Peak /leftycuck/.
Peak /leftycuck/
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Deathpigeon a qt fuck off.
The only reason people do not recognize racist idpol as idpol, is they are intentionally trying to misguide people.
White supremacy is also idpol. Class is a material condition and relation to the economic system, not an identity.
Fucking where?
nazbol threads
Is being retarded a requisite for being a "qt"?
thats a pretty good representation of the average Stirnertard
Here on Holla Forums, at least from my experience, we recognize white supremacy as idpol.
The proletariat is international. It is a material class that unifies, while identity politics is divisive in nature. When one advocates for proletarian revolution, one advocates for the liberation of all working people.
Tbh, I think most places I'd been until recently saw "identity politics" as the leftist thing… whereas white supremacy was "identitarian" or "white identity" (lol). I guess it's more common to lump them under idpol, now, though.
Idpol is idealist and not materialist in nature
Looking at the account in OP's pic led me to this.
>December 1998
nevermind i forgot it's 2017 already
Daily reminder that this is an anti idpol board
Agreed. That's what I was trying to get at in more concise terms.
Teenagers who were born after me are hot.
I hate them for some reason.
That is because you are still teenagers. When you're in your mid 20's, you'll come to resent yourself, not others.
one of these is not like the others
Lets go deeper
I'm in my early 20s. I think I just envy that they'll look good longer than I will.
Read Stirner.
Yeah, Communist is the only one which isn't a meme.
Egoism is trash and so are your opinions.
Union of nothings more like.
r u a grill
What a fucking lying cunt.
This is why we need Gulags.
Monolithic identities established by conjectured material condition and relation to hypothetized economic system are still identities. Politics and policy based on them is idpol.
Class struggle is the original idpol.
Seems like someone I would be friends with over most people here.
Pretending objective reality to not exist leads to nothing but you making a fool of yourself. You already failed with your attempt of creating a false equivalent from the start.
Calling something identity doesn't make it an identity.
Race and Gender are social constructs. Biology is a material reality.
Is class a social construct, just like Race and Gender, based on "conjectured", as you retardedly put it, material condition?
No, it is describing a relation of the material condition.
Class, as a material condition, however, is one pillar, besides biology for example, that makes up the social construct and perception of Race and Gender.
Class exists independent from your perception. Race doesn't, gender doesn't. It thus cannot be an identity. You can identify as a race based on the social construct around your physical appearance. While american nationalists love to pretend they're white, a german nazi might laugh at them and denounce "white" slavs as Untermenschen.
Can you say the same about class? Of course not, as class merely describes the position in the production process and you can "identify" as much as a capitalist as you want, the material condition of being a worker wont make it so.
Are they being sarcastic? How can they use Stirner and egoism like that and hold those views?
The race ideas of "white hick", "thug nigger" and so on tell another story. There is no coherent race and also no such gender identification. The image of a bourgeoise woman and that of a lumpenprole woman will not be the same no matter how hard you push so. The material condition, their class status, is independent of your will.
post feet
I might also add that especially the image, the social construct of the US "black race" is heavily founded on the class status of the negros throughout their history from slavery and a for a long time seperated and especially oppressed working class up to the lumpenproletarization.
Class is a material condition, not an identity. Race is.
Furthermore based on these misconceptions has there is also no grasp on what identity politics is about.
Being ignorant towards the difference of material conditions and his petty perception and social constructs, he does not understand that "anti-idpol" is not against the emancipation of minorities but rather recognizing the inherent context of class this can only be achieved in. An emancipation of any minority into a class system cannot be the emancipation of the minority as a whole but only of that by an even smaller number of token bourgeoise and the commercial cannibalisation of these minorities under continued capitalist class rule.
There is no equality in an inherently inequal class system.
That was first reflex as well. Now i feel old.
At least she's not some kind of /r/socialism prude, I could probably get along with her despite disagreements
Does she remind you of your snowflake identity when you were her age?
Wrong on two different levels.
1. Not everything is an identity. Struggle for material goods or the over the means of production are not struggles over identity.
2. Identity struggles revolve around recognition. Recognition of an identity by another group etc. Class struggle is a struggle of annihilation and abolishment of class itself.
How dangerous is the power we're playing with here, lads?
Go deeper into the rabbit hole and find out for yourself.
