Is he right guys? Is conservatism the new counter-culture? is the left just not cool enough anymore?

Is he right guys? Is conservatism the new counter-culture? is the left just not cool enough anymore?

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its kind of hard to be the counter culture when you are getting your way these days



bootlickers can't be a counterculture because they're already the mainstream


He tweeted this a couple hours ago..

I think he found our ultimate weakness.. shit. He must be right guys?

Monarchism is the new counter-culture tbh.

So laughter is now "rage"?

That tweet in a nutshell.

I often do feel like conservatives at the top and the bottom are aliens who live in a separate stupid culture from the rest of us so in that sense it does seem counter.


if you ever @ this guy on twitter and say anything negative you'll have pepes in your mentions for days

We should get twitter accounts and force this pug down frog twitters neck to see how mad some of them get.

Righties tried this in the 80s in the punk scene with Skrewdriver. It didn't work

I wonder if Pepe is gay considering the government is gaying up the frogs.


Nazis shouldn't drive.
Well, actually more of them should.

Sucking the president's dick is the new punk.

punk as fuck

he can't be a part of the "new counter culture" when he just used the shittiest filter ever unironically.

Wasn't it pisspig who got that retard to eat the bug.

Love /our troop/

Punk is not dead.

Can someone make a webm of this?

How many kills did he have to get before he unlocked that sweet snow camo?

If conservatism is punk rock then it's the shitty kind of punk rock

Like pop """""punk""""" from the early 2000s

Counter-culture is worshiping an blustery billionaire an right-wing authoritarian politics all in name of calling some black dudes niggers.

Gotta love modern america.

PJW should start a new band called:

Pro-Reagan Youth
Mind The Bollocks
The Dead Hillaries
Minor Tax Quibble
Middle Age Brigade
The Exploiters
The GreenSkins
New Economic Trend
Christian Front
7 Year Financial Itch
Anti-Feminist Sweepstakes
Good Religion
Small White
The Buzzcuts
Millions of Living Cops
Throbbing Schnitzel
Social Cohesion

Please post examples of cultural products that this counter culture has produced. I hope there is more to this than a middle age guy ranting on YouTube everyday.

I used to frequent /mu/ on halfchan and I can tell you that the righties had some of the worst taste in music. Their 4x4s would consist of like 4 albums by Burzum, some random GG Allin record, and nu metal that they claimed they only had on their because that's what their friends listen to.

no bullying Burzum. Early Burzum was some sweet black metal.
I almost miss my /mu/ days back in '10-'13.

Yes, because progressives control Hollywood and reputable journalism outlets.

Conservatives were called a "silent majority" for a reason. It's almost impossible to come up with left wing, unspeakable opinions, but it's quite easy to think of right wing ones. The mainstream left is incapable of even really addressing alt right beliefs, for example, because they can be so far beyond the Overton window. There really isn't nearly as strong a moral resistance to communism as racism, fascism, or even traditionalism.

I just don't like black metal to be quite honest and I couldn't take it seriously at this point because Varg is a living meme.

My god that shit has aged so poorly

I get the feeling he doesn't know what conservatism actually is.

I've noticed a lot of people on half chan are of an age where they get "nostalgic" for it. I also see a few bands that try to do a revival. I thought Nu-metal would be are hair metal and everyone would just try to pretend that part of history didn't happen.


Haha. You must be joking.

Right. That's why commies get spied on and disappeared by the government while right-wingers are kept around as guard dogs for the aristocracy.

Someone should make a punk band called Mainstream Meteor that mocks Paulie boy.

Same here but the Holla Forumsyp shitposting won't ever stop
I still visit every once and a while to see how everything is going and the memes just won't stop

If you have to run around telling people how cool you are, you aren't cool.



Wow progressives only control 2 out of all those institutions but you guys are the counter culture? lol.

Yea call me when anti-socialist and anti-communists can articulate what those are and who represents them properly instead of the regular soundbites

Yes, as long as you're tactful. You can talk about an uprising against the 1% where you string up bankers by their heels, and people will think you're extreme but nobody will go into the puritanical delirium you might get if you argue for eugenics or attribute black social dysfunction to biology. It's also perfectly acceptable to talk about wage slavery, or to even attack the CIA for what it's doing with the Middle East or its containment strategies in the Cold War.

There are plenty of communist student groups in Universities, but if you make a fascist one you might die. Every radical thinks the world is against them, but dominant culture is absolutely for secular, progressive democracy, and that's left wing enough to dip into Marxist rhetoric every now and then, even if there's no policy behind it.

In this country or others? If domestic this is pretty nuts, if foreign the CIA is full of neocons.

How many feet deep do you bury your head in the sand?

It's true simply because it generates so much butthurt. It's straight edge punk rock

There aren't. What the fuck?

Anarchists are still the epitome of cool. I mean jesus m8 think about it. You think people are going to think you're cool when you go around slapping the beers out of their hands, poking holes in their condoms to get back at them for having sex before marriage, and reporting them to the police for having weed?

I wonder who could be behind this post…

It's headshots not kills you fukkin scrub

Give me examples of leftists being vanished in the last twenty years by the US govt.

There are a couple at my school. One is an intersectional thing where people talk about white male capitalism, the other is anarchists who bubbled up because of Trump. My college is extremely progressive though.

What is your university's name?

Read this crimethinc page

There are. I don't know what kind of rural and suburban shithole you live in but here in Toronto at York and UFT there pretty big recognized Trotcuck student organizations. Ofcourse Trotcucks are pro establishment non-threatening faggots so there is no harm in allowing them

I think he got that weet hat for memorizing the collected works of glorious leader Apo

I am retar

I think you're confused. That's the newspaper club.

The wall Is waiting fam

Do anarchists though? Do you see hollywood movies about cop hating, graffiti spraying, hard drug taking, unemployed, gutter punk anarchists, shown in a positive light? Slaughter of the capitalist class? Collectivization of industry? m8 you can't just see someone say "be nice to people" and assume it's a leftist agenda.

Ayyyy, found the stalinist

Not saying. It's a small liberal arts school in the Midwest.

