Name ONE (1) member of the working class who wears glasses.
Name ONE (1) member of the working class who wears glasses
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Name ONE (1) member of the working class who studied genetics at university
checkm8 OP
google him
lmao, literally all of them belong in pic related. I guess pol pot really was right.
My coworker. Well, ex-coworker since we both got laid off.
Certainly not Saloth Sar.
why are glasses associated with intellectuals?
these are safety googles though, not glasses.
most pre-workers-state countries were largely illiterate
The truth he doesn't want you to know
Fuck Lenin. Kautsky is /ourguy/. Go back to reddit.
wtf let's kill a quarter of the population now?!
Because the only reason you would need to constantly wear glasses is to read, which is something that is rarely needed in non-intellectual labours.
Kautsky and Lenin helped get me into Marxism. But let's be real, Lenin was a Kautskyist.
his parents were illiterate farmers