Transhumanist cat has the best crib
Transhumanist cat has the best crib
end my life already
Please do
just wait until you transcend your fleshy bonds, comrade
Either she must live in the arctic or she must hate her server. Seems like a recipe for destruction.
Wait, that chick is an android?
Thanks for the spoiler nazi faggot
Rachel has a patreon, btw
everyone knew that already
I wish Rachel would give me a hug
Fuck leftism. I'm in.
Why would I want to do that when will exist?
I'm curious: what's the relationship between neoliberalism, libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism catgirls?
Neoliberalism isn't really friends with anyone at the school because she's insufferable, but she tries to be.
Ancap and Libertarian cats are friends!
the AC is really strong in her house.
Thanks, it just looked like Neoliberalism and Anarcho-Capitalism were very similar, in fact they have a similar background, and they even dress up pretty much the same way.
Keep doing Marx's work, Rachel, we love it!
Also, I don't really undertsand who the professors are. From what I understand, they are at least three:
Who else is a professor?
Making good OC destroys communities by bringing in a flood of outsiders. A steady trickle of newfags is fine and can be dealt with by self moderation, but if there are a ton they reply to each other's posts and encourage obnoxious behavior, shifting board culture in an unwelcome direction. It may be too late for this board, but just warning.
What? How are outsiders coming en masse because of OC on Holla Forums?
why even live, frankly?
t. pol
Drawfriend has already brought in a ton of redditors. I don't mean to guilt her, she's creative and it's a lot of work, I greatly respect it. It just got enmeshed in a dumb controversy that blew up this board's traffic. From an activist standpoint that's good, but from a discussion standpoint it's not.
A lot of boards get torn apart by just a couple weeks of visibility. /x/ died to a single Holla Forums raid, /r9k/ was lost to POO POO PEE PEE, GBP, tendies, and REEEEE. It's a sad thing about image boards.
If you think only Holla Forumsacks dislike redditors you are a dummy.
wow really makes u think
haha, I specifically made this one because of how people kept insisting I was mean to NEETs in comic #8, so I wanted to show a sympathetic side, unfortunately perhaps I didn't get that across!
Yeah, I know what you mean, I wanted to purposefully avoid that and keep Holla Forums unique, so I never posted the comic on Reddit or mentioned leftypol on the comic website. oh well, idk what else I can do….
The phrase "Anarcho" - transhumanism does not make any sense. What does anarchism have to do with a creepy technology advancement? What makes a technology advancement also an ideology? There's no connection. So something thinks The Matrix was cool but also likes the atheistic of .gifs in the anarchy tag on tumblr and suddenly that somehow becomes an ideology of liberation and individual autonomy? Can any creepy technology be linked anarchist ideology now? Fine. I guess we better start making flags or something.
This is now a flag making thread. ITT: We post ideas for all the new anarcho-isms. I can get started with a few examples:
* anarcho-XSSism
* anarcho-rootkitism
* anarcho-IntelMEism
* anarcho-basebandism
* anarcho-Room 641Aism
* anarcho-highorbitioncannonism
* anarcho-NESTism
* anarcho-HOWERLMONKEYism
* anarcho-TEMPEST_ATTACKism
* anarcho-Wiresharkism
* anarcho-i
She was originally "anarcho" because someone on the board requested "an anarcho-transhumanist catgirl who gets into hacking hijinks". I've since dropped it from her name, so I dunno where you're reading that besides the top banner?
This is my favorite update yet.
Ahh I dunno maybe I'm a little triggered by that one still, doesnt help probably that i dont really believe in electronic mind junk so it seems like he's just a sacrificial lamb, idk
I'm reading it from people all over the internet who actually seriously unironically call themselves anarcho-transhumanists.
I like the comic a LOT though. The comic itself is great! I love the comic. I've read all the pages so far.
I just hate the phrase anarcho-transhumanism
oh gotchya. thanks :)
I read that second to last one as anarcho-tempuraism, mmm…
how does she get into her hammock?
catgrill drawfag, I love you. not in a creepy way, but because in a sense I fall in love with all artists who create art that makes me really smile. Just like how I love Masaaki Yuasa, or Bill Watterson, or Hideo Kojima. I love you for using your talent to create such funny and cute comics for such a niche audience. Don't ever give up, your depression is lying to you. And so are the shitposters. Keep doing what you think is right!
Serious question
How the fuck is anarcho-transhumanism an ideology?
This really applies to all transhumanists and futurist ideologies.
At the end of the day it's just a prediction (or, less charitably a wish fulfillment fantasy) of how future technologies will evolve and how future humans will adapt to them.
You can't act on it, it's not a praxis. It's pure lifestylism, waiting for technology to fix society! Ignoring the social political aspect of technological development.
Hell, I'm reasonably open to the idea of transhumanists predictions happening in my lifetime (though I'm not gonna hold my breath) but how do so called antechs justify their ideology as anything but anarchists that also buy into transhumanism?
