What the fuck is wrong with anarchists?

What the fuck is wrong with anarchists?


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more on them en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_of_Fire_Nuclei

No organization.



What's wrong about this? I believe that we leftists should engage in terrorist activities. IMF employees are part of the problem as well, since they don't produce anything useful and get a nice sallary.
I believe we should organize and start spreading fear among porkies. The radical muslims only kill random people, so it's up to us to attack the real dangerous people. Put bombs underneath their cars, kidnap their children, kill them and broadcast for the internet. Porkies shouldn't be able to roam the streets without fear.

Sorry, forgot my flag.

i wonder who's behind this post

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this


I bet it was a secretary or something not even close to being a porky.


Random acts of violence can lower an organization's morale to the point it stops working effectively. Don't see why the Greeks don't do a Schengen run to assassinate one of the heads though.

probably petite Bourgeois then and if not it's a traitour anyways.
rich comming from a liberal



Yeah, no.

Feel free to justify your position any time.

Jesus christ stop using meme arrows so much, I can't even tell what you're trying to say.

If you cry about violence against IMF chances are that your a liberal

You were the first to use them. Justify your position.

I'd rather attack the heads of the IMF than a random person that would most probably be someone not important.

More proof that memers are fucking retarded.

let me guess you probably think 9/11 was bad don't you?

go back to reddit

Thanks for keep proving my hypothesis that memes make you retarded.

people that tell others to go back to leddit do so in the most reddit way possible
i mean look at the way you post in this very thread, get some self-awareness

hurrdurr revolutionary terror is dumb

What an insightful post.

I'm sure they would, but for some reason they haven't. They most likely don't have the ability to. Would you say direct human harm outweighs the harm the IMF causes through its policies?

You're still complicit. On the whole, I tend to let workers off with "oh, the system makes you take a job", but certain jobs are beyond the pale. (I'm not passing judgement in this specific case, but it's a general example.)

I mean, you think you're going to have a revolution without some elements of the army interfering? Oh no, don't shoot Porky's security guards, they're workers!

IMF employees are corrupt because they know they work for a useless institution and they don't care that their sallary comes from that. If they weren't corrupt, they would resign.
I bet even the average sallary for an IMF worker is well above one of a teacher, nurse i.e.

So no, i don't take pity over some low employees from IMF being targeted.

To be fair, most western countries have a labour surplus and declining welfare systems so in resigning/refusing their job a worker puts themselves in a very bad place.

Though some jobs and organisations are still beyond the pale.

unless they had a say in what the IMF does saying every employee is corrupt because the organization is is stupid

pure idealism

This only adds to the case for the strategy though, as it skews the risk/reward for working for the IMF.
I think that sending one bomb is stupid, but if they were to launch a campaign then it's a viable strategy of demoralising the organisation to the point people stop coming into work, quitting, and refusing to do their jobs for safety concerns. This is what the IRA did by sniping people at random in the streets, and eventually British squaddies refused to do their duties.

Anarchist retards believe this will make normie's love anarchism.

Pure ideology.

Yes, it was, because it gave the perfect opportunity to Western government to restrict our freedoms in severe ways.
But you meme edgelords are against freedom, so I'm not surprised.

A nazbol being historically ignorant, what a surprise

false dichotomy, both are shitty things, unless by "human harm" you mean attacking the IMF directly (actually attacking it)

The IRA never randomly killed people what are you talking about

I'm sure an inside job to justify imperialism, even more government surveillance and bombing sand niggers was a good thing.
I'm starting to see why everyone shits on nazbols.

No it isn't, you don't get to disregard a situation because all your options are shitty things. Your other choice is doing sweet fuck all which is also shitty. How would you attack the IMF directly? Would you bravely storm their headquarters (full of poor innocent workers!)?

Random squaddies you nerd. I should have been more specific.

Both are shitty things, but one may serve to reduce the other.

Do you want the depression, or the SSRIs that make it hard to wank?


Statement from the guys who did of what they're about.

Basically they're an Anarchist version of Red Army Faction. Hopefully this sort of thing catches on.

That's a lot different, those people know they might die at any moment and are also ready to kill anyone from the opposite side.

