What happens when they get full automation so people can't strike, and take away guns so people can't revolt, and everyone is controlled through sheer power instead of economic exploitation
What happens when they get full automation so people can't strike, and take away guns so people can't revolt...
Nothing, the material conditions for revolution will still not be there. You'll have to wait until they arrive.
The decreasing number of jobs and the government's inability and unwillingness to provide care for its people mean that people are going to have to either take the means of sustaining themselves or starve. ubi is another porky alternative, but personally I don't see it happening whatever the benefits to porky because it will mean giving money to poor people, which they recognize as a dangerous precedent set by Roosevelt, and I doubt they're willing to cement the entitlement to maintenance into the prole mind again.
Slacker pussy
Are you trolling? If everyone is out of the job I'd say material conditions for a violent uprising have well and truly arrived.
we hope capitalism has internal contradictions that cause it to permanently trend towards greater and greater crisis with deeper and deeper bouts of stagnation and shorter booms
(which there's evidence is the case)
The economy collapses.
Full automation = no value production = terminal capitalist crisis. We'll never see full automation, tho. We'll probably reach a point where there's enormous automation in the most developed capitalist countries while the rest of the world is basically a wreck and effectively enslaved by capital so value production continues.
Everyone starves whilst the former capitalists enjoy FALC.
Capitalism in crisis turns to destruction of productive forces, "full automation" will be "solved" through sabotage if not war.
What do you think is special about humans which can't ever be replicated in machinery?
I dunno, what do you think so special about the human intellect that we'll be able to fully understand the universe and thus manipulate it like a collective of god-like solipsists?
Full automation means full replacement of human labor by machine labor. What you're talking about is completely unrelated nonsense.
I was implying that full automation requires a state of knowledge that we're unlikely to achieve. Literally everything we could possibly desire to produce needs no human labor whatsoever – physical or intellectual. There's a dystopia waiting in the wings there I think.
I don't think it's that unachievable. We don't need to understand the whole universe. We just need to keep making incremental improvements to existing machine learning technologies. If evolution could do it by completely random chance in ~4 billion years, I think we should be able to shave a few orders of magnitude off that.
Then we'll never have 'full' automation just like we'll never have 'full' communism; it's a movement circumscribed by our humanity. Going back to the dystopian aspect, 'full' automation would necessarily mean the end of the human intellect – it would be obsolete, which is a frightening thing imo.
But why? If we keep advancing, at some point we'll build something more intelligent and capable than a human. At that point there will be no reason for any humans to work.
It's a big 'If'. I'll hold onto my skepticism.
Or think. An intellect that's mightier than our own, that we can never surpass in any way, is effectively a God. That Voltaire quote comes to mind. Who knows what our fate would be then, if we're even recognizably human at that stage. In any case, imagining 'full' automation is utopianism. It'll be something worked out by those who create it, if it happens at all.
guy, you're not even being subtle at this point on the brainwashing
Wasn't capitalism's lowest point during the Great Depression? If so, so much for greater and greater crisis.
You're assuming that we wouldn't upgrade ourselves as well, I see no reason to believe that given that level of technology we would remain in our current form, which reaks of humanist romanticism tbqh.
You're also assuming that just because we have no reason to work that we wouldn't engage in productive activity for the sheer enjoyment of it. Just look at today's society: there are a great many things which can be produced using mass production techniques that render much of traditional craftsmanship obsolete, and yet many us still engage in such crafts, either for the sheer enjoyment of it or to make money selling things to people that fetishise authenticity (or a combination of the two). I see no reason that would change simply because the necessity of work has disappeared.
Hell, your position on this matter is actually quite anti-marxist, as marx seemed to believe that people have a desire to perform some kind productive activity, not driven need but simply an innate desire to create.
It's obviously a false flag you dumb faggot.
Literally any dumb cunt can (and does) use that flag to spew shit that blatantly contradicts leftcom theory. The same applies to all the other flags. If you've never encountered such behavior before you can't have spent much time on image boards (and are probably underage/from reddit).
So you're saying Leftcoms never say "just wait until the conditions are right"? Shut up m8
Are you retarded? Did you actually read the OP? He's talking about a fucking crisis situation, if things have gotten that bad the material conditions are obviously right. No leftcom is going to advocate doing nothing in such a situation.
Capitalism collapses because there aren't enough consumers to make profits.