Actually the opposite is true. Trans liberation isn't idpol if it's "I'm trans and that doesn't change the fact that I'm human etc I want to be treated like anybody else". It's only idpol if it's "I'm trans and that means my opinion matters more and I need special coddling and segregation from those evil cis people" which tbh isn't nearly as common as conservatives like to believe. Idpol is basically just emphasis on a socially constructed identity (race, nationality, gender, etc) and the promotion and entrenchment of that identity, rather than the removal of discrimination and the eventual elimination of these identitarian distinctions.
Reddit fags and radlibs need to understand that being against idpol means being against racism, sexism, transphobia, etc.
Generation Z will ruin everything
-t. a millenial
Yeah it is, Nazism is idpol.
What the fuck is this person?
Scientists currently theorize that we might soon be able to produce pure ironium, creating an element of such concentrated dissimulation that it will make all previous attempts at irony appear sincere in comparison. They go on to theorize that once complete this process will make Twitter completely obsolete.
Deathpigeon a shit
They were almost going leftcom for awhile but then they fell back to Stirner ez mode
top wew
Gen Z's autism is the autism that will pierce the Heavens
Red Morgan is one of the better leftist twitter users tho
mein gott
Who gives a god damn fuck about what people do on twitter
You're all a bunch of god damn liberals who care about the little details of how people interact on a dumbshit social media platform and not doing a god damn thing than posting here
Get a hold of yourself, Holla Forums. You're better than this….I know you are…
You've run that word so far down into the ground that it's currently at a hostess bar in Shanghai.
A strong point mate.
Why don't class warfare is related with proles if porkies do it all the time?
Screencapping people on twitter and gossiping about them at the very least makes you a girl in high school, is that better
Christ I hate this argument. "Identity politics" refers specifically to the tendency that emergences in the 70s, out of the work of the Combahee River Collective. This is when "identity politics" as a phenomenon that called itself that on the left began.
The problem with this sort of identity politics, is that it established itself as explicitly rejecting the UNIVERSALISM of Marxism, in favour of the PARTICULARISM of identity.
Educated people who are against identity politics aren't against any sort of social justice at all. They're against a politics that is not universalist. I don't get why SJWs find this so difficult to understand, as you'd think that feminist history would be one of the things they might actually read.
People try and pretend to be me these days…..tsk
sage goes in the e-mail field, silly newfag.
what do ya now, we've suddenly become your worst nightmare. YOU
Fucking burn dam
anyone without vietcong flag in this thread will now receive an instaban.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
My plan is working….
The second Vietnam War….
Stop pretending to be me, no one buys into it.
Yeah ok JFZUP
What does "trans-liberation" even mean?(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
TWO Hoochies???
That's the original hash, what's your problem? You're pathetic.
It means trans people can take a shit in the bathroom they want to without people thinking they're sexual predators.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Man, Eminem is weird now.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
You want to escalate this?
You're a thot
What the fuck
He's going on his 50s. Feel old yet?
Your Caucasian tears are delicious, honey.
hey I love david foster wallace(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
hey guys what's going on ITT?
Look at recent bans; some might be jokes(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
"Fuck off back to reddit bitch"
"Hello comrade"
This happens on Holla Forums all the time.
Fuck off back to reddit bitch
You're one to talk.
Reddit does not have such a feature
Don't sweat it nazbols are just retarded
Surprise boxes are like the even more retarded cousin of greentexting.
Nobody can stop me now, I am a machine!
This image makes their point dumber than it actually is, if you actually go to their twitter account her position is more nuanced.
I really wouldn't be surprised if this was some kind of Holla Forumsintelpro operation in an attempt to sabotage us tbh
me tbh
I don't doubt it.
Typical /r/socialism retard having a reactionary response to Holla Forums.
This particular dipshit went even further into misunderstanding what 'identity politics'. It is injecting identity into politics, not the politics of identity. The difference is a feminist dipshit putting a screeching halt to occupy wallstreet in order to establish the 'progressive stack' versus a policy set by the clinton crime bills that dis-proportionally affect certain groups.
One is injecting identity where it isn't needed or relevant, sometimes even crossing over into making a group that is actually more muh privileged than any other (white feminist female) seem like a victim by limiting policy based on identity. The other is developing policy that harms identity, and therefore must be stopped. Ironically, you can solve both by not engaging in identitarian struggle and solving the root problem.
Nazbols are typically not white supremacists as much as I hate right wing idpol not being counted as such.
No one wants to be friends with you
Not really, but I think if you're going to play idpol at all, it's generally better to err on the right (hegemonic) rather than "left" (reactive) side because the one doesn't pretend to be a comprehensive emancipatory project and both are undermined and rendered obsolete following class rule
How can you make posts that are pro-idpol and jerk yourself off to Stirner?