Let's say half the people in your country were ancoms, and have were state-socialists.
let's say you can't kill each-other, and you had to find a common ground for the new society to be successful
and say international revolution wasn't possible, and the country in question was the US, so you had enough resources and capital to create a functioning socialist (non-capitalist aka market exchange and profit) economy
What would your democracy look like?
Let's say half the people in your country were ancoms, and have were state-socialists
democracy is undialectical
Tankies and anarchists are not so different when it comes to it.
When removed from their intellectual circlejerk and faced with real world problems of organization, I'm convinced they would come to similar conclusions of how to organize.
By kissing
that's step 1
It would just be a state socialist society. Anarchists are delusional and have historically always been compelled to simply re-institute the state under a different name.
the thing is, left-anarchists seem to want a state free of hierarchy so therefore it wouldn't be a state by their definition
it depends on how you define a state
I would be fine with a militia society with officers recallable or drawn by lot or something
my proposal:
federal state with a civilian military and police force, with officials being selected by lot in one house of legislature and direct vote for the other legislature
Is that a compromise?
Central computer planning with decentralised implementation and a confederalist government structure.
the way the PKK is organized seems like production for use and fairly non-hierarchical
Dumb marxist
these terms are retarded. The idea that America needs to stay the size that it is, is absurd. the idea that democracy is a legitimate form of social organization is absurd. the idea that theory obsessed an-coms and state socialists (probably Tankies or Soc Dems) would meet at common ground is absurd. I hate this faggot liberal "we all need to get along" christfag bullshit. There are ideologies that are irreconcilable and should be destroyed with fire. Do not insult great thinkers by warping their ideas to meet your standards
so rule by engineers, technocrats, scientists and intellectuals. got it. so 'A Brave New World' in all but name
No problem with that.
t. Howard
nah, it's mainly about "how do we create a realistic socialism without it devolving into dictatorship
Just do it like the USA, have a constitution to protect basic revolutionary doctrine, and then have two "opposing" "parties" that agree on all the basics, but quibble over minor details.
honestly, I think that would be pretty fucking clever
Dictatorship of the proletariat is a prerequisite for a realistic socialist state.
I've been on this train for a while now, except also fix the problems he US has with its voting system and have multiple parties so all the leftist tendencies get a shot. Give the local communities more control, like the state's rights people pay lip service to. Let each community run its own way and coordinate them through a confederacy.
I think trying to generally define what a "state" is to all these different ideologies is difficult. There's a lot of anarchist tendencies that are simply against unjustified hierarchy and aren't just smashy smashy get rid of the state all together right now.
Sure, fix the problems the US has. The US system is really falling apart now. And make sure that the socialist constitution (protected by a supreme people's court) isn't just conserving socialism, but also planning for an eventual transition to communism. Just as long as reactionary/bourgeois parties are basically banned, just like how feudalist parties have no chance in liberal democracies.