Jailing protestors and prosecuting them is not disappearing commies.

Honestly, what the fuck do you expect with black bloc faggotry? The protests have been both technologically outdated and counterproductive. Normal people don't like antifa, and protesting is not a necessary outlet for political advocacy these days, it's a logistic inconvenience with traffic direction and policing.

Why should we care about liberals LARPing as anarchists, when anarchists themselves follow a naive irrelevant ideology? LARPing irrelevant ideologies is a whole new level of retarded.

t. /baphomet/

which monarchy are we talking about in that pci?

No? This is like demanding glorifying films about neo-Nazis. The aesthetic you're after is also pretty childish, like wanting to take heroin to express your internal chaos. When I read that description, I think of somebody who is spending their life LARPing on a street corner, and most people will think the same thing.

Agreed, which is why you shouldn't give a shit about most of the protesters.

i mean there have been right wing counter culture movements like the angels and punks but they huffed glue and snorted meth instead of crying about fun

Yeah well that's how the anarchists I know act, because we have fun, we like fun, and fun things are fun. Now show me the mainstream media that glorifies us. Oh wait there's none, just like there's none that glorify the nazis because it's all liberal rubbish about never going too far, peacefully protesting but turning your back on your friends once they start talking about guns or direct action, or organizing, or infoshops, or unions.


Yo, it's cool. Different strokes for different folks.

Didn't this guy got super triggered by Snoop's BADBADNOTGOOD?

Someone should stab him

Why? Paul is a constant source of laughs.

Too edgy for him. Geddit?

holy shit are burgers so stupid that they really believe this shit? It's like they can't even conceive anything different from neoliberalism

This is sort of pathetic. Nobody cares about you, dude. Normal people don't consider you badass, they think you're young and irresponsible.

There was a movie about Che Guevara, so that last sentence is also bullshit on some level.

Conservatives, the punk rock movement, spent all day calling local sheriffs departments and demanding they arrest Snoop Dogg.

pjw is a british classcuck
classcuckism knows no borders

He has a point.

There was a Ukrainian Nazi propaganda movie out last year.

Sounds interesting, but not exactly Western. The cultural situation in Eastern Europe is very different.

When will you cucks realize that neither of the two are counter culture?
Both "left" and "right" wing are by definition part of the kosher set of acceptable political opinions within the system.

Only a few people around Trump, including Steve Bannon, operate somewhat outside this system.

Hard to resist something that hardly exists in practise.

Read a fucking book and realize that the members of the Frankfurt school were actually agitating again liberalism and the empty modern consumerist mass culture.

Go suck off your jew-loving orange sock puppet and his Goldman Sachs cabinet.

"Both "left" and "right" wing are by definition part of the kosher set of acceptable political opinions within the system"

Nice meme fammo. Liberals aren't left.

I get nostalgic for the days when all my friends weren't getting married, or in a successful career, while I'm stuck looking for a shitty wait staff job cause my boss at my last job skimmed off my paycheck and fired me when I confronted her… But Nu-Metal? That was the worst part about the 2000's, the fuckin' dipshits.

Kek, can you give me a version of this without the distorted pics edited in? I want to fuck around with it.

Pretty much true.
It mostly comes down to media people being liberal "leftist" retards with a heavy contingent of tiresome fake-moralists that are about as appealing to young regular people as Jack Chick tracts are though.

You're probably left wing, idiot, and Chomsky is in the set of acceptable political opinions, he has a desk job in academia.

Left/Right isn't even a very concrete or meaningful spectrum of political opinion.

Nice try, OP

The fact of the matter is that the establishment and the prevailing culture are overwhelmingly feminist, statist and social justice oriented.

Trump doesn't even actually represent any sort of significant challenge to the authority of feminists, SJWs and statists. He represents a SLIGHT challenge on CERTAIN issues, and that's enough to send the totalitarian left into a fucking tizzy.

Actual conservatism (and actual liberalism) are both so incredibly fucking rare in significant sociopolitical discourse these days that they both necessarily would constitute countercultures by simply fucking existing at all.

You ARE the establishment, leftists. You delude yourselves into believing otherwise, but the fact of the matter is that because you are useful idiots for totalitarian statist agendas, you are actually in zero danger of ever being marginalized.


Anti-marxist and anti-liberal. I think it's clear it's operating pretty much outside the established system.

They're "left wing" in the mainstream definition of the term. But both "left" and "right" are empty terms anyway outside of the French Revolution.

Chomsky was spot on when he said that, and it transcends the simplistic left-right spectrum.

It is.

Conservatism being cool is a meme

Just because young people are rejecting liberalism doesn't mean the pendulums swinging right.

If anything the vast majority of young people are moving left

Those institutions have enormous cultural power, particularly Hollywood.

Conservatives are culturally invisible. How much religious right pandering do you see on television? Or anti-egalitarianism?

Explain what pushes a position farther right or farther left.

Give an example of an ideology outside of the spectrum.

Yes he is right. It's impossible to even say something remotely right or conservative right leaning without being heavily scrutinized, especially in places like schools. However you can go about how all whites should die and how you better like gay people or else and you will be applauded.

m8, pay more attention, I'm arguing against the claim that there's a blatant leftist agenda in hollywood and that it is almost impossible to come up with unspeakable left wing opinions.
So what do I say? Here are the unspeakable edgy anarchist opinions. Show me the propaganda that glorifies it.

Your statement here
Honestly only reinforces my point.
And it makes a lot of assumptions about me. I do not feel badass, I feel irresponsible, but kind of old, and I enjoy that. I enjoy fun, not being the postal guy.


Every time Chomsky would say this in a lecture/seminar there was always that one kid who said "Yeah but they let you speak."

Entire networks

I don't know what world you live in but I kinda wish it was the real one.

You didn't give an opinion, you talked about your lifestyle and aesthetic.

True, but they're well segregated and besmirched as stupid, backwards, or lame.

Conservatives bitch about the media, progressives bitch about Fox News.


