Where did this meme come from?
Anarchists have no theory
Other urls found in this thread:
From butthurt statists
From watching the praxis.
Have you cut this collage out of the image that says the exact same thing just to post it as a thread, you sad seafaring fuck?
Kill yourself. The image is about them being "edgy", not about "not having theory". I'm asking where the hell did that come from, specifically.
The basic notion is that if we actually read theory, we would be marxists instead of anarchists, because they basicaly see their theory as superior, despite how ignorant it is about the nature of hierarchy and power.
that shitty trashcan is a symbol, a symbol of some edgy retards causing a """riot"""(if it even deserves to be called so) that achieved nothing from the practical perspective. It shouldn't be shocking that after such things that people start perceiving anarchists as thoughtless retards with absolutely no thoughtful goals or strategies.
Well if you realize they were ignorant liberal smashies why do you give a fuck about them standing for actual anarchists who are completely different?
You have no realistic road towards implementation.
I'm assuming I'm in a leftist board with people who can think critically, not the common normie who spouts whatever they put on loop on the news. But this is an argument I see here all the time.
Besides, why would a random antifa retard carrying a flag with an A make you disregard all the anarchist theorists? It sounds to me you just want to shit on anarchists even if you also make a fool out of yourself in the process.
Dumbasses who read exactly 1 book and belong on Holla Forums.
somebody list the names of these people for me, thx
Yar, there's no need to be salty, matey.
This, everyone knows he is a closet leninist
I don't claim anarchists have no theory, I'm explaining why are they perceived as not having it.
First row: Kropotkin, Bakunin, Proudhon, Malatesta, Tucker, Warren
Second row: Spooner, Henry James, Goldman, Sharpley, Parsons, Michel
Third row: SEK3, Rocker, Ginesta, Dejacque, Cleyre, Bookchin
You say it's a meme that you lack theory, but all you post in response are low quality memers
Nice meme response.
Well did you ever see the constitution of an anarchist country? Checkmate, smashcucks.
His preferred pronoun is "libertarian municipalist", OP.
One of the few truly based anarchists: dwardmac.pitzer.edu
That, mostly.
Keep going. I'm listening. You just mentioned 3 out of 18.
Those were the standouts. Little more to address in there that hasn't already been said by my funny jpeg. Anything else?
BTW: kill, fuck, marry, in that order for the ones I mentioned.
As opposed to the praxis of Marxists and ancoms, right?
it came from dumb ass idpol american anarchists who are actually libs
t.american anarchist
From radlibs being dumbfucks everywhere and screaming statist at everybody. Not so much that Anarchism has no theory, but that modern-day "anarchists" have no theory.
t. "Statist"
This. That said, this is a problem of the whole modern left. What leftist circle hasn't been coopted by liberal dumbfucks nowadays?
I implied nowhere that this is criticism of anarchist theory. But sometimes it seems like modern anarchist writings are just longform justifications to keep doing what they allready did before. Marxist and the like have no praxis so I ignore them.
Your pic is pure autism.
Bookchin basically said that any modern anarchist that develops his theory will realize that communalism is superior to anarchism in literally every way
Leftcoms, because there's only 5 of them.
Communalism is just Ancom rebooted with a new name to avoid post-left cancer.
Showing pictures of Anarchists who wrote theory doesn't mean you read their theory, understand it, or even apply it properly.
WHO is that beautiful creature second from right on the bottom row
voltairine de cleyre
Thanks for including Samuel Konkin in your image. He turned something as toxic as 'anarcho'-capitalist theory into something useful.
Not a meme my dude. Lots of anarchists are poorly read and barely talk about capitalism and the state. They constantly bang on about idpol and are the worst offendors. I see anarchists constantly disparaging class struggle. I became a pro-state Marxist after getting so fed up with their bullshit and complete lack of organization.
what pro-state marxist organization exist today?
I don't know – I'm not a member of any. I'm speaking of my personal views. I notice on average that Marxists are more well read, more respectable with their politics (they actually care about election outcomes and are willing to discuss them rather than dogmatically reject them like anarchists do). As a result, they're less reactionary. They think before they speak and rely far less on identity-based bullshit.
I can't think of a single anarchist org that isn't hyper obsessed with "decolonization" "POC" "gentrification" and so many of these other single issue campaigns and basically uses "class struggle" as a way to suck people into these other atomized activist forms. It's disturbingly liberal shit IMO.
Speaking as American obv..
While you are correct, I think that's a problem with radical liberals calling themselves anarchists because it's an accessible ideology with a core concept of "people should live freely and equally" that they agree with. So you have these radlib lifestylists doing stupid shit while calling themselves anarchists and it dilutes the movement and makes it seem like it's entirely full of people like that. Anarchism has this problem more than any other leftist ideology because it's more superficially understandable and it already has a militant chic to it that makes it attractive to lifestylists.
nihilists/insurrectionists are minority of anarchist movement historically.
A lot of radlibs call themselves anarchists because it's radical without coming with all the historical baggage of communism.
Implying that gentrification is not an essential struggle to organise communities along anticapitalist lines.
Anarchists do have theory. It's their general disunity between dozens if not contradictory then completely different tendencies and their methodologies that's the problem. Even if different brands of market anarchists are left out, that leaves what, communists, syndicalists, collectivists, greens, primitivists, feminists, queers, pacifists and synthesis anarchists as well as different mixtures of aforementioned.
Anarcho-Leninism NOW