Today was a good day.
Holla Forums gets EPIC btfo in the netherlands
wow it's fucking nothing
but it upsets Holla Forums
meant for
Also socdems got absolutely destroyed in the Netherlands. At the cost of liberals led by self-declared Obama/Trudeau of the Netherlands getting massive gains.
SP could hold some of their strongholds in Groningen and the Limburg/North-Brabant border
Cute user is Cute!
but that's not what OP says
Woow woop best day of my life our ideals won totally domina- owh wait we are still irrelevant commies posting on a natzie anime chan
Are you confused? Do you need assistance?
This is what I mean when I say memes make you mentally challenged.
Dead right wingers when?
Go home, Holla Forums. You're drunk again.
his former party is first
two other right wing parties are third and fourth
PvdA is not SocDems. They're centrist liberals. They've been governing alongside right wing liberals and conservatives for decades now and participated in all their right wing economic policies. The SP is the only party that could even pretend to be SocDem at this point.
What issue do you think Geert disagrees on with his former party?
Try getting your information on foreign elections elsewhere.
Rightists cucked again!
More Leftists
What the fuck, I visited this site ages ago and now most of the content is literally teenage Holla Forums.
It changes almost every week.
But yeah FJ has gone to shit with the Trump and Holla Forums cancer
I think I checked it before for shits (a year or two ago) and it was the same shit in lighter doses. These people won't grow out of it until they get bored of the site in general.
They post a lot more anti communist stuff then pro communist stuff.
leftist memes like that get up voted rarely
And that's why vote-based forums are circlejerk bullshit.
Geert Wilders was never going to win in the first place, considering how the government in the Netherlands is set up, but in spite of this Wilders' party still got 33% of the vote, so I wouldn't call that an "epic BTFO".
And the judge in HI seriously overstepped his authority.
It's a bad ruling that: A) undermines the constitutional separation of powers, and B) gives Trump a license to go full Andy Jackson and simply ignore the ruling, since it's basically unenforceable.
With his approval ratings, the public's overall distaste for the media, and the polls that indicate most Americans agree with Trump on the issue at hand, it could happen.
Between the coming fight between Trump and the Federal judiciary, and the elections in France, we're in for some interesting times.
Agreed, but reddit is still massive.
try 13%
really makes me think
So it is.
I must have read something wrong.
But he's still in 2nd place with a gain of five seats, while Rutte's party lost 5.
And Rutte will have to still form a coalition government with at least three other parties, so his victory is still anything but overwhelming.
Actually, Rutte's party lost 8 seats.
This reads like a 9gag post. Stop it.
That's what socdems do, though.
If your party is listed here
or here
just kill yourself, my man
To be honest, I always knew that they wouldn't win, but I'm surprised just how few gains the PVV made, especially when there were almost non-stop articles published about the Dutch Election with Geert's grinning mug and the title: IS THIS THE END FOR DUTCH LIBERAL VALUES?
Well, at least trumplr is salty I guess
At the last minute the spike of nationalism and anti-Turk sentiment actually hurt Wilders, seemingly paradoxically.
Geert gained more seats and other nationalist parties gained as well (and one emerged). He's a mixed race kike lover tho so it doesn't really matter. Even if he had won it'd just be to implement more neocon shit. At least he would have stopped the endless immigration though.
yes OP today was a good day. Don't forget General Flynn might go to prison for not disclosing that he was a employee of the Turkish government.