Riddle me this

I never understood something.

Why did Russia attack Hillary during the election?

If she won she would have enacted at least SOME socialist regulation right?

It seems like Russia shot itself in the foot on that one.

Other urls found in this thread:


This isn't good bait.

Having a nazi flag might have helped a little.



I think there are many things you don't understand, newfriend.

Unbanned and unsaged (for now) because OP seems sincere, if retarded.

You have something in common


Top kek

You're telling me this was real?

OP, if you're still here, seek help.

Because they thought Trump being in power would be in Russia's oligarchy best interests.

No, she would have enacted pro-corporation regulation behind a thin veil of liberal idpol.

Only if you thinks Russia aims to establish worldwide communism. Which is not.

1: russia isn't socialist, that kinda ended in 1991
2: america has been fucking with russia since 1991
3: trump said some pro russia things
4: it's in russia interests to destabilise nato
5: there's no concrete proof they ever did what they're accused of

Thanks we can have disagreement but it's important we remember we're on the same side and progress can't be made without cooperation.

I still don't get why everyone is reacting like this to my post though, Russia DID hack the DNC, it happened not even a year ago.

Even the CIA and FBI which are classically against us have come out to say that Russian influence on the election basically stole away all our democratic rights.

And for no gain that I could see, Trump isn't going to drop sanctions against Russia, or dissolve NATO.

If not then they stayed in character through their ban appeal, so I thought I redistribute them a benefit of the doubt. After all, isn't that what Marxism is all about???

Either they get banned again or leftypol gets to enjoy dunking on a deluded liberal. I'll have fun either way.

Russia has always supported socialism in the West, even after 1989. There's no reason they'd burn that bridge just on the off chance that a corporatist would help them.

lol are you claiming Hillary wouldn't sign even one left wing law? REALLY? Not even one!?

She claimed to be Obama's 3 term so yea

Buddy, no offense but you need to read some books.
If that's too time consuming then just glance at some wikipedia pages for God's sake. NeoLiberals are not leftists

What left wing legislation has she supported in the past? Because I don't think pushing for harsher penalties on black criminals and banning violent video games are particularly leftist.


….you realize left wing here means something different than left wing in average conversation, right?

What exactly does Socialism and left wing laws means for you?

As fist lady she co sponsored a national healthcare initiative, actually brought the issue to the fore.

She's been in politics for awhile so the list of her contribution to leftism is literally infinite and would take hours just to type out.

At the request of black community leaders. Did you seriously miss the part when a bunch of influential African Americans met with Bill Clinton to BEG him to solve their drug problem?

Kind of hard for socialism to flourish when the opiate of the masses is literally opium.

… what????

Make an attempt at two minutes.

OP cannot be this retarded. This is beyond burger tier.

OP, its quite apparent that you have little to no understanding of radical leftism and the actual definitions. I strongly encourage you to read the FAQ sticky thread and maybe some of the books on there.

Don't think we're on the same side, mate.

No proof of that happening. Swallowing CIA's bullshit is stupid.

Great point, mate. CIA and FBI have been striping the democratic rights on the whole world. I'd trust their expertise on the subject.

Political destabilization is certainly helpful to the opposing oligarch. Trump winning is certainly more disruptive.

Trump made the CEO of Exxon mobil secretary of state. He then made a $500 billion energy deal with Russia.

Also, this idea you have of Russia being some great defender of socialism is flawed. Boris Yeltsin sold off nearly all of Russia's public assets to a tiny cabal of capitalists, and Russia's current president was hand-picked to be his successor. The government of Russia only plays lip-service to socialism, in much the same way as the Democrats.

Eh, he could just be a lost libtard.

Even Richard "punch me in the face" Spencer BTFO Hillary's progressiveness.

They still bother with that? I thought Putin was full on nationalist rhetoric

Here's a short list:
https:[email protected]/* *//so-what-are-hillary-clintons-achievements-325a341ef0e7

You can google the rest yourself, I don't have time to educate you fully.

It's true that our cause in Russia is damaged since corporatist assaults in the 80s, but they still have a Socialist Party wit like 30% of the vote.

WTF? Yeah I don't think we're on the same side, poltard.

KYS, shes right wing as fuck

Of course not faggot. You're just a first worlder who doesn't care that the politics you support help keep rest of the world under the boot of opression, as long as they enact some kind of "socialist policy".

I certainly hope Trump takes away your healthcare system and fucks up your life just like Shillary did with ours.

Call me a poltard IRL and I'll spit in your fucking face.

Read memechin

The reason why you're under the "boot of oppression" is because you fail to organize and elect left-wing leadership.

Don't blame us for your shortfalls.

We found it guys. We just witnessed the newfaggotry's singularity. Brace yourseves for the world shall collapse anytime now

seriously lurk more
But if this bait well played

I'm leaning toward bait. No one can be this retarded.


I've yet to see you explain why you're behaving this way towards me. I get I'm new to 8ch but this is ridiculous.


Okay I think you might be real so I'll be nice-ish. You are posting some really crappy liberal talking points right now. Are you actually a socialist? Either way what do you think that means?

And still you whine about russian meddling with your faggy election. At least, if they did, they are more efficient on getting their guy elected than your guys. pic related.

You being new to 8ch is the least of your problems.
Reading trough your posts, it seems you seem to have a very different definition of the Left and Socialism than the ones we use on this board, as a result, your posts don't make a lot of sense within our ideological framework.

