He's a NEET
pls do not make fun of the leftcoms, they have a rare form of autism contracted by armchairs
tfw no daddy stalin to put you in a work camp
Wut. Do these 16 y/os get paid under the table?
Who are you talking about?
I am studying at university and used to have a full time manual labour job. My parents are both working class. I think I qualify as working class.
Not him, don't know his situation, but teenagers are cheaper because many of them don't need the paycheck. They're less likely to make complaints or demands. You can hire a ton of them and give them shit hours for shit pay.
Don't talk about Bernie like that!
no refunds
No, here in the Netherlands the minimum wage is different for people under 23
Minimum wage for 16 year olds is €3,09. Minimum wage for 20 year olds is €5,51. Minimum wage for 23 year olds and older is €8,96.
I can't even get a shitty supermarket or dish washer job because of this.
Are you fat, sipping on a XXXL "soda", and assuming you're replying to another American?
Here in europe the minimum wage for people under 23 goes down the younger they are.
I have a job.
I know, I know, it's bad for the image, but I can't get around on the remnant of a near non-existent social democracy anymore. Capitalism be like that, sadly.
Not in Spain nor France, which alone are 1/3rd of the Eurozone, 1/5th of the EU and 1/7th of Europe.
So no. In your country, maybe.
Wrong on all accounts.
Try again.
100% effort post
Every NEET is a potential worker yet to be exploited by porky.
so those who managed to get through life without working for someone are not allowed to participate in your revolution? wtf are you even trying to say
Read a book
I know this thread is low bait, but I sometimes when discussing with liberals, question if people who haven't worked can really empatize with the issues of the working class.
Why would you try to get a job? You only get one if you absolutely have to, Muh work ethic and Muh career is a fucking transparent spook that even most normies see through.
Get one if you have to and don't get one if you can get away with it
The industrial reserve army of labour is part and parcel of the working class and any analysis of the working class is incomplete without it including the reserve army of labour which these days, i believe, is called NEETs.
Read your fucking theory nigger.
I have a farm that i work myself for myself you wagecuck
That looks nothing like a farm
this one is for personal consumption
I grow veges and fruits here… the corn is grown elsewhere..
Does he own the means of production?
If not then hes working class.
If they don't control the means of production they have no autonomy for direction in their life. They can empathize on that point.
your farm is beautiful
NEETs never claimed to be working class tbh. You could say they are lumpenproletariat, cause they have no relationships to the MoPs. I don't have a problem with them, I was a NEET a year ago.
How did you get a farm and how much work is it?
wher is that?
I kid, we should stop bullying leftcoms so bad, they may be annoying but they are right.
I don't consider myself part of the working class
I just like them a lot more than Porky
The IWW recruits unemployed people for a reason user
Corn.. young corn plant.
u r beautiful
Family farms.. we work them ourselves.
I'm not going to work until they bring back Keynesian full employment policy, period.
I'll flip the board before I'll play a game with loaded dice.
Full-employment never happened in any capitalist country that I know of even when Keynesianism was the ruling doctrine.
I don't expect it to completely succeed, I just expect it to be a policy goal. It's absolute insanity that we can have consistently high employment (indeed, only recently did the UK drop to 1975 levels on the back of part-time workers, "self employed" uber driver style jobs, and other trickery - and even then in 1975 the unemployment level was considered appalling.) yet have political rhetoric around the idea that there are plenty of jobs and plenty of help to get jobs. Governments and central banks should at least make an effort, especially in the current climate where inflation often undershoots the banks target anyway.
Some countries got below 2% unemployment on average (Though the US interestingly averaged 4.8%, oddly.), which seems reasonable. I mean obviously all involuntary unemployment is unacceptable, but ~2% is pretty good going by the standards of capitalism.
Or we could do basic income and accept periods of unemployment as now inevitable, but like hell is that ever going to happen.
I have tried tho