Is the time right for technocracy to return? Google and Amazon obviously want to rule the world...

Is the time right for technocracy to return? Google and Amazon obviously want to rule the world. Why not hand them the reins and give them a crack?

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They're not me.

Google can have the reins when they start running a decent search engine again. They already spread themselves way too thin, and about the only thing they seem to keep up with is their map system. They fucked YouTube right up, and neglected the shit out of their original feature. So they're ready and willing to spy on us and censor information, but they can't competently run Google proper anymore?

Fuck 'em.

Actually, they shouldn't have the reins, but you get what I'm saying.


Worked subcontrated for google (don't have a college education, even less a fancy college education that google looks for his direct hires).
You don't really want that kind of ruling, it's hypercapitalism with a nice face. Almost every team is dirtly competing with the other teams, while acting super friendly, even managers won't directly kill your project, they'll just keep encouraging you while taking away all the resources.

It's actually the kind of organization that trives because of the workers, because the management aspect is stupid and ineffective.

Now here's a funny bullshit idea I'm gonna throw out there:

Since we've established that people like Eric Schmidt, Marissa Whatsherface, and Steve Jobs (RIH) are horrible, narcissistic bastards… what about tech grunts?

In my memory, tech grunts tend to frequently be really intelligent people. I know there are loads of idiots and sociopaths in the ranks, but you're more likely to find people who have both a realistic view and understanding of technology among this crowd, no? People who know the dirty tricks their bosses are playing, who know the problems of bureaucracy and the crimes of the "benevolent" rich… people who live as best they can like philanthropists and ethical bourgeoisie in spite of not having the kind of income that a guy like Bill Gates has.

What if we had a semi-bipartisan tech. grunt rule, and just weeded out the assholes and imbeciles?

Stupid idea, I know.


I share my thoughts on the subject on another thread.

Tech people are certainly smart, and as far as I can tell, they do know something is not right with the economy system. But with the highly technocratic focus on their knowledge, they certainly can't be bothered of reading economic theory, and TBH I get the point that classic political/economic theory are dated dense texts that most of the time don't efficiently convey the point they're trying to argue; and even newer stuff depend on an understanding on previous works.

So they mostly lose all the previous knowledge on economics and social dynamics, and try to recreate a better economic theory that makes sense on what they know. But what they know is just capitalism and meritocracy, so they end up with stupid lolbertarian and an-cap stances.

TL;DR. Just because they're intelligent, doesn't mean they know shit on politics and economics, so I wouldn't trust them.

Technocracy is a cuck ideology for wannabe engineers, Howard.

Technocracy is not placing corporations in charge of government, in fact Technocracy would seek to eradicate all forms of such business.
Nor is Technocracy about placing some oligarchic council of engineers and scientists in power, that is Veblenism.

At its most basic level, Technocracy is about placing people into the jobs (functions) they have the best technical ability for.
I would ask that you stop spreading such misinformation regarding Technocracy and actually make an attempt to learn about what it is.

In the event that anyone here would like to learn about what Technocracy really is, please investigate the following links:

If anyone has any specific questions regarding Technocracy, as always I would be happy to answer them.

I have a question: could you please kill yourself?

Oh come now, Hoochie.
There is no need to be upset.

I was unaware that Technocracy triggered you so hard.

getting triggered by technocracy is a basic human reaction

Well I think that is just another example of why we need to fix humanity.

Can the technate please hire better graphic designers?
Also, stop hiding your technological utopianism behind a guise of "pragmatism". Thanks.

It's totalitarianism guised under "human" progress, when it is anything but human. Breen's speeches in HL2 are about as convincing as technocrat/transhumanist bullshit.


Technocracy is explicitly Totalitarian.
That is not something that I have ever attempted to hide.

Please do keep in mind that Totalitarianism has a large number of benefits.

How so?

Graphic design is illogical. Triangles and circles are mathematically the most perfect shapes, and neon colors are objectively superior.

Your shit would probably be more welcomed on Holla Forums than it would be here. It's not even socialist in any sense.

SLAVERY also has benefits you know!

You get 3 square meals, a place to stay, you never have to worry about finding a job and even better someone takes CARE of you 24/7! It's great!

I'd rather be free and have problems than be a fucking drone and have no problems.

