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And nothing changes.
Holla Forums is going to be so butthurt over this. perfect time to rub it in.
what happened?
He still won like 7 seats in parliament fam
He still won seats and there won't be any real pressure on him to actually govern. Seems like a good outcome for him tbh.
What? Second biggest party now
he won the presidency. oh wait he didn't
Lol didn't the Democrats "win" a few additional seats in congress as well?
There is no presidency.
Wilders probably legitimately didn't.
He never would have been able to form a government anyway but this is still mildly disappointing. Polls wrong again, I guess.
What a fag
Winning seats was the only goal in this election. The Democrats won a few seats but at the same time they lost the presidency, so overall they lost ground.
Who tf won then?
I just never saw anyone make the claim that Wilders' party wasn't going to win seats leading up to this election. So I'm having trouble understanding why we're suddenly supposed to somberly reflect on the meaning of his partial "victory"
Right. Geert won the position of Prime Minister..oh wait he didn't
He didn't want to win though, since he had literally no platform aside from "muh migrants".
Sounds like a pretty generically liberal position.
That's just a matter of expectations. Objectively, Wilders has gained ground while the Democrats lost ground.
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Obligatory autism for anybody interested.
Wilders was an anti-Islamic puppet of right-wing Jews.
Wilders btfo
What? The Greens arent far left. The socialist party lost one seat. Labour lost 29 seats.
Who was the /ourguy/of the Dutch electrons?
No one
Kek is on our side too
Can somebody fuck his shit up?
Hello everyone! I'm your typical dutch far-rightist. brb getting BTFO by powerful leftists in dutch election
Dutchfag here
PVV (Geert Wilders' party) got 19 seals.
VVD (Right wing, but not fascist/nationalistic) Got 34 seals.
The biggest story here is that the fascist party (PVV) did not become the biggest party.
On top of that all other parties have excluded the PVV, so there is no way Geert Wilder will become a minister.
Is there anything actually wrong with the right wing (VVD types) in Holland? Unemployment is low as fuck, wages are high, rent is cheap. Sounds pretty good.
They removed my post taking the piss, probs gonna get IP banned again/ Salty pol is salty.
Groningen has constant earthquackes due to natural gas pumping, education is being privatised, public transport is privatised, healthcare is privatised
They're only there for the rich people. Plus, they love big companies and are all America's slave state.
I'm enjoying the election so far
Lmao everything is shit here. Everything is privatised and got more expensive, rent is also fucking expensive. We're also one of the few european countries without free/cheap education.
The Greens are decent. Labour was just liberals.
whats with the far-right/Alt-cuck and hair bleaching?
Milo, Southern, Geert….
kanker op
Green will hang.
Geert is an indo. He has kroeshaar/negrohair, which doesnt really fit his image.
Looks pretty good to me.
t. britian
Hi there mr Rutte. We just keep going until we're more healthy than uganda.
lol, where the fuck did they say that
They didnt say that.
T-there has to be a worse country in the first world. When I look up the prices of things in Holland, even the wages, I think it looks very comfy. Is Britain the worst place in N. Europe?
Britain is the america of europe.
Just look at bulgaria if you want to feel good about your wage.
…that's not abolishing public education.
Ireland is probably worse, but to be fair that's largely because of us, kek.
it literally said they were reinvesting the money into higher education.
Oh yes sure, the same way they reinvest the money from the gas in groningen into the country, right?
Yes! Britain strong!
again? lmao. also this is not the news thread, post here, .
People like him only gains from being in the opposition aslong as possible.
if he actually got power he would fail misserably and lose most support.
He is not like for example Front Nationale who have an economic plan
Also he is mainly funded by Israeli investors and Zionistic American investors. He is here to divide us, radicalize muslims and by doing make jewish people scared so they move to Israel and make them stronger. He has strong ties with Israel and was trained in 'counter-terrorism' there.
Remind them that he's a huge zionist and indonesian as well
Holla Forums's choice of politicians is fucking mind boggling
makes you think
that sounds a lot like trump.
Hes exactly like trump.
Except hes not rich.
Must cause a great deal of cognitive dissonance there.
wat do?
He is incredibly rich.
He get's funded with millions of Euro's
It's simple, just ban everyone who points it out
are you implying that you can't be zionist and a fascist?
Ireland is on its way up though, the UK… well…
sage for offtopic
Stop misusing the words you don't understand you reddit shits
He is nationalistic, is against the media, wants to stop funding culture and art, is racist, sure he isn't a dictator, but everything points to the next Hitler
How is he not fascist
thats not a bad thing tbh
lel, and how is this fascist?
Art is a form of expression
Might want to check out 1984
so? pretty much all fascist states financed art.
Not financing art is more of a libertarian staunch
you are sounding like a hyperbolic reddit liberal
Not a Dutchfag, but rents and the cost of living in Amsterdam are as expensive as in London, Paris or Munich. Which means that it's high as fuck.
Zionism and fascism always had strong connection and support each other. Antizionism and antifascism as well must go hand in hand.
Antisemitism = Zionism
Actually hating jews is for the Lumpen followership to distract from zionist imperialist politics.
What this guy proposes is the ban of media, deporting Maroccans, the ban of Islam, it's the combination of factors
please explaine
he's constantly talking about how the media is leftist and deceiving the people. He alright said the first thing he'd do if he'd become prime minister is ban the media from the public TV (first three channels). It just happens to be the fact that this media was the one that was most critical of him. They have items on corruption in the politics and a lot of talkshows where citizens talk with politicians and where debates are held especially during the elections. On these channels the groups that provide shows or documentaries are chosen democraticly every 10 years or so. Also he has spread fake news where he showed a politician in a crowd with angry ISIS / Al queda demonstrants (he admitted after an outrage in the media that it was indeed photoshopped). It's behaviour like this that makes me believe he is a potential fascist.
what leftists?
GroenLinks mainly
They want to invest in sustainable energy.
That's not their achievement, it's their inheritance. They're doing their best to get rid of it by privatizing everything, cutting taxes and funneling money to the rich. Even integration is privatized and has to be financed and organized by the immigrants themselves using loans. And then the right whines the problem isn't being solved thanks to the left…
And destroy the welfare state
He's of Indonesian descent, so this is one of his ways to look more purebred white for his audience.
Well for one they imposed a tax on the social housing institutions to force them to sell their properties to private landlords. While this has balanced the budget for now, people will be in deep shit as renting gets more and more expensive over the next 10 years.
If the economy doesn't start booming soon or, even worse, starts to decline. I don't think the VVD will be in power much longer.
He will win the next election, its an inevitability. Even D66 lost to PVV, thats amazing.
Do you really fucking believe that? The refugee crisis almost over and the VVD stole (and watered down) several of his promises from what I've heard.
After another round of neoliberal reforms he'd have to at least do like LePen and go full protectionist + nationalist welfare.