This should be our immediate response. It will trigger them to tears because they know this statement is much closer to the truth than their's.

The entire reason they hate immigrants is that they won't assimilate into mainstream western culture.

You base your entire worldview on imageboards. Go get some statistics.

And they're right on point. Chomsky is about as much of a threat to the ruling political establishment as Hillary Clinton is.


I base it on actual people and their views are unfortunately backed up thanks to the numerous forums that were spawned by the fake-leftist goons on reddit.

Jesus christ you guys are STILL obsessing over this clown and his counter-culture meme?

And again in English?

Are you really surprised? Leftists always obsess over their control (or lack thereof) of other people. Even the merest hint that someone is not on board 100 percent with lefty shit is enough to make them upset.

Islam is counter cultural like Evangelical Christianity is counter cultural. Not offensive or transgressive, just socially hyper-conservative to the point of seeming backwards. It's counter culture, but it's not any fun.

I am so far past the point of reading posts that are 90% greentext.

You seem pretty obsessed about leftists.

I've seen it defined as "hierarchy" vs "egalitarianism"

What if you support both in some degree? What if you care about neither because the whole goal of your movement/ideology is not about explicitly establishing either more egalitarianism or hierarchy?

What about pure ecological ideologies? Or once that revolve around living a moral life? How would pacifism vs militarism fit into such a system? What if you just want to maximize personal freedom, even if it leads to greater divisions between people? What if don't believe in natural rights but still want to live in peace with others?

Left vs right is simplistic fanboyism.

Here's a breakdown simple enough that even you should be able to grasp it:
1. Real people are rejecting the Left.
2. Said people conflate Liberalism and the Left.
3. They're unfortunately justified in this thanks to the subset of Trots and anarkiddies among the Left that inhabit the goon boards on reddit, tumblr etc.

The latter which they consider degenerate and not worth saving anyway.

Yes, that will do. You should stick to communicating in lists until you can write in sentences.

I prefer to say I have a healthy concern about jackbooted statist fucks trying to control me in utter totality.

I don't get why it's so important anyway for people to associate as "left" or "right". Or why people insist you need to pick one or the other.

It's kindergarten politics.

National Bolshevism is the new counter culture.
we are hated by liberals, conservatives, nazis, anarkiddies, tankies and so on

Do you consider anarchism, libertarianism, syndicalism and communalism. "Right wing"?

After all, they're pretty anti-state.

Well I wouldn't go that far.

No doubt you'd prefer it if everyone stuck to self-satisfactory one-liner quips that add nothing to the discussion.
But then what use would you be at that point?

Because while his observation is correct, he hardly shares radical opinions.
It's not like he's advocating violent overthrow of the system, abolishing private property, totalitarianism or Nazi masturbation fantasy.

I also gave opinions.
Making me scroll back up like this.
and then in the next post

None of those are unacceptable opinions, they may just be so uncontroversial that nobody cares about them. The freedom one is called libertarianism and has mainstream recognition, which demonstrates the left/right spectrum does not consume political discourse.

Right wing libertarian? The political establishment in the US has a hairs breadth between them, not sure why you're getting so salty at us because Democrats/liberals act like shitheads. We refer to the goon types you talk about as radical liberals here, they're faggots dressing up liberalism with a red flag. There is no need to be upset.

I find the distinction of "right wing" and "left wing" to be nearly fucking meaningless and pointless in the current political clime. Nota bene: I said NEARLY, not TOTALLY.

Yeah well read this one anyways because the greentext is an actual quote of myself.

What's the difference between nazbols and nazis? They seem nearly identical.

None. That's the joke.

Nazis are capitalists and racialists

I'm just saying that as soon as you deviated from your one-liner quips your sentences became a jumbled mess. Stop projecting and proof read your posts before submitting m80, you'll save us both the time.

read chomsky

I necessarily resist the label of "X wing" because I happily appropriate concepts commonly accepted as being from the "left wing" as readily as I accept concepts from the "right wing". I do this based on how much fucking sense they make, not because they come from one side or the other.

le answer is in the middle. watch south park weeknights on comedy central.

t. label rejecting free thinker

Those opinions can be made acceptable by being suitably vague and talking about the 1%. Infoshops and unions are not unacceptable in public dialogue. Progressives might hiss about guns but if they know you're on their side they'll debate you over it.

Chomsky is establishment. He pisses off American exceptionalists, but they're nonexistent at his level of discourse.

You're still pretending you've actually written anything worth a damn?
I'm actually amazed that there's someone out there so pathetic they actually manage to try and act superior over what amounts to grammar nazism.

That is an idiotic reduction and you damn well know it. Taking ideas from both "wings" doesn't necessarily put you in the middle of ANYTHING.

Your lack of any sort of actual argument is damning of you and yours, not me and mine.

Chomsky is in favor of abolishing private property.

omg they killed kenny xDDD

Race war? Holocaust denial? Kill the bankers? Abolishing democracy? Dismantling the all forms of social security?

There are enough controversial positions out there that are actually legally prohibited, persecuted and/or universally shunned.

Go to Germany and start a movement about abolishing the federal state and the constitution, and instituting dictatorship, then see how long you last.
Or go around openly praising ISIS and advocating Islamism in any western European country.
Or call for the bombing the IMF and killing the heads of financial institutions.

There exist plenty of political positions that are both controversial and considered widely unacceptable in the real world.

Don't matter shit when they pass laws that are anti-egalitarianism

You don't have an argument, your replies in this thread:

But by what means?

There's a difference between saying "private property should be abolished" and actually presenting a clear theoretical and practical framework of how this should be done. I.e. infiltrating political parties, violent revolution, etc. Especially one that clearly threatens the status quo.

I'm telling you to make sense you stupid fucking mouthbreather. (Retard>English)
Make fucking sense, retard.

Okay then. Show me the times hollywood has recently shown abolishing property/collectivizing industry, or straight up killing the whole of the 1%, in a positive light.

I agree, but only one of these is related to left wing discourse (kill the bankers), and that's probably the most acceptable opinion listed.

Islamification is also granted.

