you didn't and wouldn't even bother to compensate the labor, we're a few more modes of production back: slavery. But who am I kidding, they were correctional facility: the labor comensates itself as pedagogic self-learning!

Tolerating non-official flavors of communism is a crime, yes Dear Leader.

Yo, if you've got a problem with Marx, hit him up yourself. But I kinda like the man.

Bad. Immediate destruction of the law of value is idealist, what's important is the movement towards destroying it. If "Red social democracy" is trying to create conditions and the realization for moving beyond the law of value, it is worthy of support.

Pick that up with Marx, not me.

How'd that work out for you. Too many revisionists again this time, or did we not have enough faith? How much more symbolic castration will we need next time?

As we all know, dialectics are instant realizations.

It was initially promising enough to get the support of left coms.

Oh no, I agree with you on that. It's just that what was once a warning is now an I told you so. So give me something other than giving red social democracy another try.

The promise of international communist revolution following a successful Russian-proletarian revolution and seizure of power, yeah. Red social democracy had left communist disapproval since day one. In fact, the term "left of communism" was created just to show disapproval of Taylorism with Russian characteristics, among a few other things of course.

Not reading that shit lol

remember, no violence against workers :^)

so state feudalism? asiatic mode of production?

if you will do nothing but sit in your armchair, nobody is gonna give a fuck about you
but as you've shown with your preference of traditional ethical capitalist social democracy, you'll likely not sit idle as Stalinist menace creeps closer and closer :^)

last time I checked Marks specifically stated that any speculation about the organization of the future communist society is idealism

Why do leftcoms always have sticks up their ass ?

Glad you're following the national liberatory basis of your ideology lol.

You're right about one thing though: cooperative capitalism would require a whole lot less shooting on your part. You should inquire sometime.

No, slavery. Not compensating labor (that isn't even contractual) is actually slavery, or Sklavengesellschaft if you want the term Marx used.

You might've dropped a little more than you wanted with those four greentexts; wonder who you're quoting and what you're slipping there. Needless to say it was gibberish to me, try again.

Last time I checked, you are indeed right.

But last time I checked (Critique of the Gotha Programme and the Paris Manuscripts, to be precise), any society that fancies itself post-capitalistic must abolish the law of value. And the idea of a "transitional society" was alien to Marx (DotP is the revolution is the period of transition, which he did not define as social democracy mind you): youtube.com/watch?v=qyFMKiHFZXg.

There is no significant movement trying to push red social democracy, you don't have to worry. I'm just saying maybe you shouldn't discredit all of the USSR and ML states because they didn't abolish the law of value.

For perspective, I think the USSR ultimately failed, but Lenin was promising. Lenin himself probably thought he failed when other international revolutions failed. The best they could hope for was being a bastion against imperialism.

Wait, so when did Bordiga fall out with the Third International again?

Leninists yes

Every other tankie obviously not since they're never fighting for socialism anyway

I'll kill every tankie I see, from chimpan-A to chimpan-Z. Oh you'll never make a tankie out of me!

also anarchists will just let foreign powers destroy us and a deep state will be installed over any anarchism.

Nope, it's Demsoc all the way. Want socialism to exist? Demsoc is your only answer until gay space communism

its part of the meme

It's weird that Leninist is become an actual term these days, what do people generally mean by it? Are they just Trots who think Trotsky was a douche?

That's why I took the question as a question. Stalinism is dead and will never have a re-emerge. What may, however, get a re-emergence is the communist movement.

I come from a family that lived under so-called actually existing socialism. And believe me, it's not just nostalgia and brainwashing that makes me believe them when they say they wish it could come back; that they have nothing but disdain for the liberal democracy that followed suit with all of its unkept promises. It had its benefits, some major, on the livelihood of working people. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna ignore reality as I know it to be, and in that reality, the USSR was capitalistic, suppressed revolutionary working class attempts at autonomy and making more of it, and it ironically did so more and more violently than liberal "democracies" ever have.

I have far from a disdain for Lenin.

While using its own backyard satellites as banana republics?

Yeah sure. Something has to get done at this point.

Nazbols can have this shitty Burgerstani hellhole anytime even.

They are people who agree with Lenin but reject both Stalin and Trotsky. If you wanna know what this really means, you could, i dunno, maybe read aLuxemburg fucking book?

id support a genuine proletarian movement

Yeah, I actually agree with everything you said here. My instinct to say the USSR was OK can be too strong sometimes.

But how is this really a cohesive ideology, why label yourself as a Leninist? The greatness of Lenin's work is his attempt at applying Marxist thought to a changing political economy. But the political economy has since evolved, why still use the moniker "Leninist"?

How would a nazbol movement even do in burgerstan ?


Our goals are the same - we've just got to get it done.

Never because two have different ideas from bottom. They are both very different on the roots of their ideology and the history has proved that cooperation between them will always cause betrayal.

I found a post on reddit when I was googling for Nazbol pics a while back of some anarchists losing their minds because they got absolutely nobody coming to their table at university and the Nazbols were just being edgy as fuck and everyone was flocking to them. Pretty funny read, should have screencapped it.

I would be interested to read about this. Anything they did to get a crowd, normal Bolsheviks could also do.

Because based on their rhetoric they'd do it again.
Fool me onceā€¦

How about this.
You do your revolution your way, we do our revolution our way in a nearby but separate area and if we're both successful then we trade residents based on who wants to live where, ideology etc.