Stalinism = Nazism according to ##marxism on freenode

So I decided to check out the ##marxism channel on freenode, which as far as I can tell is the largest Marxist channel on IRC anywhere. Here are some of the gems:

I said: What is a realistic timeframe for there to be SioC and which country is the most likely candidate right now?
hmm, do I feel like getting flamed?
flamed by whom?
I wouldn't flame you for answering
I'm not overly taken with SoiC
or much of what stalin has to say
for shame
stalin did nothing wrong
what is SioC
Socialism in one Country

Well, I personally straddle the line between Stalinism and Troskyism
Tjis well the question is premised on the assumptions that SoiC is possible AND desireable
and what is your operating definition of socialism
I support perpetual global revolution but I think SioC is the most pragmatic way to at least get socialism bootstrapped
I'm not overly taken with the entire ML line
socialism in one country is just a welfare state with a big army
I disagree
wew here we go

perhaps in the past SioC was impossible due to the constraints of resource acquisition and labor and skill gaps
but I think the technology we're developing now makes the prospect realistic
as an aside this is why im so much pro-nuke power
death to state capitalism
* Ienpw_III is now known as Ieninkiller
I'm not talking about state capitalism I'm talking about genuine socialism
surprisingly so in ##marxism

is this room mostly anti-Vanguardist?
i think being anti-vanguardist isn't a meaningful position
I think it's meaningful I just think it's irrational
this room is mostly marxist, which implies a certain kind of vanguardism but not necessarily one narrow kind
whatever you think or do, some people are working towards socialism right now, some people aren't, some are in parties, in unions, in affinity groups whatever, working towards what is in most places a largely absent and unpopular political change


Other urls found in this thread:


well, I believe that vanguardism applies not only to revolutionaries but their nations too
whether you call those people a vangaurd or not barely matters, the question is what they should do and how they should go about it
I think that entire nations can be the vanguard for class consciousness worldwide, by setting an example
this also means i think being vanguardist doesn't mean much either except in opposition to anti-vanguardism
internationalism is Important
Solificati: that does not sound right to me
how so?
the nation is not a cohesive whole that is able to act as a unit
it's just a category error IMO, vanguard specifically refers to concretely organized people working towards communism. nations rarely if ever fall into this category. i mean even in say cuba, in what sense can cuba be seen as a vanguard? it can be an exemplary nation and a base nation
unless fascism, of course
the cuban CP could be, some unions there could be, etc,
Tjis, Stalin didn't think so
Stalin was wrong
I disagree
I think Stalinism was the best chance socialism had in the modern era and was corrupted
i don't think you know what stalin thought about nations, considering that i've read a fair amount of stalin and don't get the same impressions you do
Stalin was continuing the interationalist retreat because international revolution wasn't really working out for the soviet union
idea of "vanguard nations" i think leads very easily to sort of colonialist mindset
nations do form communities and cultures and etc. but this doesn't mean they have aany essential political or class character
this was certainly something soviets failed to eradicate
Tjis, right, this is why I think perpetual global revolution must be bootstrapped by genuine SioC first
melanated_pupil, what does "political character" even mean?
*esential political character
right what it says on the tin?
im not sure what there is to say
I'm nore sure that phrase has any intrinsic meaning
"political character" can be anything, and "essential" is meaningless in that context because of that
i think you're being pretty obtuse. is the nation of france libertarian or socialist? not the french state, or a french political party, but the nation of france, however you constitute it?
it seems really odd to even talk of nations in this way
Because Stalin created ethnic republics
with a purpose
yes, ethnic republics. the true expression of marxism
what does that have to do with anything?
melanated_pupil, because the definition of "nation" is Stalinism is that of sovereign ethnic units
*in Stalinism
which is the classical definition of "nation"
i.e. a common ethnicity and culture
i don't think you read stalin
countries and nations not too long ago were differentiated, that distinction has been lost under global capitalism
>The starting point of national autonomy is the conception of a nation as a union of individuals without regard to a definite territory.
Title: Marxism and the National Question (at
Title: Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia - Wikipedia (at
See point three
I am pretty wary of people saying stalin was pretty cool for pursuing a segregationist policy


Stalin, in his work Marxism and the National Question, which subsequently became the cornerstone of the Soviet policy towards nationalities, defined a nation as "a historically constituted, stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, and psychological makeup manifested in a common culture"
the USSR was literally a Federation of Nationalities, in the definitions above, which include the intrinsic characteristics of ethnicity
I mean, crucify me for being a Stalinist if you like but Stalinism was the most pragmatic implementation of socialism yet seen
and I believe only failed because of a lack of technological resources to support SioC
any stalinist success was not due to ethnonationalism
no one here is crucifying you for being a stalinist, they're leery of you being some kind of turd positionist Asserite who believes in ethnic segregation
melanated_pupil, I believe in Stalin's plan for the SSRs
what were those?
I disagree with a lot of his methods but the ideals were sound
what were his plans as you understand them?
To prevent interethnic disparities and disagreements and promote equality through equity
ah yes ##marxism is well known for hating stalinists
I also believe this is why globalist capitalism is forcing mass integration of exceptionally disparate ethnicities and cultures, to delay class consciousness arising within any nation (Stalinist definition)
okey dokes

this is veering uncomfortably close to white supremacist rhetoric
it's not veering, it literally is
“forcing mass integration” … “exceptionally disparate”
You're literally saying Stalnism is white nationalism
maybe they’re not actually as disparate as you think
stalin was famous for his hatred of moving people around
why am i talking
anyway i thought the nazi was already banned
melanated_pupil, as modulus said last night, many of those displacements were punitive
Ok so now I'm being called a Nazi
where is modulus anyway
what the fuck
-ChanServ/##marxism- melanated_pupil (hattusili_III) added [email protected]/* */ to the AKICK list.
* ChanServ sets ban on [email protected]/* */
* You have been kicked from ##marxism by ChanServ (Banned: stop being an ethno-centrist)

So, Stalin is now literally Hitler

Is it any wonder we're losing to a bunch of facsits who fap to cartoons and worship an Egyptian frog god?

