What's are you doing with your life, Holla Forums? how long before you leave Tatooine...

What's are you doing with your life, Holla Forums? how long before you leave Tatooine? Is communism like a soup kitchen you work at on the weekends, or is it you're life's ambition?

I'm very new to leftism (used to be a fascist polyp) and I was absolutely appalled at the work of leftism that I've missed on. I can safely ssy that it is my life's ambition now indeed. Some might be eager to dismiss me as a lifestylist LARPer, but they have to understand that there is not much else to do that would leave any sort of impact than the thing I'm striving after.

Life ambition. There just isn't an alternative.

I can't wait till I'm in Rojava.

When my comrades are ready, I am ready. Gonna set up some stuff, do some stuff, move to an actual city.

Life seems pointless if you're not engaged in some type of activity that will give you hope in the future and in our collective hability to change it.

I hope to see you there, Heval.

This. I think leftypol cured my depression and low self esteem issues.

Currently I am riding the ride out I am on right now. Lets see where life takes me. Not much to do for communism in my current situation and im not too keen on dying as of now.

good for you satan

I'm preparing for med school and reading theory in my spare time. Haven't found any IRL comrades yet unfortunately. Despite what Holla Forums would have you believe, there are many shitty state colleges in the US without any kind of Marxist presence.

welcome newfriend

You don't need a dedicated lifestyle to think that Marx had a point. Though only materialist politics enjoy this distinction without hypocrisy.

It's more like how Steve Rogers tried to join the Army to fight in WWII but kept failing, except we're losing the war badly this time

don't be concerned about meme insults

So we'll get turned into super soldiers only to become disillusioned borderline capitalists?

Well I just meant that I'd like to do something but don't have the opportunity

I don't know, for some odd reason since I started lurking here, I feel a sense of optimism. This place woke me up.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

I'm going to become the star of my own adventure and begin my Hero's Journey any moment now, just you wait.

Now this got me curious. How did a Burmese shadow theater forum get engaged in something?


hey now you're getting it

Soup kitchen. But I also work in an actual soup kitchen.