Is this guy the next Milo yianopolos/PJW?

If so, we have to stop him.

So much misinformation in this video.

literally who?

Shaolin Robertson, it's right there on the pic.

Stop shit e-celeb threads now. OP is a dumb faggot.


He's not even a fucking e celeb. But he has the potential to be famous and spread hate.

So, you're advertising a non-entity where Holla Forums can hear about him? Smart guy, it's so crazy it just might work.

so has your mum

This has nothing to do with socialism.

I stand by it. You're a dumb faggot.

Nothing that he has said in that video is hateful. He was stating facts. The Guardian video was full of shit.



He's entitled to his opinion, and you're entitled to disagree.
And yes, I would say the same if he was some Salafist proselytising.


It takes an incredible amount of either delusion or malicious obfuscation to say those are both statistically as likely to both become established and spread their message in the west.

He's a cuck.

True, I said that simply to clarify that I wasn't some double standard spooked Holla Forumstard.
If his message takes root then it is simply because the right conditions were already there.

I couldn't give a shit. I didn't know who he was till OP posted him and he'll be forgotten soon enough. As someone already said - he's a nobody

how do liberals always find their way here?

when did left politics become Holla Forums shit with marxist characteristics?

I may not agree with your opinion, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it good sir!

Go look at Holla Forums and come back so you'll know how retarded you sound.

Liberals don't belong on here, and I fully support banning them on sight. Period.

Fucking mouthbreathers like you two are what's wrong with the left, that kid in the video would make you look silly in any debate.

Liberal brigades fuck off

really makes you think
shit thread anyways

really smart OP, heavy attention from SJWs like yourself totally made milo go away.


but he's right.
the west was built with slavery, not racism.
it's just an unfortunate reality that most advancement was accomplished with slave labor until around the industrial revolution, and slavery was replaced by wage slavery

I love all the faggots in this thread who think that calling everyone who disagrees with them or who isnt a racial nationalist a lieral is an argument.

What does PJW means?

He's the mainstream meteor guy.

Sorry, has dubs and you don't. You lose. Good day, sir.

ehh he's just another leech turning rebellion into money.
can't blame him but you have to wonder why people are receptive to it.