Presumably the aim is to turn working for the IMF into a know you might die at any moment career choice.

(Note for the NSA, GCHQ, CIA, FBI, NHS, CNN, etc: I'm not condoning anything here, this is a purely academic discussion of strategy.)

There was also a crippling recession in mainland Britain at the time. I don't really see much difference between a squaddie/IMF worker/DWP employee. You can claim the series of events that led up to your current employment are tragic to a certain extent but if you're the enemy of a vast number of people some things are to be expected. Shuffling papers can be just as oppressive and dangerous to people as manning a military checkpoint.

Is the IMF that important? I see killing civilians as a big no-no but if the organization is as shitty as alphabet soup agencies then I can see some positions in this thread somewhat more justifiable.

Anarchists don't care about normies, mass-movements are obsolete.

Anarchists don't care about organizing either. :^)
See: antifa.

Don't bother. Kiddies gonna narc: marxists.org/archive/trotsky/1911/11/tia09.htm.

We'll see them again in a few years when their edgy phase is over and they once again have little to show for themselves other than corpses in their name.

Antifa is non-sectarian, it's not exclusively anarchist.

Thanks for posting this, I remember reading it a while ago and thought of it when checking the thread.

The IMF is the major institution that imposes neoliberal reform (sorry "structural adjustment programs") in exchange for bailout loans in developing countries.
I'd like to see it torn limb from limb (peacefully and by international agreement with a Keynesian international clearing union as a replacement) for that and it's other structural problems. The whole thing is a mess.

Recently-ish they also recognized neoliberalism is fucking shit iirc, but they're still a remarkably untrustworthy organisation.

Where ever the IMF tends to get itself involved, economic collapse is not long to follow. Yugoslavia, Greece, plenty of African countries. I don't know much about it compared to other subjects but from what I can gather they're about as constructive as the CIA but with accountants.

Yeah, I only read this recently too. I'm not a fan of Trotsky at all on the whole, but this piece by him is very comprehensive and hard to argue against.

Probably shouldn't have involved the IMF itself in the first place by taking massive loans from it to sustain its liberalization: insurgentnotes.com/2013/10/yugoslav-self-management-capitalism-under-the-red-banner/.

As opposed to successful mass revolution, which will surely arrive.
Any day now.
Aaaaaany second now.
Hold on, is tha– No, just my eyes.
We shouldn't rush things, after all.
Revolution - Soon!
I can feel it coming in the air tonight.

I don't actually mind the piece, but I've got to play pessimist.



Like I say, it's one of the things I don't know too much about, and the Greeks tend to care about this stuff more because it affects them directly, but purely from my own observations everything I hear about them has been
"IMF involved in X!"
Some time later…
"Everything has gone to fucking shit"
I've never heard a success story involving them. This could just be confirmation bias but I used to largely regard them as a neutral organisation and everything I've seen about them in the news has made me start to treat them with deep suspicion to the point of wondering just how tied into the deep state they are. This is solely from how inept and ideological they seem to be.

Greek and Turkish comrades are among our best these days and aren't afraid to blow shit up and kill a few pigs.

Bordiga didn't die for this

Is that it? Is your best argument to say that since it is indeed hard to organize towards the event of revolution, we should all take the easy mindless route and go smashie smashie boom boom because that's an easy thing to do regardless of the consequences?

If you're an anarchist you just managed to fit the stereotype perfectly in a single post, and it's no wonder anarchists like Malatesta saw this development in wilful ignorance within anarchism as cancerous and treacherous to anarchist principles: dwardmac.pitzer.edu/Anarchist_Archives/malatesta/ForgottenPrinciples.html.

Even then, the IMF can't escape blame. Why did they give the loans in the first place?

The IMF is a disaster of an organisation with no reason to exist in the modern world. It's the result of American self-interest at the Breton Woods conference. I'm gargling words here instead of giving truly articulate thought because this trivia has largely ceased to be relevant to me (I've given up hope), but it's all true nonetheless.

