New Chomsky article
stopped reading there
why do they hate each other ?
Actually Zizek is tsundere for Chomsky.
i love them both ;_;. who cares if they have ideological differences their both anti-capitalist.
Nah Chomsky is tsundere for Zizek. Zizek doesn't know why he doesn't like him back yet ;_;
So basically Chomsky can't into continental philosophy.
zizek likes him, it's chomsky who's mad for some reason
fuck off with that meme, Chomsky may not like ziz but there's countless articles/interviews/texts where zizek quotes chomsky or builds off of one of his analyses
just listen to the latest interview he did with tavis smiley
Chomsky is a linguistic who have never read Lacan or Hegel, and possibly not even Marx, while Zizek is a professor in philosophy. Chomsky should honestly stfu about zizek and stick to what he does best.
It's strange that you actually believe this
It's strange that you actually believe this
This pretty much.
He's a good theorist, his praxis is just shit.
I think that's wrong, Chomsky is a bad theorist with the possible exception of linguistics but an excellent researcher and political observer.
also captcha wtf?
Chomskek going full anal always puts me off. Like everyone says here, if you ignore his autism on the subject of theory he's got decent contributions to game theory.
This too. Zizek likes Chomsky on virtually all levels. It's just not reciprocal, because Zizek is a Lacanian and Lacanians use Saussurean linguistics instead of Chomsky's analytical linguistics. For Chomsky, humans use language because the brain can do it. For Saussureans, things are much more complexthan this simple biologism.
This is how you can tell Chomsky is bullshitting. Young Lacan was a neo-Freudian with almost nothing new to offer but his charm in revitalizing Freud in academic discourse. Late Lacan was actually unique and much more materialist and comprehensive, which is why Lacanian psychoanalysis actually became a thing.
Obama's lack of adaquet regulation in response to the 2008 GFC due to the ideological driving forces of the Democratic Party Establishment and the dominant paradigm of neo-liberalism in the global business community essentially made a second GFC inevitable. The question is not 'if' but 'when'. Trump's dismantling of Government regulation and the aggressive American Exceptionalism which he advocates will merely accelerate the impending financial collapse. I doubt a Hillary Clinton administration would of made much of a difference considering that Bill Clinton's market reforms created the conditions for the 2008 GFC.
I'm hoping the next collapse will have far more dramatic economic consequences for the global community as a whole, particularly China where thier rapid economic growth has created a large wealth gap and ever increasing social tensions.
Regulation is meme. Capitalism is the issue, "regulation" isn't a limit on capitalism, it's a way for capitalists to use bureaucratic authority to limit and control other capitalists (often potential competitors), and further entrench their own monopoly on production.
zizek like chomsky for his political stuff and is influenced by him.
chomsky does not like zizek because they work within different linguistic theories and traditions of philosophy.
Because the French post-structuralists are absolute time wasters