It baffles me that it apparently has enough of a following (on the internet anyway it's practically non-existent irl) to have it own flag.
Antechs, please explain why you feel the need to identify as such
is it because that no robo-gf feel? I feel you brother
Didn't read this but I agree with the sentiment
Also where's my anarcho-unruhism
ever see how high a cat can jump?
What's the device in her arm?
Tell me its not one of those lolimacyborg flash drive implants and actually useful.
Playing devils advocate here, but I think the idea is that the material conditions necessary for anarchy are found in transhumanist ideas.
Lol maoism-thirdworldism cat would be hilarious.
But he's a hardline tankie. Can't be an anarcho-
can we have female NEETs? some of us neets and autists are women ;;
Finally. I've been waiting for a anarcho-transhumanist comic, thank you
The state is a tool used by the ruling class to maintain power. The state must then be abolished in order to ensure technology can thrive to best compliment humanity. That's where the "anarcho" side comes in, I believe
From what I understand the transhumanist movement realistically has more to do with purpose, rather than prediction.
What I mean is that transhumanist thought seems to stem from the idea that humanity's purpose is self-defined, and from that they decided that they should build their purpose around the traits that have distinguished humanity from all other life on Earth, and created the society we know today. Therefore, transhumanists (anarcho or otherwise) seek to shape society on the basis of the scientific and concrete (Inb4 muh positivism). There projections antechs go on about are nice, but I don't believe that antechs are necessarily about the specific vision for the future, but about altering the state of affairs to bring technological process faster and more to the benefit of mankind.
The projections*
Why's she using Cinnamon tho? Shit taste tbh
are you sure it's cinnamon?
Can't be GNOME's, only vaguely similar to Plasma 5's, and doesn't even resemble xscreensaver.
Only difference between it and Cinnamon's lockscreen is that the icon's in the wrong spot. Other than that, it's a perfect match. Even got the right shade of gray.
situcat & altright are kinda NEETish, although excluded by one letter of the acronym I guess. Antisocial, weird and depressed? Kinda… lost? that's what I think of.
I love you too, user. This really means a lot to me, thanks.
I think the catgirls would still possess catlike agility, so she jumps!
why so mad @ cinnamon?
why the change on neoliberal cat's name, compared to the image the other drawfag put out with the cats' names?
Now I want to see her butt :(
Why is Alunya not an anarchist? She's called Cat Alunya and is based on the sabotabby, how hard is it to admit that she's an anarchists and not just some shitty """socialist"""?
Why is Rodina so old? She's supposed to be younger than Alunya.
Why would Nihilism cat like Nietzsche? Why would anarcho-transhumanism like Kurzweil? Why would
Anarcho-Capitalism like Ayn Rand?
most of the girls I've ever enjoyed talking to were NEETs or other autists. moar girlNEETs.
#8 was unfortunate. Mostly the particular delivery made it look like certain other things from other places what seeing someone/something they otherwise like apparantly peddling made some people blow a gasket.
You shouldnt worry about it. neurotically obsessing over what happens to come to your mind and seem normal to you in the name of self-criticism or something is destructive sjw fare. It just unfortunately coincided with shit that makes me want to burn a fucking building down.
I think replacing the "shut up and listen, nerd" line with even just "listen to me" would help. That's the only part that really struck me as harsh.
looks like an older GNOME to me.
It's not 1337 enough. Transfelinecat probably uses riced i3, or CDE.
we need a republicanism cat. Republicanism like the french revolution not the american political party. She would be old af and wear a phrygian cap. Make it happen.
Hey, these catgirls make fantastic reaction images.
I don't have the original image saved, so I redrew it from memory.
Mostly what said, though.
i hope the nazbol comic will be realeased soon
I find it funny when I see i3 talked about as being 'leet' now ever since I tried it
ive never even used a tiler before but its defaults are some fo the most sane, intuitive, and easy to learn of any WM i've used.
I still dont like tiling though so openbsd-CWM master race.
severely riced i3 would be 1337 just for being severely riced I guess, though.
Can't wait to see Stalinism throw her into Gulag and later on shoot her in the head
we are the same and you know it
You utilize bourgeoise propaganda and interpret it as positive. You are its agents, ML debunks this slander.
And you know it.
It's why you will be put to death in any case.
Mutualism. There were musings that Bookchin could be the honorary Libertarian Municipalist/Communalist professor.
Geeze, some people are so sensitive.
This angers me.
Mother nature will never allow it. Even if it takes millions of years, she'll reshape the earth to wipe out all the NEET transhuman bunkers in order to purge them from her body.
Still longer than I've probably got. Lucky bastards.
Dunno bout you, but I'd rather die than spend millenia ERPing with bronies.
Go hard or go home, soft cunts.
Love their shit tbh
get in here, user.
that's all the professors so far, then there's the mysterious headmistress who hasn't been introduced yet.
-Alunya's a socialist in the PICG comic.
-Alunya and Rodina are the same age in the PICG comic.