The whole point of the thing was to bridge imbalances of payments, but since the end of Breton Woods (inevitable, because the USD was made instrumental instead of the bancor) trade imbalances have become a broadly accepted thing. You wouldn't need structural adjustment programs if we'd used the bancor, because the international clearing union penalizes surplus nations as well as deficit nations, creating a huge incentive to balance. (i.e. say Germany is running a trade surplus, if it goes above a certain band the ICU will confiscate that surplus, making it "use it or lose it", and in turn Germany has no reason *not* to buy Yugoslav goods, restoring balance.)

And err… Yeah. Screw the IMF… Uh…

Well, what are you doing? :^)

I'm not arguing, I'm spouting pessimism with a joke on the end.
I'm also not an anarchist, although on a raw emotional level: If the revolution isn't coming in my lifetime, shove a firecracker up porky's ass so I've got something to watch on television. What do I have to lose? Who cares for the consequences? Indeed, what consequences? What about the present way of doing things is worth preserving to the point of justifying the entire stagnant system? I say nothing. I say shake things up at every turn, at every possible opportunity change things for the sake of change. Run out of the house screaming in the nude, you'll still be less insane than the man in a suit preparing for the morning commute.

Why not become a vegan and wine and dine yourself properly if you're looking for pseudo-activities? Do that instead of sallying the name of revolutionary politics with mindless violence void of any real emancipatory politics.

"The SPF first surfaced on January 21, 2008, with a wave of 11 firebombings against luxury car dealerships and banks in Athens and Thessaloniki.[1] Monthly waves of arson have been followed by proclamations expressing solidarity with arrested anarchists in Greece and elsewhere. In September 2009, following an escalation to the use of crude time bombs, four suspected members of the group were arrested. In November 2010 two more suspects were arrested while attempting to mail parcel bombs to embassies and EU leaders and organizations. The organization was designated as a terrorist group on October 13, 2011, by the U.S. Department of State.[2]"

Islamic terrorism exists only because it's allowed to exist, because scaring people with bomb attacks is a good way to convince them to give up their liberties, agree on surveillance and throw money at the military sector.

In other words it's all under control. Now if you started killing members of the plutocrat class things would look much more different. You'd very likely be tracked and annihilated in a matter of days

I really can't critise any group that is gonna fire bomb banks tbh. If neo-nazis did this it will also bring my pleasure.

I don't engage in activities, I sit and I wait for the day I kill myself. (I also don't operate on a purely emotional level, which is the qualifier at the start of what I said.)
I suppose underlying it there's the selfish ideology of our times at play, though. "If I cannot be free, then who cares how long I postphone freedom so long as I can lash out at my captor"

It's not pseudo-activism, it's not activism at all. The point is a spasm of hate that cannot be channelled effectively into anything useful. In aggregate perhaps it's letting off steam, opening a pressure valve and wasting energy, but on the small scale: If he was never going to be a revolutionary anyway, why can't he entertain us by smashing windows and burning things? Why would veganism or organising for SocDems be any better, any less a pseudo-activity?

I mean, Obama does more to sully the name of communism than some window smasher.

This perfectly shows the peanut brain of anarkiddies

Greek anarchists are truly based.

Hahaha they are literally real-life Stirnertards

Insurrectory anarchists were always the minority in the anarchist movement so it would be hard to generalize.

Anarchists should focus more on constructive direct action rather than destructive. That thread about anarchists filling in pot holes was a good example of this. There are loads of anarchist groups who do things like feed the homeless, teach practical skills, collect garbage etc but they don't get reported on because it doesn't get clicks. If there is going to be violent direct action against the state it should be in an organized and well planned way. This sort of shit is why so many people think all anarchists are edgy teenagers who just want to be violent

Implying that burning useless cars is not propaganda against useless cars.

Are they really? It feels like Autonomist which seem pretty insurectionary in practice make up large parts of the anarchist movement.

You'll probably have shit PR anyway,
Though my latent socdem would say that really, Anarchists should just good-cop bad cop it, if you could find a way of appropriately getting the difference out there.

Read this fam

dude just smash everything and figure out the rest later lmao

I'm not sure why this is directed at me. What I said would be better read as "You plan everything out while promising to protect people from the dude-smash-everything crowd, since association isn't maintained closely people are forced into your arms by their actions."