And you don't think that makes this retort an illustrative mockery of PJW's statement? This is no different from the shit he's peddling, hyper conservative culture for its own sake.

You can theorize about revolution all day but it won't happen if you don't convince people that, say, private property should be abolished. Chomsky is much more threatening to the status quo than some LARPer who calls for a violent revolution that won't happen in the next few decades.

Can't think of one, other than sort of They Live. That does not mean your opinions are as unacceptable as fascists or eugenicists.

Ok let me ask this, would Chomsky be allowed to run for president on the democratic ticket? How do you think he would do?


But that does not mean they are accepted either, which is the claim I was arguing against.

Well that and that left wing opinions are pushed in hollywood.

Yes, because all this "awareness" building has worked very well over the past 100 years.

You won't get violent revolution if people don't see violent revolution as a legitimate course of action. Otherwise it's just going to be nu-males with pussy hats waving dildos and calling for transgender bathrooms.

Probably not. But that's sort of my point. Just thinking private property should be abolished isn't particularly dangerous. Running for president on that platform however (praxis) is.

You people are so absolutely fucking idiotic that you make Molyneux look like a goddamn genius.

Let that sink in for a moment, leftist.

And, your first mistake is to even listen to that bullshit. Neither of them address anything beyond weak socdem bullshit, and it's not because they are weakly trying to be leftist, but because they are peddling a neoliberal agenda with a fucking smiley face.
They're pushing a controlling and exploitative system while making you believe it's for equality; "buy the new feminist shirt" (now with more slave labor).
If you think you're edgy and revolutionary because your against the piece of cloth, but ignore the slavery behind it, then you're and idiot.


And surely there would already be the socialist republic of america, if only Chomsky would've lead the violent revolution with 100 people against police with tanks.

Buddy, that isn't an argument.


The fact of the matter is that I didn't necessarily come here to argue with you.

I came here to call you useful idiots for the state. Which you are. Oh, and to laugh at you for thinking you are, in ANY way, rebels against anything.


An extreme example. But how do you think politics would look if people thought it was legitimate to take up arms in favor of whatever cause they supported?

This is why the west has no revolutionary potential, but the non-western world does.

The Kurds in Rojava sure are the epitome of conformity!

what are your thoughts on the new season of south park?

Well I was just responding to the idea that he's "as non-threatening as HRC" I see in this thread. Clearly not true, and the fact he has to both temper his speech and has no possibility of being allowed to affect public policy in the real world are telling to how non-threatening his ideas are.

You want to abolish the existing state, even though it more or less is on your side, and replace it with an even PURER state. Which, after a few years, you will decide isn't pure ENOUGH, and will proceed to abolish (violently), and replace with a YET PURER state. Repeat ad nauseum, until everyone's fucking dead, basically, because that's what you idiots always fucking do.

You are stupid.

says the bootlicker

lol read a fucking book my dude

Do you even know what Rojava (The Democratic Federation of Northern Syria) is? Their ideology is libertarian.
Western states are in no way communalist (not to be confused with communist) so I don't get what is up with this "the state is on your side" attitude.

Nor is Rojava engaging in campaigns of genocide or ethnic cleansing as you are suggesting.

This is your brain on memes.

Are you the same idiot from the immigration thread?



Do you often engage in the practice of trying to convince retards?

Weren't we all "retards" once?


Fun fact: That is the sole reasons why I originally came to leftypol.

And look at me now.

No. Ignorant, maybe. Not buttfuck retarded.

I have never in my life expressed that strong of an opinion without first deferring to people with more expertise or doing research on my own. Even now I would never make blanket statements about my own ideology if I was unsure or inexperienced in a facet of it.


No fringe reaction is the new counterculture, conservatism as in civic nationalism is gay and dorky

I think it is. Evola pretty much the same thing

get the fuck out of here fash

Fashies just can't stop apeing what is popular, can't they?

holy shit why is it so hard to have a productive conversation?
I just bring up that someone before PJW said roughly what he is saying and I get autistic screaming right away


I don't see the MSM trashing you half as much as they are trying to trash Trump / the far right. Face it, you're pushing for the same torture chamber bullshit except you wrap your emaciated bodies in black garb and think you're anything other than a tool for the 'porkies'. I laugh nonstop at your perfidy to your own ideals. The lack of self awareness exhibited here is why I keep coming back. It's a candystore for people who enjoy irony.

Liberal echochamber, weird autocorrect but probably fitting.




Pick one

Who has a greater effect right now on the world, Trump or some revolutionaries in the middle east? Trump and his team can destroy the liberal order for all I care. I hope he burns down the state.
Besides your own POTUS and his generals support Rojava lel.

Yeah no. Read Bookchin and Ocalan, and read up about what's going on in Syria.

Murray Bookchin is the new counter-culture.



Here I posted a video at for your short attention span so you don't have to read anything

Bookchin and Ocalan are explicitly anti-liberal and anti-marxist (you know, "left").

Ignorance doesn't make you right.

It's funny how ignorance is seen as some kind of virtue.

In the words of Trump: Sad.

What does he say about niggers and mudslims?

Sam Hyde, MDE, Trump, Breitbart, FrogTwitter (which got an art exhibit at a decent London Gallery), DFW, NRx literature, Musk and Theil (basically NRx), Space X, endless memes

Nothing you SJW faggot

Less than a third of our users peddle idpol crap, don't be stupid you fucking Holla Forumsyp. We have daily threads making fun of those people


You guys constantly hate on SJWs yet you somehow manage to be even worse

It's SJWism to want to address the nigger and mudslim problem?

Are you joking? This is the only way to get through his thick skull that right wing idpol is just as cancerous as left wing idpol

Nothing. The point is that communalism/their version of libertarianism transcends the impotent screeching about "niggers and jews".

Everyone should work and pull their weight. No welfare state, no handouts.
Usury, central banking and a useful class of banker-proprietors that contribute nothing to society are forbidden.
And Islam in essence is a backwards fucking ideology that needs to be removed from the premises.

You happy?

All idpol is SJWism. Why the fuck would anyone vote based on identity?