-Niezsche is a nihilist author, Kurzweil is a futurist author, and Ayn Rand has roots in ancap theory. you might want to check out their Wikipedia pages for more information. It's okay user, I'm still learning all this too! No shame in asking questions though! :-)
t. fat useless nerd
Rachel pls
sorry, existentialist. He still wrote a lot about nihilism.
Communalist cat is a qt btw.
It says Alunya is 20 and Rodina is 22.
Nietzsche was not a nihilist.
Kurzweil is a neoliberal faggot that no anarcho-transhumanist would take seriously.
Ayn Rand was a statist and has very little to do with ancaps.
I already posted this to GETchan, but I figured I would copy/paste it here as well.
Apparently a rumor has been going around that I requested Rodina's name be changed to Domovina, but this simply isn't true. It started with a thread where I had considered changing her name, but in the end I decided against it. Yes, I'm not a big fan of Catgrill Drawfag's changes to Rodina as I've made clear in the past, but I'm aware that there's really nothing that can be done about it. I may have created her, yes, but she's already out there for anyone to do as they please with her character. So please stop bothering Catgrill Drawfag about the whole Rodina thing. Especially whoever keeps calling her version of Rodina a tranny. Yes, I'm not happy with the way things turned out, but I will also defend Catgrill Drawfag's right to change the character as she pleases. If you really want to keep calling her Domovina, then you can do as you wish, but please don't drag me into it like I was the one who initiated the change.
Holy fuck your the biggest pedant on leftypol
Doubtful, we have many redditors here.
I fucking knew some retards were trying to fuck with Rodina.
This is why you never let anyone do take-backs on imageboards. I warned you about the takesy backsies, leftypol! I warned you!
Well nobody takes anarcho-transhumanism seriously in the real world so I guess it fits!
Also don't defend ancaps.
Statist is a retarded insult for anarkiddies
My dick just achieved true communism
have you considered trying to be not fat and useless
I want a comfy ceiling hammock to sleep in.
A catgirl comrade to keep warm with in it would be nice too, but
Ask anyone on /liberty/ if you don't believe me.
Transhumanism isn't a political ideology, but it is a moral ideology. I'm fond of this short writeup:
The "act" of transhumanism is "obtain good things, expand ability to obtain good things, obtain more good things, repeat forever." Being alive and healthy is good, being intelligent is good, the power to shape the world around you is good, so acquire or develop as much of all three as you can. This also means that if you're an ideological transhumanist you shouldn't be waiting for technology to fix society, you should be actively attempting to bring about the technologies that you think are required to fix society, either by working to develop them yourself or working to fund their development or working to implement a legal framework that will allow them to be usefully deployed once they are developed.
As you noted, that last one is important. You can't ignore the sociopolitical aspect. You need to advocate for stem cell research to be permitted and funded, you need to advocate for the laborers who will be displaced by automation, you need to advocate for a broader and more robust legal understanding of personhood. If your transhumanism is just a lifestyle you're not a idealist, you're a fetishist.
Yeah, that's not quite true. I should say "being alive is a necessary precondition for anything to be good," but that's a bit wordy.
I will not submit. No corporation is convincing me to kill myself and put a scan of my brain inside a SSD.
My post was moreso about futurism but even so
Transhumanism would only be worth pursuing once capitalism has been abolished. Transhumanists that are pro-capitalism aka liberals that like science need to be purged.
The good news is that if the "anarcho" part of their ideology follows through, you won't be forced to.
We need more leftcom cat. She's too cute. I want to do…unspeakable things to her.
awesome is way more 1337 anyhow. It's the emacs of window managers.
GNU/Emacs is a bloated piece of shit that tries too hard to be an OS inside an OS.
And damn, is it fun to hack on!
Pick one. You're retarded either way.
Im pretty sure emacs is for people who wish they were using a lisp computer. Nothing wrong with that.
I pick truth, thus both. Continue being mad.
Facism cat is cute. Would hatefuck tbh
though it does slightly annoy me that she has the most radically different design out of all the cats. With political catgirls obviously being left-leaning (ergo not liking facism) I feel like it's painting a bad picture of women built/look like this when the only one like it is portrayed as inherently bad.
What you are looking for is stumpwm, or maybe ratpoison if your main concern is user interaction. The former is a personal favorite of mine, but if you want visual appeal, god help you.
It's not the fucking eighties, it uses about as many resources as, say, Gedit or Notepad++, while providing magnitudes more functionality. Version 25 and on are extremely fast on any modern or even recently outdated computer.
It doesn't try to be an OS as much as it tries to be the ideal self-contained environment for text-related tasks, i.e. programming, communication, managing personal data, computer management (local and remote). Everyone has their tastes but it's only as convoluted as you want it to be.
It's so she can't just be adopted by Holla Forums - though maybe an Eva Braun inspired design would be fitting
Probably, but I don't think she should be changed. Just have someone else to balance it out, you know? I think some sort of built amazonian design would work for anaracho Primitivism.
I agree