I meant to reply to
not sure what happened

Fair enough.
*wrestles trashcan*

Fucking based


petit-bourg detected


i am disappointed they was not anarcho primitivists

We don't kill children here, user

What the fuck is wrong with marxists?

They are afraid of winning.

We should. The cruellest thing the world did to me was let me grow up.
Though I suppose being the loner kid, everyone was probably relying on me to solve that problem. Sorry guys, self loathing only.


class hatred =/= random hatred
The word money should make you angry.

You don't have to wait for that.

No, underlying is just your poor theoretical understanding of how to efficiently engage in actual revolutionary and emancipatory politics. Consequence of this is, indeed, that one either buys into the ideological edifice of either unconditional possiblist pacifism or mindless violence. You chose the latter.

Yes it can. The first part of your post perfectly illustrated one of your options if you can't curb your autism.

Veganism won't do anything, nor will supporting SocDems. Improving your working class community's well-being or making it aware of its conditions of existence is an example of the opposite of pseudo-activity, since it has actual long-term emancipatory function.

For the incurable few old timer cuckservatiuves who unironically think any kind of state activity or allegiance with the American Democrats makes one a filthy commie, maybe, but those people are a dying breed.

This doesn't even matter. The name of communism once stood under the death penalty and yet it's precisely this fringeness that made it attractive to working people in times of crisis. What you harm is not the communist movement with your autistic outbursts, but you harm the potential of proper use of violence itself. In general. This is bad for all non-classcucked politics.

as an anarchist you made me take nazbols side. gee. couldn't see in my dreams that day would come.

liberals will have an important role to organize all kinds of anti-capitalists and make them put aside their ideological conflicts with it's stupidity.

That's fine since they wont ahahhahhaa.

It's beautiful in some ways.

No reason to bring it forward.
You'll forgive me if I pour pessimism over this. Nobody cares to be educated on politics and I am not a particularly charming individual. I am not Moses, and I will lead nobody to the promised land. Forgive me if I spend my days hoping someone slits Pharaoh's throat just to make life interesting. (It has to be emphasised again: I don't engage in any activities. I sit and I watch and I wait. I am a woeful pessimist.)
An interesting line of thinking, although it would broadly seem to ignore the way I stated that I don't believe meaningful liberation will arrive in my lifetime. What's a 100 year delay on the revolution for 50 years of life under late capitalism being more entertaining?
I'd put it most simply that I have nothing to lose. I just want to see people I dislike, people who have shit to lose, lose.

When I die, bury me in my comfy chair.

liberals already hate leftists you dumb fucks

Anarchists could bomb the nazi party during WW2 and leftypol retards would still complain.

No they wouldn't, because that would actually target the bourgeoisie in some form and actually terrorize it.

But (Marxist) communists were the only ones to attempt something actually impactful like that anyways: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marinus_van_der_Lubbe#Responsibility_for_the_Reichstag_Fire_1933.

but think of all the nazis that could be converted to socialism if they weren't blown up!!


Has individualist left-wing terrorism EVER furthered the goals of a left-wing movement?

Seems like it's just catharsis.

You don't get it. Most normies aren't leftists or liberals.

and yet most normies still detest radical leftism even if they're "apolitical"

You have to go back.

Why even associate yourself with revolutionary politics in name then if you wouldn't even be willing to actually break any sweat for actual action?

That's fine; see pic related. This indicates something entirely different from wilfully engaging in mindless "propaganda of the deed"-style outbursts which do in fact hurt the good of working class's interests in emancipation on the long term.

I'd put it most simply that I have nothing to lose. I just want to see people I dislike, people who have shit to lose, lose.
Nobody wins in capitalism, because everyone acts on behalf of impersonal forces. Porky only "wins" within the rules of the game he plays. You should have no moralized opposition to capitalism, especially moralized opposition within the myopic framework of capitalism's own workings. Porky is a slave to compound growth. He is, in a materialist ethical sense, the true loser, because he bears the brunt of responsibility in maintaining a system he considers to just be incurcumventable: a truth of life.

