More the reverse. Culture, i.e. fake artificial culture, is enforced by capitalism and the material structure of society. We cannot achieve a fully genuine, organic culture without overthrowing class rule. Top-down, propagandistic "culture" is just as bad as capitalist culture in that sense.
Often times you'll hear SJWs and pseudo-leftists claim that capitalism requires racism to survive (i.e. racism enforces capitalism) and that any challenges to capitalism should "destroy racism in order to undermine capitalism," but this reverses the real nature of things. It is capitalism (or other forms of class rule) that create racism as an issue on the social scale, and upon which these social issues continuously depend. Far as SJWs go, their favored saying, "racism is power plus prejudice" isn't itself wrong, but rather the opaque lens of mysticism they place over it to a priori define "power" to mean "being white." When really the fact of the matter is if your racial prejudices don't actually measurably hurt anyone, they're not really worth overcoming - sticks and stones - and we should resolve all actually damaging sorts of racism into their material basis, the process of exploitation. Pic related.
I assume you're pro-GG, which is a very important area for cultural materialist critique. For years beforehand, Holla Forums had been complaining about questionable business practices, cronyism, shitty games being overmarketed and released to huge commercial success, and so on. It's abundantly clear that private profit diverges from social need many places, first and foremost in the arts and culture industry. The market dictates what is profitable, not what is an excellent game, and thus favors the former over the latter. The intrusion of two-bit ideologues into entertainment and culture is also a natural product of the production hierarchies under capitalism. When 13 news sites can browbeat their entire readership as defunct and irrelevant, and fire you if you disagree, you know there's something seriously wrong with the liberal """free market.""" Far as handwringing about "inclusivity," the common retort is that the market is inherently inclusive of its whole consumer base, which is true. But this "inclusivity" nonetheless leaves many people in the demographics it supposedly caters to, according to the SJW, (white, straight, male) deeply unsatisfied with the actual product and its quality. Obviously, as GG recognized, you cannot align profit with social need just by expanding "inclusion"
Really the fundamental question to all emancipatory politics is whether oppression of socially defined groups presupposes oppression of objectively defined ones, or vice versa. It's classic materialism vs idealism. We believe that objective relationships to the means of production are fundamental to society, not, as some others do, that the metaphysical "evil of whiteness" is responsible for creating capitalism and other social ills. Because of course, capitalism is a marked improvement over feudalism, serfdom and slavery, and primitive hunter-gatherer communism