Useless. Fuck autocorrect.

Yes you fucking retard

And inb4 you post some shit like "but thats the opposite position", its dodging the issue by appealing to some shitty sccapegoat

Except white people cause almost zero crime compared to non-whites. If it were a full white world, then Italians and Irish would stick out like sore thumbs comparably, and that conversation would be worth having. As it stands, non-whites dominate the criminality and non-contribution realms.

Because poor whites cause less crime than rich blacks. The poorest white community in America commits 1/6th of the violent crime as the richest black neighborhood for example.

I want a white homeland. Without whites, any society based on trust, like libertarianism, cannot exist. Go to Somalia if you want African libertarianism. I don't disagree about your usury parts.

Democratic Confederalism/Libertarian Municipalism is one of the best ways to preserve white communities.

There is no incentive for mass immigration, no class of jewish billionaires able to sell out western workers, no opportunity for foreigners to buy up your country, no state that can force you to pay for welfare for those that refuse to work.
It's already miles ahead of what the GOP is suggesting: Selling out the whole country to Wall Street.

These people actually banned banks and usury. What is going on in the US today on the other hand would have Andrew Jackson rolling in his grave.

The reason you have no friends and have never had sex is because you're a completely vapid person. There's just absolutely fucking nothing to you beyond the surface. A person could pass you in the street and it would be like knowing you ten years.

Jontron already said this and he got BTFO with facts by a fucking libtard.

Lmao tankies btfo

Yeah, and when minorities yell back about how much white people have oppressed the third world and minorities with colonialism and imperialism and ghettoization I bet you roll your eyes. Face it, you don't give a shit about "facts" you're just an SJW fighting for your culture and policing people's language, and then getting surprised that no one wants to buy your bullshit.

Except that is exactly what is happening in Syria. Though it's much more similar to Jeffersonian democracy.
As I said, read up about it. If a bunch of non-whites can make this work. Then surely this can work in the west.

Except those people have near zero philosophical basis for what they're doing. It's just warlords warlording.
Very different from Rojava.

"The future of the Left, in the last analysis, depends upon its ability to accept what is valid in both Marxism and anarchism for the present time and for the future that is coming into view. In an era of permanent technological revolution, the validity of a theory and a movement will depend profoundly on how clearly it can see what lies just ahead. Radically new technologies, still difficult to imagine, will undoubtedly be introduced that will have a transformative effect upon the entire world. New power alignments may arise that produce a degree of social disequilibrium that has not been seen for decades, accompanied by new weapons of unspeakable homicidal and ecocidal effects, and a continuing ecological crisis." - Bookchin

Face it dude, if you were successful you wouldn't have to cling to an "in-group", you could just rely on your own successes. How much do you make? Do you live in a good neighborhood? Are you healthy? What's your Autism Level*?

I'd bet a great deal that the answers to all those questions would be mediocre at best.

Yes. But it's clear from reading that overal, Bookchin and Ocalan were and are not Marxists.

Even a fascist can find truth in some of Marx writings.

Want some nudes of my gf? Don't project your involuntary celibacy on me mate kek.

Wrong. JonTron brought up the criminality differences of Park Windsor Hills and Beattyville. Park Windsor being the richest black area and Beattyville being the poorest black area. Pic related. 34 violent crimes committed in Park Windsor in just the last 6 months while there hasn't been a rape or murder in Beattyville in at least 13 years. His articulation of this point was spotty, but he was likely trying to avoid the SJW lynchmob (BUT WE'RE TOTALLY NOT LIBERALS THO t. leftypol faggot) when he was making it.

Why are only Europeans bashed over the head about colonialism? Blacks in Cote d'Ivoire love the roads built for them by the French while nearby nations who didn't have that luxury wish they were colonized. There's 54MM slaves in the world today, but America must continually be berated for freeing its slaves. Trust me, we both regret slavery, albeit for different reasons.

See, I'm actually white from Europe and not some mystery meat leftypol faggot if you're even white. Non-whites ghettoize themselves. How long did it take for Haiti to go from successful French colony to full blown Africa tier shithole? Face it, you'll never admit this discrepancy in your logic because that would bring your worldview crashing down to acknowledge the verity and false egalitarianism ascribed to the races.

Then again you're probably just a nigger

How thick are you that you thought that was the point of my post? My point is that both people like you AND minorities need to stop whinging over heritage and culture and fix real fucking issues you aspie.

You don't have a girlfriend. Out of every retard we've had here this week you're the most boring brain dead one. If you do, prepare to get cucked.

What is your level of education? I'm seriously asking, because no educated human being would believe the relevant variable in that variance to be race.

You're kinda dumb.

Lol fuck off we've seen all the pics and seen all the strawpolls. Holla Forums is filled with way more mongrels than Holla Forums, and I doubt you're even white yourself you LARPing faggot

Reals is a meme, read Sorel

Why was there virtually zero social strife until we started giving up our national heritage? When America was 95% white we didn't have half the problems we do now. Multiculturalism is a failed project and it proves itself every year that minorities lament our weakness in giving them equal status. Look at how Bow Wow's desire to pimp out Melania Trump and imagine the furor that would have arisen if Ted Nugent said he wanted to pimp out Michelle Obonobo.

Pic related ;^)

Park Windsor Hills is high income, high black population. Beattyville is low income, high white population. If SES was the true factor, then it would be a high criminality rate in Beattyville when that's not the case. Meanwhile Park Windsor has very high criminality, and the only factor that can explain this is race.

I have a master's degree kek.

Sure you do. I'll give you one more chance to list the really obvious differences between those two towns that aren't race.

You know. It's possible be opposed to the current system without being republican, liberal or believing in equality.

It must be leftoid magic dust, I am truly sorry. Drumpf must be stopped and it is the current year and thus we must continue to become a deracinated shithole that spreads their cheeks for muslims.



Top kek

Clearly. Your education is so vast you couldn't even imagine other variables between two cities that aren't racial percentages. No one is gonna do your homework for you kid

Looks like a crackwhore to me. Why are all stormniggers always white trash tier?


