Holla Forums here
why all the infighting? most of you are white.
why don't we unite and fight against the capitalist jews and achieve gommunism for the white race? then we can liberate the other races.
lets do this
Holla Forums here
why all the infighting? most of you are white.
why don't we unite and fight against the capitalist jews and achieve gommunism for the white race? then we can liberate the other races.
lets do this
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We could stop the infighting, but the anarkiddies are just so wrong. :(
fuck you and fuck idpol
I thought I was under the impression that Holla Forums wanted to enact genocide against other or just let them rot?
And what of the blacks and Mexicans and Asians and Arabs who might want to join our cause? Would you reject them too?
IDpol is necessary to unite the masses
And yet it divides them and leads to hierarchies based off victim hood while alienating others.
IDpol divides, solidarity binds.
this is not true. infact hitler actually didn't mind other races. german army had indains, africans, etc.
they will be accepted as long as they are also racial realists and nationalists.
Oke, let's do it.
Return to your circlejerk
i want gommunism! but first we all have to come to the conclusion regarding jewish problem: they are a problem.
agree? good
lets do it
we accept malcolm x
martin luther king? fuck that!
The Jewish worker is our friend, the Jewish porky is our enemy. The Jews themselves are not our enemies based on them being Jewish.
Lurk more and despook yourself
white communists of the world you have nothing to lose but your chains
Fuck off, faggot. All workers unite.
seems like you haven't read the talmud
jews are by definition porkys
You have permitted [Jews] to shed the blood of Gentiles. It is permitted to steal and plunder the Gentile's possessions and (it is allowed) to cheat him. Concerning the lost property of a Gentile, you say that it is forbidden to return it to him. The Gentile is suspected by the Jew of practicing fornication, adultery, and sodomy. The Jew is not allowed to make the Gentile any gift, nor is he even permitted to say, "How handsome this Gentile is"; it is permitted to you to curse and to despise [Christian] idolatry; and we are as despised in your eyes as locusts and flies.
in the end.. yes.
but it is our job as white people to lead the way for the other races.
Your thinking is too narrow, all porkies must bleed, not just the Jewish ones.
Proletarian internationalism 7abib
agreed. but jews are by definition porkies according to the talmud
Arabs are our brothers in this fight for sure.
Free Palestine, Death to Israel.
That's not the point. You can't just harp endlessly about Jews when there's a multitude of other issues.
Do you disagree with the Talmud that gentiles (non-Jews) are eternal slaves of the Jews (chosen people)? How can you support this? A Jew cannot be a porky. It will take a lot of re-education.
Nazbol for every race. This is what we seek. Join us in our cause.
Multiculturalism and multiracialism is porky propaganda
M9 every holy book ever asserts that their people are superior above others. This is old news.
fuck off to your identarian shithole
So you'd rather have no communism than have communism but it will acknowledge race and culture?
I'm a communist though. I don't belong there or here. Nazbol needs its own board. We are bringing both boards together against porky.
Strasser is my hero. Fucking Hitler!
Your belief of race and culture as static is ahistorical and retarded.
If you wish to divide the proletariat, you are not a communist.
There will be black communists uniting their black comrades.
There will be Arab Muslim communists uniting their arab comrades.
This is not division.
We are in fact stopping division.
We are achieving communism.. realistically.
Believing race to be static and unifying is not realistic.
Do you see white working class and black working class uniting in your vision? Do you ever see the divisions subsiding?
No. This is a fantasy.
The goal of ours is realistic communism. Perfectly achievable if you let go of your multiracial and multicultural revolutionary fantasies.
Whites will have communism with their own unique culture to go with it.
Blacks will have commuism with their unique culture to go with it.
And so on. There will be no hatred in fact because you have stopped exploitative system of capital.
Once all the races/cultrues are united they will eventually come together.
The relation between the Straßers and Hitler, as well the relation between Primo de Rivera and Franco, proved convincingly that any attempt to marry reactionary nationalism with anti-capitalism will fail as the traditionalist forces you align yourself with do not wish to harm the basis of their power.
There are reasons why black nationalists and white nationalists in a weird way have respect for each other. Because they are both united under their own races.
Separate but equal.
Given the choice – the black comrade will always side with his black comrade. The white with his own white comrade. This cannot be changed for now. We will have to use this insight to create communism.
The only races are exploiter and exploited. There can only be war between them. Any mention of the black race and the white race is meant to divide the exploited. Go jack off to cuckold porn and quit shitposting.
oldie but goodie
Unlike Holla Forums lol
The great thing about "always" is you only need a single counterexample.
I have no particular desire to side with my "own white comrade." Ergo, not always if at all, it can be changed if the tendency even exists.
It's patronizing
I'd rather have the workers lead regardless of skin pigmentation
Back to >>>Holla Forums Naznigger
nice spook you have going in here.
If they could do it in the 60s when race relations were much worse, we can do it today.
Were divided because porky keeps us divided. You're playing into their games by seeing the divisions they've manufactured and exacerbated as some sort of immutable and natural thing. Nothing unites people like a common enemy. Think of France and Britain overcoming their divisions bc of the German enemy. Class war and righteous anger will unite the people.
We want gas all capitalists not just the jewish ones that are like 1% of them. And i dont have any problem with jewish proles.
Oh god damn it the NazBols are here
I like it better when Nazbols aren't overt racists and just nationalistic commies with good style of clothing.
I liked it better when the nazbols on this board were just people satirically using the flag.
This is more accurate.
There are a lot of jewish porkies in America tbh, I'd say at least 1/3rd of porkies are jews. Still though the majority of jews are our comrades.
Yeah sure stormfaggot.
Holla Forums here
why all the infighting? most of you are black.
why don't we fight against the capitalists and achieve communism for everyone?
let's do this