Who do you prefer? Nazi/aut-right or libertarian/"an"cap types?
I actually kinda like libertarians at times. I think their heart is in the right place, and they're just a few realizations away from socialism.
Who do you prefer? Nazi/aut-right or libertarian/"an"cap types?
I actually kinda like libertarians at times. I think their heart is in the right place, and they're just a few realizations away from socialism.
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I would prefer not to.
I can at least argue with libertarians. Nazis think you're either with them or against them
that's one fucking hard question you have there.
my answer is like a merge between the two; as i hate nazis who pretend to be libertarians the most tbh
also are you implying libertarians and nazis are somehow different?
Fixed poll.
Why even bother?
Lolberts are fine, they just haven't connected the dots yet.
Objectivists are shit thou.
Nazis can be okey, like the Asserismus type guys who just want to be edgy socialists. The "real" nazis and the white supremacists need to be killed thou.
Ancaps are in my experience more bloodthirsty and sociopathic then the average stormfags tbh
Libertarians are spoiled rich kids and most often class enemies. They cannot be converted, and trying to do so is a waste of time.
Nazis either have legit mental illnesses (~70% of them) or are just a few unspookings away from enlightenment.
Other aut-rights are dumb and can be converted pretty easily, if you can hit the proper feelings and emotions.
You're dumb.
Libertarianism is a transitional state towards some sort of stable political system compatible with individual freedom. It's a rejection more than affirmation.
There's a reason ancap gave birth to neoreaction.
Lolberts 100%. They don't reject rationalism so you can engage with them meaningfully.
Minarchist laissez-faire capitalism leads to a socialist revolution anyway.
I find it to be a lot easier to argue with nazis. At least they recognize that there is something wrong with the global economy besides "big gubbermint."
Yeah, liberalism.
I don't think you're understanding it. Libertarians are mostly petty Bourgeois or straight Bourgeois, no matter how much they might seek "individual freedom", they are class enemies.
This. Plus they don't outright reject the concept of a community or solidarity, it's just that theirs is corrupted by racial spooks.
Those who prefer lolberts are probably communalists,soc dems, lib-Marxist, or some sort of anarchists.
Those who prefer nazis are probably Leninist, tankie, etc.
Basically, it comes down to how authoritarian a state you want.
They are both worse.
No. Monarchy is more likely than liberal democracy.
About half of communists in Western countries are bourgeois, and a lot are rich kids.
Citation needed
You will have to back these sweet claims up famalam.
SJWs are not Communists, and the Bourgeois ones are class enemies, too.
Have none. It's an observation from university. None of the Marxists I've met were poor, they were either philosophy nerds or activists/student government weasels.
Not necessarily, but a lot of them are.
Incorrect, they are revisionists.
Let me guess, you're from Burgerland and you're surprised you don't see poor people in your local liberal political clubs?
Of course, the non-Bourgeois ones have somewhat anti-Capitalist tendencies.
When you go to university, most people you meet will not be poor.
Useless anecdotal evidence.
they are the same. anti violence liberatians turn into fascists or monarchists when thjey are confronted with capitalism needing the state to protect property.
Not many Americans outside of university are Marxists, at most they want welfare or protectionism.
Yep, I'm from burgerland.
Not sure how you can even deny that the average nonbinary Marxist who organizes at their college is bourgeois.
Define bourgeoisie please.
any type of nazi is automatically a faggot. no questions asked
Rich kids in this context.
Poor kids who go to college are usually trying to make as much money as possible, while teens who can't conceive of economic discomfort follow their passions and get sociology degrees. They're usually the ones who are blatant Marxists in organizational meetings.
Bourgeoisie doesn't have different meanings depending on context.
If you want to say rich kids, say rich kids.
Lolberts and Ancaps will go nazi when shit starts to get bad. We're already seeing this with Molymeme and other internet personalities.
Depends on what sort of libertarians we're talking about. "Normal" libertarians, while deeply deluded by market-worship, tend to have some redeeming qualities such as opposing imperialist wars, and some of theme are good people at heart. Hoppe/Molymeme style ancaps though are irredeemably awful, basically Nazis who have decided that markets are a better way to implement an ultra-reactionary agenda than state action. So I like normal libertarians more than nazis, but I hate reactionary ancaps more than anyone else.
it seems that most moderate libertarians have either gone back to being dope smoking republicans, gone full molymeme or became socialists.