You know, you could also have put it all in a pastebin. Also Stalinism is shit.

Oh, well, that settles it then. Thanks for setting Socialism straight, glad we're right on the heels of Communism. Any day now…

They seem pretty cool if they make fake socialist like you mad.

How do I become a real socialist? Is there an academy for it?

How's all that idpol working out for you?

Apparently by attaining bourgeois liberal arts degrees and yelling at white people.

Stalin a shit

SJW rejects a shit

The intersectional revolution will be any day now, fellow trots!

I'm inclined to agree, to be honest. Stalinism would be undiscernible from Nazism if the Asserists had won.

I'm genuinely of the opinion that ##marxism is run by a bunch of crypto-capitalists.

I think intersectionality itself is a heap of bourgeois bullshit that promotes false consciousness more than anything else.

I'm inclined to believe you're a fucking retard, to be honest.


Look man, I know it sucks that Porky lied to us all our lives about everything, but some things he got right out of chance. By sheer probability, some of the people he called sociopathic monsters really were sociopathic monsters. Sorry you can't rehabilitate all your would-be heroes, but not everyone can be redeemed.

You didn't even bother reading the chatlog. Why did you even post?


Stalinism is shit. They should have put someone in power that would have met hitler with an agrarian economy that suffered from periodic famines

A less industrialized economy with an intact officer corp PROBABLY would've come out as roughly a wash


And you wonder why everyone is so "sectarian" against you

Every fucking time. Ironic to hear you call anybody else an SJW.

These aren't arguments.

Give it time, we're still working on collecting citations to refute well researched arguments you put forward here , ,

frankfurt school of witchcraft and wizardry


Mao too

tankies are virginal dweebs and need their teeth kicked in and noses broken

This is why Nazism is winning.

Imagine getting so triggered because someone disrespected your daddy Stalin that you make a Holla Forums thread seeking moral support because of it


Yeah this is the type of shit we shouldn't even be discussing.

While you try to rehabilitate Stalin for no reason whatsoever, the Right is re-inventing itself, appealing to new demographics and developing new platforms.

so is the left

the left has universal appeal to everyone

we control academia, our platform is everyone with a brain

How are you going to do that when they're in a tank and you're wearing nothing but a fedora and a fishnet body stocking?

Into what exactly? The only thing the left is re-inventing itself into at the moment is batshit insane idpol liberals

Except the American working class apparently.

In an age where information is becoming increasingly easily accessible you're proud that you control a place where people have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to get a piece of paper so an employer will pay them 1.5x as much. I wonder how long that will last.

You realize if literally any of your enemies adopted your moral judgement you would all die right

Goddamn. The LARPing. Why not just unite and crush the liberals, capitalists, and fascists first. Then we can kill each other until the strongest side wins. This is how it has happened historically.

This pretty much sums it up.

I love being a Socialist.

Are you literally saying ethnocentrism is necessary for socialism?

Mods this board needs a purge.



It's funny when Holla Forums has to slide their own board because they don't like a particular thread on it.

Oh no, now they're trying to appropriate Stalin

Comrades, this will just not do. Not do at all.

Nice post faggot.

How autistic are you

Stalinism is Russian Nationalism.

Proove me wrong, you can't.

Stalinism is actually ethnonational federalism, i.e. a Federation of sovereign ethnostates. Under the Soviet philosophy of ethnic self determination, all of the ethnicities of Europe deserve their own white ethnostates which enjoy full sovereignty and autonomy.

authoritarianism, not even once.





Stalinism isn't ethnonationalism you reactionary piece of shit. Go back to Holla Forums you're never going to successfully convince anyone the Soviets were ethnonationalists.

Good luck

Is that starcraft or metroid? Asking for reasons.

Well, it's working for the alt-right. Hitler did nothing wrong meme is almost getting mainstreamed and holocaust denial is rising so rapidly that the Jews are terrified and have forced Amazon to ban any books that even deal with the holocaust in anything but the most hardline kosher way.

If the alt-right can mainline Hitler did Nothing Wrong, and The Holocaust is a Lie, then I'm pretty sure that they can successfully rehabilitate Stalin as well if is suits their agenda.

The thing is that the holocaust has been questioned for several decades before the internet ever existed in the first place, to the point that it's been illegal in several countries with a prison sentence attached. "Hitler did nothing wrong" is a result of this, not the other way around.

Sure but the thing is, Hitler did Nothing Wrong is essentially the highest difficulty meme that exists in the universe. Ask any given idiot about Hitler and they'll be sent into paroxysms of vitriol and disgust.

"Stalin Tried to Help Us" and "The Soviets were Ethnonationlists" are memes with a difficulty orders of magnitude lower.

Try wikipedia.

Dubs confirm Stalin will become a symbol of alt-right ethnonationalism and the lefties will weep.

Praise Kek!


Well, you might be surprised. Much of the ML theory revolves around the self-determination of oppressed ethnicities. Hypothetically speaking, if European Identarians could make a robust logically sound argument that they're being oopressed as an ethnicity, then yes, technically speaking ML theory would suggest they should be granted ethnonational sovereignty and self-determination as any other oppressed minority.

In fact, as our globe becomes ever more connected, the European ethnicities are going to be some of the smallest minorities in the world, and ML theory would tend to promote the idea that they be preserved and afforded autonomy and sovereignty.