I think it's safe to say that a deep seated inferiority complex is behind the development of idpol. That being said what would be a reasonable way we could help ease these feelings of inferiority in at risk groups?
The nazi regime was born out of the shame of versailles
So are muslim and African invasions into Europe born out of a sense of deep seated superiority?
Enlighten us oh wise marxist sage.
you know what I'll bite
Why do you think salafist and other radical interpretations of islam have taken root in the middle east since the 80's? Perhaps it has something to do with the united states arming mujeheddin to topple communist states in the near east at this time period, destabilizing their economies and then pulling out creating a power vacuum that sectarian radicals were more than happy to fill.
I guess "mooslims are ebul" takes less critical thought though.
Islam has been knocking on Europe's door a thousand years before you were born, salafism certainly helps but it has been expansionist since its inception. Kys you ahistorical cuck
Lol no you retard. The crusades were not played out among similar axioms or paradigms to any modern day culture no matter how hard you want to role play.
But christianity has never been evangelical of expansionist before right?
The islamic world after the rule of ataturk had liberalized and became more similiar to modern secularized europe, this radicalism is relatively new.
This is a picture from iran in the 70's, notice anything?
Again you are an ahistorical cuck.
Yeah I notice city elites larping as Westerners who were thrown out of the country by a literal country wide Islamic revolution in 1979.
Also the "Islamic world" did not secularize that was only Turkey, and it was heavily resisted and enforced via the business end of a shotgun.
This board is full of redditor idiots
So what year exactly did this shift of le secular peacebul moslems into terrorists happen? The Iranian revolution was a populist movement supported by much of the population. Also how do you explain Saudi Arabia?
ignore nazi posters
This is actually a pretty inciteful post a shame this thread has been shitted up by our resident board Nazis. Anyway this is probably pretty obvious but making people feel under attack for who they are is the number one way to generate idpol in the target population. This is the most toxic thing about idpol it just creates cycles of tribalistic hatred that feed into each other strengthening the identitarians on each side.
So yeah things that make people feel like their culture are under attack should be avoided or you just get idpol backlash.
Some examples:
-Banning the hijab/niqab and burkini, I understand why the French feel the need to do this but it just seems totally counterproductive in terms of integrating muslimms.
-Banning the confederate flag
-SJW's attacking white males based on their identity → This is an extremely toxic aspect of modern culture that's going to generate and epic backlash if its not checked
- Attacking religious figures rather than doctrine, screaming muhammed is a pedophile is stupid critique the actual religion
there's nothing wrong with secularism at gunpoint, aren't you Holla Forumsacks assad fanboys?
that's not what happened at all
you say that like it's some sort of hidden truth. everyone's been saying it from the very start.
They become anarkiddies; being a marxist is too much work.
why are left wing retards so stupid?
Who has its roots in the discontent caused by the 1953 CIA-backed coup
found the salafist
It's a negative feedback loop, and it's incredibly difficult to break because it requires all parties to admit they might be wrong.
And we are the ahistorical cucks ?
Your overuse of the word fuck denotes your small vocabulary and herd mentality.
And of course it wasn't it was a battle over spooks mostly for the people fighting.
And do you know WHY the revolution happened?
It was because the U.S and Britain overthrew the democratically elected socialist president of Iran to institute a FUCKING MONARCHY! A monarchy that hadn't existed for centuries prior.
It has to do with Saudi-state funding you idiot.
Honestly it is a great way to remove dissidents while making them a massive problem for all the people you're working against.