This. Arguing with a nazi still feels like you are talking to a person with some degree of sanity, humanity, and life experience. With lolberts its the opposite, they do nothing but repeat dogma and live in a tiny bubbly of ignorance. They give off this mentally ill obsessive vibe that nazis dont.
We'll just have to go tankie then ;^)
If they were both actually true to their philosophies Id have to go with nazis because at least nationalist xenophobic socialism is still socialism, even if the nazis and hitler were hack-fraud failures at it.
Ancaps, however, will be burned for fuel or used as fertilizer after the revolution.
Somehow I lost the middle line to this post.
I would gladly goose-step and take it up the arse from the Russians 5 years from now if it let me kick the teeth of Mises/Rothbard/Hayek/Friedman types in the meantime. I would be one of the most sadistic concentration camp guards possible with only intermittent periods of "Oh wait, I'm hurting people " before returning to the teeth kicking, and I'd gladly remind them I consider it all in my rational self interest to do so. I'd electrocute those who refused to address me by the title of "NAP" (Nice Authority Person/Ancap prosecutor.)
Nazis are inherently self-destructive and see capitalism as flawed on the whole (while admittedly still providing for Porky to exploit workers.) which is a net positive. Anarcho capitalist/Lolbergs take your nice postwar Keynesianism and turn it into Neoliberalism, a decline so offensive (and not yet over, though it's 30-40 years of hell versus Nazi's
It's telling of you as a person that you hate a group of people with an unfeasible and unrealistic ideology than one whose ideology was the motivation for the death and torture of millions.
No, just the state :^)
What's the difference. Scratch a lolbertarian, find a fascist.
100% agree.
I think we can all agree with this ranking:
DUDE WEED lolberts > Nazis > Hoppe/Mollymeme reactionary lolberts
I don't want to kill lolbertarians I just want to find a way to cure their social autism
I regularly talk with an ayncap at my school.He's chill outside of the fact that if I ever officially get into antifa shit, he has said he's attack me if I attacked a fascist, and I'd do the same to him.
I think its easy to swing these guys over, just talk with them about the actual history of anarchism, and I swear they move a few points left right there.
this tbh
An unfeasable and unrealistic ideology that leads straight into the ideology we've got now
I've seen Not Socialism collapse and been given a fixed death toll. I have not seen the same for neoliberalism, and anyone who has seen neoliberalism and concludes the solution is more capitalism and less state involvement deserves to be front of the queue for the testicular telegraph test.
Systematically, it's better to kill people outright (i.e. "murder" them) than to passively let them die (i.e. "haha too poor to buy the bread, you starve"), at least blame is unambiguously assignable in the former case. I'll take my unnecessary deaths up-front, thank you very much.
kill kill kill the poor street fighter 4
How long into the leftist revolution do you think that mindset would last? People are already being assaulted for very VERY minor political differences. Everyone knows that in a communitarian system you end up killing off your ideological opponents eventually if they have any significant showing.
Except neoliberalism, specifically capitalism, isn't the same or an outcome of ancapism, since the state is present and it plays the central role in upholding and furthering capitalism. There's a reason ancapism is said with quotes around either the "anarcho" or "capitalism" part because they're fundamentally opposed to each other and cannot exist in the same world and either ancaps are ultimately misguided and ignorant anarchists or misguiding and obfuscating Feudalists.
nazis will never accomplish anything again, lolberts will continue to push for neoliberalism
libertarianism is liberalism taken to it logical conclusion
It's an outcome of ancap thought, with the end result being that it's remarkably tempting to purge ancap thinkers. (If they could be termed as such. Perhaps "peddlers" is better)
Also you'll note that my grouping was sufficiently broad as to include most right-libertarians, not just ancaps, and the generally partisan nature of political thinking only amplifies this problem (So you get Ancaps defending Pincohet, for example, and not just because they're secret statists, but because they broadly think that the Chicago School was right-on.), pile on the fact that even if most of them are just misguided anarchists who'd become nice communists if they learned, the eternal lesson of history is that most people simply never learn.
The role the state takes in neoliberalism is that of enforcing and aiding market reforms, a perverse form of (right) Libertarianism from the barrel of a gun. It's high time we put such Libertarianism and all who defend it in front of the barrel.
