who would Holla Forums support in the clone wars ?
the cis or the republic ?
who would Holla Forums support in the clone wars ?
the cis or the republic ?
I'll pass
obviously we'd have to support the cis in it's quest against republic imperialism
How about neither and find a third way?
Don't forget how the Republic is intimately connected to the Jedi sect of religious fundamentalists and has fought religious wars against the rival Sith sect multiple times throughout history.
The Jedi Sith divide is obviously a metaphor for the Sunni Shia divide.
Fucking neither
Wow, what a choice.
the CIS for accelerationism
The proletariat
which one is nazbol
The mandalorians
CIS. The Republic is permeated by aristocratic and theocratic elites, only aggressive capitalism can usher in the productive forces necessary for socialism.
Tau is the way to go
This. Socialism can be established with CIS capitalism as a base, the republic is still feudal.
Star Wars is childish and silly.
so is leftypol but here you are
CIS is a fake organization setup by the MOST corrupt and elite elements of the republic. So of course tankies would support it because it's 'revolutionary' and 'against imperialism'.
Since accelerationism doesn't work unless you're massively popular and poised to take power the moment the opportunity arises, as usual the best method for quality of life is the chomsky method of voting for a republic stooge and maintaining the jedi theocracy.
Star Wars is reactionary as shit. It's literally just Neocons vs. al Quaeda: space edition
I kek'd
SW and WH40K share the same universe
fucking noob
Making endless clone armies is a crime against humanity. Those people live in bondage and die at like the age of 40. It's much worse than the Holocaust. Not even memeing.