If the price of technocracy is the end of privacy as they seek, I'll burn the fucking thing down with my own bare hands then electrocute myself to death with the last server stack.

Not at all.
My own personal attempts to invoke discussion regarding Technocracy on Holla Forums were not productive to say the least.
Since Technocracy is a forward looking ideology that rejects things like tribalism, super-naturalism and capitalism - and supports a single world government and post-humanism.
It should not be much of a surprise that Technocracy is not welcome on Holla Forums.
The only board (other then Holla Forums) that I have been able to seed productive discussions regarding Technocracy is 4/his/.

You are right that Technocracy is not in anyway socialist however.
While I can agree with you reds on a number of things.
Technocracy does reject socialism.

'Freedom' is nothing more then an empty buzzword.
Any organized society (including socialist ones) are going to have some degree of hierarchy.
Any hierarchy is going to place some restrictions upon 'freedom'.
Simply put, you are never going to get that white whale, short of becoming an anarcho-primitivist.

You have no idea how much better off you would be.
Letting such utterly negative, biological traits such as 'ego', 'Independence' and 'individualism' die would be the best thing you could ever hope to do for yourself.
Stop imagining yourself as a lonely ship upon the sea and instead picture yourself as a cog within a wonderful machine.
Individualism is a cancer, only ruthless and aggressive collectivism can cure it.

How does technocracy separates itself from aristochracy?
How are you going to evaluate who is best for each function?

Technocracy seems like a nice dystopy, but I feel it leaves a lot of stuff in the air.
Kind of like "A brave new word", that if I didn't believed that a revolution is possible, seem like a nice alternative on the most factible future.

Well Technocracy selects people for functions (jobs) based entirely upon their demonstrated technical ability for the position.
Obviously under an aristocratic system, positions would be given due to nepotism.

Since Technocracy would aim to remove humans as much as possible from reproduction.
And would purposefully get rid of 'families', such nepotism is rendered impossible.

Well Technocracy would use a modified system of 'selection from above, nomination from below'.
When a position opens up, those directly below that position will nominate candidates to fill that position from amongst themselves.
The department in charge of function assignment will then deploy a team to select the best candidate out of the nominees.

Did technocracy ever really end? Nations are currently ruled by economicists, or whatever is the appropriate term for people who majored in that degenerated science now being called "economics".

That's more theocracy, or rule by witch-doctor or something.
(And to some degree, that's probably because having economics in that position benefits Porky.)

You know, the religious comparison is too appropriate for comfort. They really are presented in media like they're the chosen, enlightened conduits between the hoi-polloi and the Divine

Why would anyone ever want to live like that? It's like living your life in a bed, being constantly injected with dopamine or something. While you may technically feel "pleasure" or what ever, you will never be happy.

the construction of socialism can therefore not be settled with purely legal formulas: ownership of the means of production plus better technical organization of the labour process. At the limit, these are formulas which, if they are not seriously criticized and corrected, and very soon at that, may end up trapped in the economistic-technicist-legal-humanist-bourgeois ideology of work. Every misunderstanding of these formulas and their inexorable logic does an objective disservice to the revolutionary cause and the construction of socialism.

'Happiness' is nothing more then an artificial abstraction of pleasure.
It is foolish to seek it.

Providing Pleasure, pure pleasure for our species indefinably into the future.
Has by far the greatest utility value of any other action.

t. Doesnt understand how psychology works.

Howard dude, you might be an autistic totalitarian, but you're fucking awesome sometimes.

Kek. It literally seeks to abolish money and the value form, it's more socialist than half of the "socialists" here, even if it is autistic utopianism.

Thank you.

I would consider workers control and democracy to be prerequisites when it comes to identifying something as socialist in nature.
As Technocracy rejects the concept of workers control and utterly despises democracy, I would fail to see how one could consider Technocracy to be socialist.

Then why the fuck was its founding org called Techocracy Inc.? Checkmate faggot.

I'm talking aristocracy in the classic greek sense.

Aristocracy - Aristotle highly esteems aristocracy, literally "the rule of the best," and considers it superior to oligarchy because it values everyone's interests. He contrasts aristocracy with oligarchy, democracy, and politeia by pointing out that these forms of government concern themselves only with questions of wealth. Aristocracy, on the other hand, confers benefits on the basis of merit, with the result that those who most deserve to govern do in fact govern.