Might want to get yer eyes checked.

I guess education is defined by how many insignificant variables that could be cited to explain the difference between two areas that aren't race. Maybe it's the amount of lichens that grow in the area?

Let's see your catch mate kek. That is some grade A prime cut right there. Don't drool on your keyboard while you hop on tonight.

This is what stormniggers actually believe

Holla Forums really is projection central

Might want to move to a white country, burger.

If you had a gf she'd be showing you tits and face in sexts, not angled ass shots. At best this is some slag whose instagram posts you saved.

I asked you a super simple question that any high school grad should be able to answer. Let me put it another way, if you wanted to conclusively determine that racial percentages were the causal factor of crime rates, what would you control for? This is super basic shit dude you really can't weasel your way out of it with more libtard memes

I keep forgetting about all the fag nightclub mass shootings we had before 1965.

Who said I don't have more feggit? You get a taste, not the whole shebang. Just showing you how Holla Forums isn't full of angry teenagers who are just angry at life for not getting laid.

Nigger communalism isn't antimarxist any more than it's anti anarchist it's a coherent synthesis of the two ideologies

Fucking read Bookchin instead of jacking it to kurds


You really are an imbecile. Do you think "number of fag nightclub shootings" is a decent metric to measure strife?
At least go with national violent crime stats per capita or something, you're honestly such an embarrassment

I would control for income? Compare any rich white neighborhood's crime stats and it's even lower than Beattyville's. That furthers my point, not yours.

Blacks males, 7% of the population, commit ~60% of the murders/rapes in the US.

So you're an ancap sharing pictures of hookers then.

I see you lack reading comprehension.

You still can't prove there's more crime than in 1965, admit it

[citation needed]

I said I'm sharing sexts, which is a sexy text. I never said I'd share nudes. Thirsty ass commies kek. Here is us together.

No, dumbass. That's already accounted for in the original post and the entire fucking point of the argument.

Murders: Blacks 4379 / 8383 (total) = 52% (7% causing 52% means blacks 7.42x more likely to do this)

Rape: Blacks 4,229 / 13515 31% (4.4x as likely)

Robbery: Black 44271 / 78538 (total) 53% (7.5x as likely)

Source FBI from 2015 data. There is no question anymore. I enjoy seeing your gymnastics though.

You keep dancing around it pretending like you know it but you never say it, wonder why that is? ;^)

LMFAO does that pass as the "aryan master race"?

So you're an illiterate skinny fat "white" who bagged a 6/10. Still out of your league, so well done I guess.



I'm European, not Aryan. Guess you've never been to Italy.

Heh you're right there.

Portland is the whitest city in the US and is close to the bottom of the barrel in terms of crime stats. Since you seem to be a consumate retard I'm going to tell you that total population and population density can tell you a lot about the environment and make up of a city (rural areas like Beattyville with barely 1000 people are always going to have an unnaturally low level of crime compared to a city or even a moderately sized town. You also have to take into account infrastructure and police presence (how much is spent on law enforcement? are cops present to even catch/report crimes?). Even the fucking climate can be shown to heavily influence crime rates.

You look like a Southern Italian dude.

Fucking lol, turns out your basically a nigger anyway

Do slavs pass as master race? They are from europe as well. What about Tatars? Laplanders? Where does the European master race end and the violent subhumans begin?

Lol at you screeching about how you're not an SJW and then asking us to use your pronouns>>1483515


Sardinia. We are a pretty well preserved population genetically. Not a Sicilian nigger.

Here we go, Chester, PA. 34K population, fairly small, and is 78% black. Low pop density and high black pop and it has 'one of the highest criminality rates' in America.

Kek, also I got banned, eat a fat cock leftypol faggot mods


No dude I'm not using your preferred pronouns, sorry

From white to "pretty well preserved". Where does this web of lies end, Salvatore?

So you managed to ignore every variable I listed except one and still fucked that up

I'd disagree from the picture you posted lol

muh slavery
muh poverty

I think this clearly show it.

We must kill all white people.

Asian Power!

Okay, since you're a braindead lefty faggot, let me spell it out for you. If portland has a ~10x higher pop density but has a lower criminality than Chester, that means pop density isn't the factor that determines criminality.

And since we already established the park windsor hills / Beattyville comparison for SES, that means that race is the last factor for comparison.

Thanks for playing kek.



I'm honestly astonished that you still think you're passing as "not an SJW"

Face it, you have a religious need to not admit that it's race. Any cursory attempt to look at this with a sober mind would see that race plays a major role, if not the whole of it. I just proved it but your liberal mind won't admit it.

Sure thing pal.

Lmao no you illiterate. The point is there are several factors that work to influence crime rate, many of which I spelled out in my previous post that you could barely make it 5 words into, that work in tandem. The fact that you couldn't even LIST them, even in a general brainstorming, when asked to list them is incredibly telling. You had the chance to name them and then account for them, but that was clearly a task too herculean for your brain.


Stop irrelevant shiting, Salvatore.

Well at least now you can stop role playing as educated

Corsicans are pure white Aryans. Please no bully.

I think you mean Ra.ce Mixing.

Race mixing

Go ahead and publish then. I'm sure your study will be well thought out and encompassing.

So what exactly is your point again? What policy do you propose from this data?

Send all the niggers back to Sicily.

Bell Curve, Thomas Watson, etcetera.

I just proved my positions, but I've gotten nothing but MUH FEELS and BUT ITS LE COMPLICATED responses back. I'm laughing at how hard you have to twist yourselves into knots to not admit that the right has a good point with race. The world view is too practical, too cogent for you who prefer to live in the fantasy utopia in your mind. I used to believe it wasn't race, until I looked into the statistics myself. It's airtight really. It's just uncomfortable to admit and bad dinner conversation which is why it's not discussed. This is maximum feels over reals. Do yourself a favor and ask yourself if it's possible I'm right. If I am right, what would it look like? Then do your own research.

fucking kek'd

The black community has a serious crime issue. Here in Norway an absurd high percentage of Somali immigrants won't work. Yet Africa once housed rich and powerful empires. Arabia and Andalusia was large centers of science and philosophy, discovering mathematical concepts hundreds of years before the europeans. I am not denying that some ethnic groups react worse to hardship and poverty than others. But this does not change the fact that it is poverty, chaos, unstable families and dissatisfaction that causes crime.