You completely ignored my point how the capitalism completely depends on and exists because of the state. When capitalists talk about deregulation, they're only talking about deregulation that benefits them, not the ones which keep competitors out, and when they talk about less government, they only mean less government over them, not over their workers. Capitalists don't want a right libertarian world where there's no longer any regulations helping keep competitors out or excessive government to keep the proles in line.
It's not about most of them being capable of learning or not, it's how most of them have viewpoints that are completely contradictory, and as such, cannot be blamed for the existing state of the world.
Gonna have to say I side with the ancaps here, I can envision a world in which corporations form a de-facto state without calling it a state, which is technically legitimate via a series of de-facto situations even though de-jure you're free. Furthermore, I reiterate that I'm speaking of right libertarianism in general, not just anarcho-capitalism, many of their variants defend a state with the sole "legitimate" purpose of defending property rights.
That's fine, but then I can't be blamed for the skull fragments all over the wall because it's completely contradictory to my desire for a nice Keynesian model of capitalist boot painted very nicely with some foam padding.
(Also, considering my examples of people I'd kill if they weren't already dead included Milton Friedman, it seems risible to say they can't be blamed for the state of the world. If he's getting off lightly, I'm not even showing up to my war crimes trial.)
This scenario is brought up so frequently and always by people with a complete ignorance of the relation of the state to capitalism. Quite simply it couldn't exist and never will exist, unless the corporation acts as the sovereign entity over a territory but still has a greater state over it, like the East India Company.
That was a barely coherent sentence. It just seems like you chose to repeat more of your gore fantasies instead of arguing my point.
I'm not even sure why you care either way since you're perfectly happy with statism and capitalism anyway. I just it's just neoliberalism that's too heinous for you which means people tentatively related to it should be murdered, specifically the people who thought of the ideas and not the individuals who actually enacted them through the state.
I can't see why it's impossible for us to truncate the state's authority, in the long term. (If you want to talk about the problem of transitioning from here-to-there, that applies to basically everything. We're stuck with neoliberalism. A large part of the murderousness comes from this problem.)
It was a joke. The point is that just because libertarians/ancaps are inherently contradictory doesn't mean they should escape blame for derivatives of their ideas, or for defending those derivatives. (i.e. the example ancap defending pinochet on economic grounds. Doctor, Skull-Drill please!)
Because there was a day I saw a route to a better world through reform. I'm no fan of capitalism, but I can strike a deal with Keynes (Then go on strike.) in the short-mid term while being peaceable and mutually critical of many flaws, and we could still (Theoretically) build a pathway to improving living standards, growing wages, etc, etc, such that even though one is being exploited things are improving. Things have stopped improving and are only going to regress, so there's now nothing to lose. Truthfully, I'm unreasonably open to the idea of an asteroid killing everyone and ending this farce.
They fall outside the strict scope of relevance because while Tony Blair and Bill Clinton are both cunts, they're not lolberts. If the OP asked "Nazis, Lolberts and Third-Way neoliberals: Pick one" then naturally it'd be the Nazis again. In any hypothetical situation of totalitarian power, you can bet Anthony Charles Lynton is front of the queue for the hip haemorrhager.
Nazi are far easier to redpill
In my experience most libertarians were conservative rural folk who often vote Republican, but are very sympathetic to Ron Paul types, and their entire political philosophy is "keep the government out of my life, live free or die". They often among the most impoverished. In my experience the rich kids were 90% psychopathic liberals who hatted these poor folks with a passion. I don't know where you're getting the "libertarians are spoiled rich kids" idea from.
t. grew up in a rural community, then moved to the city for university
Except 80% of the west is urban. Rural lolberts might be okay, but urban lolberts are definitely Bourgeois.
But they aren't. They're not extremely poor, but they're definitely not Bourgeois either. And hardline SJWs are still just a very vocal minority, the rest passively follow.
I have the exact opposite experience. Talking to nazis is like talking to children or hardcore cultists. Lolberts are adults who are just wrong.
Nazi Aut right. I'd rather have capitalism with some order to it than Chaos capitalism. It ends up as basically social democracy without the democracy part
If they're still young they can definitely be converted. I was an edgy "commie" in middle school, started smoking weed and went to basic bitch neoliberalism, quit smoking weed and started fetishizing the free market and negative freedom in general.
Showing people how they (yes, even if they're a middle class white male) are oppressed will generally be a step in the right direction. Though it takes some time to rid yourself of the spooks.