Is there some reason why self-proclaimed American "socialists" aren't pushing for this?
4 hour 4 day week
because they're dumb hipsters from brooklyn who are already rich and thus socialism consists of ironic twitter posts and social activism
Apparently Holla Forums is too.
what am I supposed to do
Let's push for the balanced ten-day week with four days off.
Hell yeah, Robespierre is back
It makes sense I guess but you can hardly get people on board for a higher minimum wage, I doubt there would be any traction for a maximum amount of work. People would just get triggered and not understand it.
I'm a dumb hipster in brooklyn and I'm broke af fam
my party actually is pushing for this too
There actually is broad support for a higher minimum wage though
I think as automation is expanded under capitalism, there will be more support for ubi and a shorter work week. It'll be tacked on with some horrific porky shit, though.
Protestant work worship. Still, burgers are too hypocrites to go full amish if they value work that much.
being amish puts a practical limit on the possible amount of work though, with the help of technology we can do better
His month names are way better than ours.
wow, that's fucked up. Thanks man, now I feel better with myself.
That is so disgusting.
They also only apply to Paris
Adorno is spinning so fast in his grave we could save the planet
Glorifying literal slavery. This makes me want to vomit
Holla Forums twitter is composed of irony boy homosexuals and leftcoms with the occasional non-batshit tankie.
ya good luck being productive and competitive being a lazy shit
What do you mean when you say productive?
We'd automate, and that wouldn't be a problem as long as there is wealth redistribution, unlike how people *must* work in capitalism.