I've given you nothing but extraneous axioms you've ignored, data that disputes your points as being singular and working in a vacuum, and the fact that you think this is a "feels" argument shows just how retarded you stormniggers are.

It's really not that hard to come up with really basic-ass confounding variables. The fact you didn't think of them yourself is super fucking embarrassing dude, I'm sorry that your mental breakdown doesn't move me.

This thread has great potential for the next "Holla Forums in a nutshell" video.

You are delusional if you think this kind of study was "politically incorrect" even a few decades ago. I know academia is really alien to people like you, but believe me, someone would absolutely publish.

The fact of the matter is that you have no idea how research is actually conducted and are an easily duped rube that takes in badly equivocated Holla Forums stats uncritically. That's why no one takes you seriously.

It was a huge shame the Europeans carried away all the African treasure chests filled with mathematics and engineering. Forever damned them to a life of squalor. See, the thing you're not seeing, which is what I'm trying to get you to see, is that it's not poverty, chaos, and unstable families that cause the criminality. Those are all parts of the disorganized African mind. They run parallel to the criminality. The chilly room temperature Autism Level of the average Somali lightbulb creates the poverty, chaos, and unstable family structure which in turn leads to criminality. As a group they cannot claw out of this genetic destiny. It's a shame and rather sad but that's the truth. No amount of schooling will fix that.


I wrecked your pop density and socioeconomic status variables, NEXT.

They just abolished the NY state teacher's exam because niggers and spics kept failing them. Instead of admitting that blacks and spics just tested lower, they removed the entire qualification test. You could even look to college entrance exams giving bonuses to spics/blacks as well.

I Q, damn wordfilters.

It's a shame they carried away the one with your ancestors in too.

1000 white kids and 1000 black kids are raised together by caring families who treats their kids the same regardless of skin colour (that means not taking on the blacks with silk hands as well) in an isolated community without scarcity (for those who work), lots of opportunities for rewarding work and harsh punishment for violent crimes. All this of course to avoid any outside factors, a basic principle in science, and to not create a society which promotes violence and crimes, as that would cause those who are the best at crime (read: strong niggers) to be violent criminals. If the blacks still committed more violent crimes more than the whites, you would indeed be right.

This is how stormniggers actually think science works. How about you leave the serious work to the superior asians?

So blacks can only not commit amazing amounts of crime if they live in a perfect utopia? Wow what a great group. Sucks life doesn't work out like that and we must use the real world as a lab, and that lab shows time and time again that blacks commit the most crime across any other group and any other factor.

Occam's razor my lobotomized commie friend.

Lol you still haven't even paid the most basic lip service to the idea that law enforcement and basic climate can (and has been shown to) drastically change crime report rates, and you seriously want to pretend you're "approaching a good point"?

It's always a blast when people like you try to point at others as low *IQ. The writing is on the wall for this one.

You think occam's razor tells you not to account for all possible variances?

You're so painfully stupid

What are you not getting? They were among the top of civilizations, then the material conditions changed and this is no longer the case, their skin color and genes didn't change, yet they must still be the cause of the problem?

I don't deny that blacks stand behind more crimes than whites today, but there is literally zero proofs for this.

The argument that we're all equal and that biology and population genetics play no role in behavior is of course ridiculous.
But so is the idea that poverty has no influence on upbringing and behavior.

Regardless, the point is to build a society that transcends this.
Where communities are economically self-sustainting, no one has to live next to someone they dislike, and no one is obliged to feed useless mouths.

So quit the crap, look one step beyond the idpol and the ra.cialism and read some fucking Bookchin.


Christ. You can complain about niggers, faggots and jews all day.
But if the conclusion of that world view is that we need more neoliberalism and give more money to a bunch of billionaires than you're a fucking cuck.

You mean temperature lmao? Holy wew you are grasping at straws.

Yes, the amount of stingless bees living within a 50 mile proximity of each location must be carefully measured to make sure we are quantifying all possible variables.

Show me one African building made during this 'top of civilizations' period that still stands. Is it made of wood? Where is the African Rome for example? You think one rich King (by selling slaves) defines the whole of African history?

How retarded do you have to be to think this is what he meant?

Blacks couldnt be doing more crime, it MUST be dem raycis porkies. Fry like bacon amirite?

You. You're not posting any nudes because you never got any.


You betray your ignorance with each additional statement. I'm seriously doing you a favor in telling you to stop now.

Except he does have a point. I've heard the same complaints about people that have been to and worked in Africa.

The idea that culture and economics alone can explain all differences in behavior and intelligence is ridiculous. Likewise is the idea that no one can transcend their ethnic background, there are no exceptions and biology alone explain all differences.

I don't see why people have to be a bunch of aspies regarding this and just can't be reasonable.

He doesn't really have a point. His point is that he wants really really badly for genetics to be the only factor. It isn't, and isn't even the primary one. No seriously researcher would ever consider it to be the only factor worth studying.

Keep in mind nobody in this thread ever said genetics don't matter. By contrast, he's utterly convinced that it's the only thing that matters and has conveyed that opinion repeatedly.

And probably some degree of biology.

At every income level blacks are 5-10 times more likely to commit murder in America.

Race essentialism is dumb, human biodiversity is not. There is no point at which somebody is black or white, but geographically isolated subpopulations have significantly different frequencies for certain genes, and those differences may (probably) account for some differences in intelligence and achievement.


Then why did Haiti go from successful sugar colony (not a depletable resource) to a complete shithole after they gained independence? They eat mud cookies there.



You can just say you don't think climate and police presence and population density and infrastructure matter. Do you believe that?

Look someone speaking sense, careful komrade they might gulag you for breaking ranks.

You got it dude, must be genetics. You've clearly accounted for everything else.