The fact that the term is now used the way we know tells a lot of the practicity.

Getting rid of the tribalism of families seem like a nice idea, but I'm still dubious on the execution.

Nice idea, but I still can't see how will you get rid of the cronism. Either the function department has a final say on things, so it becomes the elite, or the ones who nominate the candidates have greater weight, and it just degenerates into a popularity contest.

Or as I've taken to calling it GNU+Government

Abolish the value form but not place production in the hands of the workers? How do you expect to deal with the social unrest? Capitalism relies on the mystification that is money in order to reproduce itself and sustain hierarchy, without it you will need some heavy ideology to prevent the vast majority from pursuing their own interests and abolishing the system. Technocracy can and should be considered a "transitional" mode of production between either socialism or a capitalist restoration, it cannot last due to its internal contradictions.

What is the goal of technocracy? How is this any better than just drugging everyone?

Struggle is the fountain of happiness. Without struggle all happiness is but hedonistic pleasure, with no fulfilling element.

we might as well let Fascists take over the military


My gott this is what Zizek warned us about, liberal Western Buddhism and corporate New Age obscurantism reaching their logical conclusion.

So if I am injected some drug which gives me pleasure while I watch my friends and family being raped and killed, I am having a good time?

Technocracies founding organization was the Technical Alliance.
Technocracy Inc is a successor organization to that.
Checkmate faggot.

Technocracy Inc is a registered non-profit company.
It's purpose is to educate people about Technocracy.

It is not designed to be a political entity comparable to the RSDLP or KPD.
They are an educational entity.

Ever heard of 'nerve stapling'?

I'm quite confident that can be achieved.
Firstly, the Chinese Legalist idea of an 'Omnipotent government' would be established - making it very hard, if not impossible to organize any sort of resistance.

Second, by making use of the complete philosophical system that will serve as a replacement for religion.
I think that the majority of the populous will come around to being loyal in time.

A drug trip ends relatively shortly.
By exploiting a matrioshka brain around a young red dwarf, we can prolong the trip for countless billions of years.

The true final end point of total Utilitarianism.

What utter, empty rubbish.

The fact that you would criticise such things betrays the fact that you have not yet freed yourself from the rubbish spouted by the Abrahamic faiths.

Please do criticise me next for failing to embody the Protestant work ethic.

Well simply by the act of being intoxicated by a drug that provides pleasure you are having a good time.

I would venture that your friends and family would not be having a good time.
But that is external to you.

Why would I want this? Are you just some kind of machinecuck?

Yeah. Fuck utilitarianism.

How is happiness defined other than in contrast with misery? Without struggle happiness has no value. It would be like breathing.

Buddhist actually. But you're welcome.

No need. I'm not protestant.

Yeah dystopia confirmed. Go home SHODAN, you're drunk.

Hey tripfag, I too am a technocrat. The technate says that since I am more capable of experiencing pleasure from the act of coitus, as well as having more innate ability when it comes to pleasuring women, I am obligated to fuck your wife with my 10 inches of chrome composite. You can watch if you like. I hear you are into the whole "happy cog in the machine" type of thing. Very common response among human men when I am sent out to pleasure optimize their women. Whether you stick around to watch or not, I hope you have an efficient day, Unit #1779496336A.

Do you just like video games a lot?

you could be a valuable asset in our ministry of propaganda :^)
as a fellow *state socialist** totalitarian, my problem with technocracy is twofold

first, energy backed currency is just reinventing the gold standard with all it's drawbacks
average labor time is a more universal and flexible category
reducing all mass production to the average labor time required for production is a more sound plan to me than reducing it to the energy consumption

second, your embrace of aristocracy
whatever anarchoshits and other liberals in denial say about authoritarian socialists, I'm for the totalitarian dictatorship of majority
what I mean ultimately is that bureaucrats can be linched by popular vote even if they did nothing wrong, even if they're the next Lavoisier
popular vote is all justification that is needed even if people just want someone to blame

perfect aristocracy of philosopher-kings cannot sustain itself
aristocracy would reproduce separately from the rest of society
best people will never accept communal ownership of children