unconfirmed unsubstantiated bullshit, sure they have facists but no more or less than a few years ago, probably less since they are fighting bonafide neonazis in donbass, not too trendy to wave that shit around right now
crimea had a referendum you wapo cocksucker, you can debate the fucking transparency of said but the fact that you think russia would hand over their port on the peninsula because of a color revolution is hilarious and shows that you have no understasnding of geopol
You want to talk about imperialistic tendencies you should probably mention afghanistan, iraq, lybia, supporting mercenaries and "moderates" in syria, 160 bases all over the world, etc p.p
more rumors and bullshit from western liberal presstitutes, beyond a few token words that have sent faggoty like you into a tizzy there has been little to no cooperation so far, unfortunately, sanctions are still there, door is still open on ukraine, you are talking out of your ass, back to maddow you dicksuck, you dont belong here
the real threat to global stability are the fraternities and clubs that run the deep state, the MIC, and international finance
hilariously they are also the ones that made a creature like putin possible by trying to scalp russia in the 90s with "free market" neoliberalism, you are reaping what you sowed faggots, the tables are turning and a lot of us are kinda fucking enjoying it
I think ive run into you before faggot, your opinions are garbage, you are an idiot or being willfully stupid, either way you need to fuck off back to your sanctioned safe space where you can discuss the haxxing and the like