they can't make bigger bombs

I'll bandwagon jump when things get going. Never was much of a leader anyhow. The other problem is that I think the odds of Moses appearing while my bones still have skin with which to sweat from upon them rank somewhere around the odds of Jesus coming back.
In those terms it still sounds like some kind of higher purpose is being applied to the outbursts, instead of having them exist essentially for mindless pleasure, and as outbursts for their own sake. (It's not "Burn down the bank because it'll help smash capitalism", but "Burn down the bank because it feels good to see the bank burn.", or something along those lines.)
Though I think it'd be useful to note this goes far beyond the individual. I mean, military coups, wars, all sorts of bigger things could be justified along the same lines, although it becomes increasingly disturbing to do so. At the core, I'd say I'm just drawn to chaos. Change is change is change, and in a stagnant world, shake the damn kaleidoscope.

If you can make porky suffer more for propping up the system, even if he's ultimately a tragic figure, it's cathartic. It's petty and immature, sure, but that's human emotion for you.

You can't stay here friend.

next you're gonna cry about poor CEO's being executed

memes aside, this is a real theoretical blind spot
standard marxist definition of class is too simple and vague
when you get to the details, you're forced to introduce some petite bourgeoisie class, labor aristocracy, intelligentsia and whatever the fuck else
in the end it all becomes a confusing clusterfuck

as I see it, problem is that standard definition is indifferent to income level as opposed to income source
income can be spent on personal consumption, yes, but there's only so much one can spent on himself
it's a golden rule of capitalism, money should make money
nobody is gonna just hoard cash
they're gonna buy shares or derivatives from shares, which ultimately means buy ownership rights on the means of production
or they're gonna rent their cash to the bank, ultimately becoming rentiers

high income level can lead to the new income sources
that's what the new definition of class should reflect
not just mechanistic "oh, he is working for a wage, he is our guy!"

as to the IMF employees, give me an audit report on them
I'm sure their financial activity will speak for itself as to the what class they gravitate the most

btw, not even a fan of direct action

Sure we do. Burn in hell, piglets!

Fucking bootlicker cucks

Let me guess, instead they should have herded faggots to join a 100> man party.

No theory, thus anything they do is necessarily devoid of purpose except making them feel "free"(read: like they have some agency, despite their random acts of destruction helping the state with useful anti-left propaganda)

Case in point

What is the CNT-FAI?

They didn't use a big enough bomb.

You faggots can't even apply your theory without signifigant revisionism.

What is the glut of Marxist-Snowflakist parties?

that's actually pretty funny
was not expecting it from anarchoshit

This has to be ironic.

Not speaking for all those supposed Marxists out there who came at the working class with the present state of things, but you can bet we can. Us left communists follow the immortal and invariant programme of Marxist communism to a T.

There's several sects of Leftcom, and between pancakes, ravioli ravagers, and whatever you guys are dwarfed by Trots alone. Factor in Maoists, MLs, and other faggots and the vast majority of Marxists have revised theory to fit opprtunistic whims the reality of the situation.

Is the problem with Marxism that we blindly follow our dead leader's instructions, or that we constantly revise and update our theories scientifically to make Marxism relevant to material situation of the present day?
Anarchists just can't decide. Possibly they don't even see why these are mutually exclusive.

Following someone would require standing and walking on your decayed legs, armchair-com.

Both, the disagreement is which dead idol is to be worshipped.


A guy who led a failed revolution. Do you actually have anything interesting to say or just want to REEEEEE before revising your theory to fit your opprtunistic whims?

Don't stop fam dis gettin gud

What's the practical difference between a theoryless anarkiddie and a marxist-snoflakist who will completely disregard theory when it turns out the praxis doesn't work?

Why are marxists so useless?

But they like write obscure books that only other Marxists understand

But FBI-sama, if the workers are targeted with violence, how will the true left ever convince them that communism is in their best interest, when porky will use the fear it causes to thier advantage.

regular post worker is not pork. kill yourself

Also none of this matters if you can't build a mass movement. This bombing campaign works against such a goal.

Comrade it's 2017 we don't need mass movements any more.

but there's so many fucking retarded liberals and shit that would just freak out and say how "violence isn't the answer etc etc" wouldn't this just be country productive

Riiiiight. We're building a new society from below without a mass movement.