No one is on your side here, but nice try

meant for

If you act retarded I'm going to call you retarded. I'm sorry if that's not PC enough for you, SJW

Blacks commit shitloads of crime = higher police presense. Not exactly rocket science here.

What could it be then? Or is leftypol only good at smarm?

When was this the case? Sumerian ziggurats extend far back into history. Was it before then that Africans were at the 'top'? As in, before anyone started to do anything they were in the top echelons?

Genes might matter enough, and vary enough by geography, that a rational person could exclude ethnic groups from immigration, especially when even moderate differences at the mean for a certain trait can mean huge differences at either extreme. If you can pick and choose, it's better to get immigrants from China than Somalia.

Read this post.

Yes or no, temperature and climate are the same thing?

Chinese migrants > Somali migrants (not that I want either really), but Chinese are both smart and low crime.

This clearly demonstrates that being raised in a white household (read: high correlation with increased income and better education) increases the Autism Level of black people
literally how can you possibly interpret this to mean MUH NIGGERS R DUM if it shows that race is not the only determiner for Autism Level test performance? Do you really think Autism Level tests are useful for determining the relative “standing” of the races if the material conditions of the testees greatly affect the outcome?
You fucking SJW’s are hilarious

Racialists are all retarded.

Except it shows that they return to the average by puberty. All 'smart blacks' return to their median I Q by puberty, which is like 85. Read it again.

Yeah bro that totally supports your stance. It's literally all genetics.

For one, a functioning independent state requires educated citizens, while a necessary education system was never developed as it is completely unnecessary when Frenchmen handle all the administration. I'm no expert on Haiti, but this may be one of many factors. Biology may be another one.

How about all of society and it's many complex and intertwined factors?

All your rationalisation doesn't help the fact that ultimately you're just about "FEELS >>> REALS"

Why not? If crime rates and Autism Level is all that matters, why aren't you actively supporting immigration of Asians to improve your society? This seem to be the only logical conclusion to your posts.

Haha literally where does it say that

Are asians justified in posting your own autistic charts and using them to prove that
1. they're superior to all the other races
2. they should be allowed to kick out all the non-asians from the country
If your answer is "no", then you're a dumb feels > reals SJW faggot, which is the point we've been making all along

How were the French able to rise out of the ashes of non-education to create their empire then? No one built it for them, why do blacks need education systems built for them if they want to make par?

Religious need to not admit it's race. Literally 'ANYTHING EXCEPT RACE' the post, the meme.

I want a white homeland for no reason other than I enjoy the continued existence of my people. I think the nips are spiritual brothers, chinks less so. I would be fine with unrestricted japanese immigration, but they have a nice country so it wouldn't matter. You're right though, chinks would be less of a problem, and I would replace all non-whites with chinks in a heart beat.

Pic related.

Kick whites out of their country? Sure. America is a white country though, at least it was until 1965. Asian immigrants aren't the problem really, as long as it isn't low wage pooshitters that drive average incomes down of course.

aka it would hurt your feelings
t. Americlap


That is not what that says you fucking retard

In fact, that chart refutes what you are saying.

1. It’s an average figure so ““smart blacks”” have no real effect on it
2. The rows above it flat out say that a black child raised by non‐black parents (necessarily with the material improvements that entails) enjoy an increase in Autism Level test performance that persists through puberty

Go fucking figure, clearly niggers are dumb

I can’t believe Stormfag SJW’s still propagate this study when it draws the exact opposite conclusion they think it does. But feels > reals right?

Niggers can't even recognize themselves in the mirror at ages up to six but it must be 'le confounding variables'


If you weren’t a retarded SJW you’d advocate replacing whites with asians

t. race realist runner up prize winner (but not because he's fucking italian anyway)

Lmao your screeching autism is so satisfying. Keep changing the subject stormnigger

With nips? Or chinks? Nips and Euros are pretty equal. Chinks are like bug people. If the whole planet was just whites, nips, and chinks, my desire to genocide each race would be a lot lower. It's really the arabs, africans, and spics that ruin it. But yes, your point, in a sense, is valid. That doesn't mean I have to desire to self exterminate. White society has a very similar level of criminality as asian society, as well as the I Q being very comparable. Nordic nations have equal or higher I Q than chinks for example.

Anyway, it's been nice destroying each and every one of you for however long it's been. Keep stroking it to your imagined gf, but remember daddy Holla Forums is there whenever you want to stop being a race cuck. That is, if any of you aren't niggers or mexispics.


Just give up on life bro, you're really really badly equipped for it. Honestly, if you're so autistic about *IQ then why not just kill off everyone below 100? Are you afraid you might get swept up in that category?

Yes, now we do, in spite of every major Western cultural institution, from the arts, to academia, to journalists, to both political party's dismay! Fash is the new punk, and Trump is Nirvana.

How are you not an SJW again?

You are in the lower half for Autism Level. You need to get the fuck out of America and take your race traitor girlfriend with you.

Not according to your metric, Asians are clearly superior. You are a nigger to Asians (and Jews lol), and if you’re right to not want them to exist, they are justified in wanting us exterminated too.

FEELS > REELS, who is "your people"? Is everyone with your skin colour part of your extended family?

They didn't suffer from overpopulation, and were largely self-sustained with food, something which is next to impossible on a small island.

Also, why limiting yourself to blacks? Why not expel everyone with lower than 100 Autism Level?

Because he's Italian.


I just don't geht how peoole like this guy always belive they are showing us worldview shattering date, while we have there threads all the time, and Holla Forums always gets debunked.

It depends.

If the state is a trustee for its citizens will, and is supposed to help them, they probably don't want to be replaced by a different population.

If the state is only out for itself, Chinese population replacement would be better.

If the state is a veil of ignorance utilitarian thing, Chinese population replacement would be better.

It's a values thing.

Hello where are da proofs ::D:::DD

Here you go projecting again. I've had my *IQ measured by the state specifically to move ahead several grades a child. I guarantee you my *IQ is statistically higher than yours is, especially with your moronic blubbering and bloviating.