As for knowing if we're on the same side, i'll have to ask you: If you're against capitalism and more importantly, what do you understand by capitalism?

Are you really retarded enough to believe that shit in pic related? Ukraine much?

Of course not, I don't buy the "russians elected trump" meme, Russia like other imperialist superpower is sociopathic. I just rage at liberals defending hillary and whining about russian intervention.

Yeah I'm a socialist.

More and more public control of private enterprise, taking away money from the rich and giving it to the poor, supporting feminism, and other ethnicities/cultures etc… just standard definition of socialism.

You're stuck in the like 90s, this is 2017 and the world is VERY different now. CIA has turned over a new leaf and is helping socialism around the world through funding socialist parties and groups, increasing immigration, fighting right-wingers etc.

What about ?

Capitalism is non-governmental ownership of property and people, colonialism, patriarchy, anti-LGBT, general intolerance, government corruption and so on.

Also "free" markets, where the richest person has the most bargaining power.

He said some positive stuff about communism at a recent speech

Just GTFO.
There is nothing more to discuss here.
If CIA are on your side you will surely win sooner or later.

Wow, now all makes sense. Operacion Rapido y furioso (under Obama, signed by Hillary) was not about arming narcos, but revolutionaries. Thanks man.

Now seriously, how fucking retarded you have to be to say that shit with US funding ISIS in middle east and nazis in Ukraine. At this point, the only thing sustaining your bait, is that I know IRL retards like you.

What the fuck were you thinking ?

Because they think Donald Trump is a fucking retard who can more easily be induced to serve their interests, like NATO rollback, endorsement of Russian activity in Crimea and Syria, or lifting of sanctions. Same reason the Chinese like him.

Five files are not enough to convey what i'm feeling right now.

Socialism is a movement which seeks to abolish capitalism all together and replacce it with the democratic management of society by it's people, and usually includes production for use, not for exchange. It is NOT when the government controls stuff, and it is CERTAINLY NOT merely a taxation program. That is called social democracy, socdem for short.

Read a fucking book , you newfag.

The fucking first link made me so fucking mad i had to go for fresh air.
The likes of you should be gulaged as soon as the revolution starts. I'm not even a tankie but this is too much.


I recommend starting with Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Friedrich Engels

If you think this can't bee real you should meet some "socialists" irl

This tbh.

That was a routine police operations. The government tagged some firearms and sold them to cartel in order to track them to possibly larger stockpiles.

Yes there were failures but mostly due to GOP obstructionism in congress making it impossible to publicly perform the operation.

It basically had to be kept secret from republicans, who would have tried to stop anything that stabilized the border, because with a stable border and arrested cartel the republicans would lose all of their right wing talking points.

If you're trying to equate a police operation to colonialism, this level of stupidity might explain why your country can't progress.


You might be on the wrong board bro.

Socialism is worker control of the means of production. Not welfare statism.

How are you so fucking dense? He isn't saying you shouldn't be nice to minorities. He is saying being nice to minorities itself isn't socialism.

Sure, it was a friendly routine police operations (in a foreign country). Certainly it had nothing to do with the long history of CIA using drug money as means to perform operations. There's even fucking evidence of US Army guarding opium fields in Afghanistan.

Wtf? Something isn't wrong because some right wingers said it. Facts are facts. The US gave Al-Qaeda millions of dollars in the years 1989-1992, and Saudi-Arabia, whom the US has strong bullishness ties to, regularly donates to the IS.

You are on the wrong board kiddo…

ISIS is a US asset. The US simultaneously fights and funds terror groups all the time.

ISIS commanders are on the record as saying they got their arms from the US. That was in 2014 iirc, so things would have changed since then.

I'm almost inclined to believe half the people bumping this thread are in on it.

I hope you're having a giggle OP, i refuse to believe a genuine Clintonite would have found his way into this place, without at least trying to be subtle.

More realistially, they funded something for short term strategic benefits that blowed up to their faces later.
Anyone have the cap of the article with Bin Laden as someone leading Afghanistan to the road of peace?

Take it back.

Get your head out of your ass you neoliberal puppet. Politics isn't a sports game.

ISIS =/= al Qaeda
Afghan mujahideen =/= modern al Qaeda

Which mostly came from US allied Iraqi security forces when they abandoned Mosul.

Please show me proof of this.

Look guys I'm not saying the US doesn't fund salafists or do horrible shit around the world but there is literally zero evidence that ISIS is a US proxy. Sometimes the truth is that nobody is in control and there isn't a grand conspiracy.

No, it came directly from US agents.


You are woefully misinformed.


Yeah say that to this man's face faggot

op is Holla Forums holy shit you guys are retarded

ISIS videos lmao

Fucking /thread. Jesus Christ, guys…

I can see this being a bait, but ut seems diffrent than the usual Holla Forums baits. 10/10 bait anyways.

why because it's even more incoherent and stooped in liberal retardation than usual?

Still I had a lot of pent up rage against stupid liberals, so arguing against Holla Forums strawman felt good. Sorry to litter the board, but I probably do it again :'(

Nothing in that article states ISIS is a US asset. It does say the US and Gulf States were supporting various salafists in Syria and Iraq to destabilize the Syrian regime and one of those groups would go on to become ISIS. This isn't anything new, though. US foreign policy is consistently short sighted.

Did you read the linked sources where it talks about the US giving military aid to isis

Which source? There's quite a few in the article.


Are you being serious, or just pretending to be retarded?