Seriously, the bullying against Nazbol members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since NazBols are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only NazBol man who finds it hard to take pride in his own class after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my ideaology from insecure losers here. Why not bully Leftcoms or Anarchkiddies? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful little Ideaology? Trotskyissts get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest leftist ideaology in the world.
Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful !
Would you tell a NazBol man "go back to Holla Forums" to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth NazBol man that they he "needs to go back to Holla Forums"? Would you say those words to your fellow leftist brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?
Your destroying national pride, your dividing leftist against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.
Seriously, the bullying against Nazbol members of this community is getting way out of hand...
[incarceration needed]
they can't accept the fact that we're right
i know that feel comrade
Nice meme
"Nationalism does not conflict with internationalism. Mutual help, support and alliance between countries and nations–this is internationalism. Every country has its borders, and every nation has its identity, and revolution and construction are carried on with the country and nation as a unit. For this reason, internationalism finds its expressions in the relationships between countries and between nations, a prerequisite for which is nationalism. Internationalism divorced from the concepts of nation and nationalism is merely an empty shell. A man who is unconcerned about the destiny of his country and nation cannot be faithful to internationalism. Revolutionaries of each country should be faithful to internationalism by struggling, first of all, for the prosperity of their own country and nation."
I am ok with traps so long as they accept the natural order of trap supremacy.
Good. Fascists deserve to be bullied and harassed like this. You should receive far worse.
You forget that Kim Jong-Il was a revisionist moron.
I mean nazbols lol
Pretty tasty pasta OP
Not an argument, NK is the only socialist country which has not compromised and is still standing and growing
Why do you need to divide people between nations not only between classes? Why don't you agree with statement that nations are bourgeois construct which only hinders communist movement?
what about Cuba?
*hugs you*
It's alright comrades
Finite pool of worry theory means it's best to find the lowest common denominator for the underlying cause of society's ills and focus on that. I come from an environmental science background climate change is a huge issue for me. Up until recently I was fighting for mainly climate change prevention until I noticed that capitalism is the root cause of it. I shifted my entire focus from climate change to capitalism almost instantly proving the finite pool of worry is accurate. It's why porky uses identity politics so effectively to divide us and why we need to ignore identity politics.
Seriously, the lack of bullying against nihilist members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since nihilists are some of the worst contributors and still most involved in this board.
Not even just lack of memes or banter, but a complete disregard for nihilist shitposting, and regardless of intentions, it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can’t say I’m the only nihilist man who finds it hard to have pride in his own nothingness after going weeks without needed attacks defaming my ideology from sure winners here. Why are you bullying mutualists and anarchists? Do they not have much less to be ashamed of than our agitating and destructive little ideology? Nazbols get bullied more than us and yet we are the least consistent ideology in the world.
Like, when there’s just no banter, and your shitposts are ignored again and again, it eventually becomes a truth regardless of the intentions in lack of bullying. And that isn’t just shitposting then, then it’s a positive program!
Why wont you call a nihilist an edgelord to his face? Why wont you say to a shitposting, shitflinging and shiteating nihilist that he needs to fuck off and kill himself? Why wont you say this to your post-leftist comrade? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking positivist?
You’re building up leftist pride, you’re uniting lefists from sectarianism, you’re doing exactly what you support when you refuse to engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to start now.
It is fucking tiresome comrade, especially with the Liberals/redditors given free roam to run around making duplicate threads, shitting up threads and moral-fagging while being coddled by the mods.
I love fucking my cousin and hate Jews
Fuck forgot my shitposting flag AGAIN
lol asshurt
What's the Nazbol reading list?
Nazbol will win
The liberal fears the Nazbol.
He means they're the biggest contributors of, and most involved, in shitposting.
Ernst Niekisch, Ernst Junger, Alexander Dugin, Otto Asser, etc
soon comrades
I agree. We've been getting away with way too much smugposting lately. You paintjob tankies don't deserve half the attention you're getting.
Seriously fuck off, your whole ideology is based off a "synthesis" between contradictory aims and it was created by a pseudo-intellectual spooked hack (Dugin).
All Nazbols will accomplish is the same thing the straesserites* and falange did. Serving as brainwashed foot soldier for porkie to help establish an even more oppressive form of capitalism. I will support tankies, anarkiddies, mutualist, so called brocialists or anyone anyone who is committed to uniting every member of the working class to defeat capitalism. Unfortunately this does not apply to Nazbols. I hate when people say this, but you are not my comrades go back to Holla Forums.
All those are NazBol
neither of those are nazbol staunches lol.
The nazbol thing was kinda funny for a while but it's gone a bit too far now guys, people might start to think we're serious about tolerating it.
Is this curable or terminal?
…you do realize Nazbol flag is a shitposting flag, right? Your ideology is a joke, never was anything else
don't forget Sorel
International solidarity and nationalism aren't mutually exclusive
This is pasta, guys.
But welcome, newfriends.
Well every Nazbol on here seems to have some pretty anti-semetic and ethno-nationalist views. Were can I read about the Nazbol stances googling gives me no luck and no I am not reading the foundations of geopolitics.
Guess you have to kill yourself. Do it for Stalin, it's what he wanted.
It honestly needs to be banned and there is no reason for them to be granted a flag either.
However, the mods also don't do jack shit about the constant flood of repetative talking point spam of Holla Forumsack threads and this board has lost the little of quality it had long time ago.
le nazbol gang xDD
Don't ban liberals, but ban Nazbols? Nice try, Sionista!
Don't ban anyone; instead, show them why their ideology is retarded.
nazbols are massive faggots
Already suggested to clean out the idpol filth including you and liberals just as well in other threads, this thread however is about you faggot.
Kim Il Sung
Giorgio Freda
Jean Thiriart
Georges Sorel
Georges Valois
Karl Popper
Werner Sombart
Francis Parker Yockey
Alain DeBenoist
Otto Remer
Mihai Stelescu
Corneliu Codrianu
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
Jose Antonio Rivera
Mummar Gaddafi
Michel Aflaq
Eugene Monsalvat (who frequently translates Dugin and DeBenoist into English)
Benito Mussolini
Gabriel D'Aunzio
Fidel Castro
Thomas Sankara
Martin Van Der Broek
Martin Heidigger
Ahmad Fardid
Ho Chi Min
Jalal Al-e-Ahmad
Nicola Bombacci
Antonio Gramsci
Ali Shiriarti
Carl Schmitt
Charles DeGaulle
Nicolae Ceaucescu
Oswald Spengler
Lawrence Dennis
Che Guevara
Charles Maurras
Not complete but it's most.
Go to leftybooru and type "Nazbol" into the search engine
This image isn't near enough artifacted to be Nazbol comrade
Athens was classcucked. Sparta was Nazbol tho.
I agree, save the bullying for shills.
Stop being such a reactionary cuck
is there any way to filter posts with the nazbol flags?
and when trots are calling you cuck you know you've hit rock bottom
at least the regular tankies can into banter, nazbols have pretty much proven that they are unwilling to at least let others opt out of their spooks, even if they don't want to be associated with Holla Forums anymore.
Is this a joke?
It's one of numerous dishes of pasta we had in the great pasta war 6 months ago.
You are right because a military oligarchy with imperialism based upon slaves is what nazbol would look like.
Countries, borders and national identities are artificial constructs. Their existence is based on brainwashing it's people from the cradle to the grave, utilizing public education to teach a one, quite often inferior, language and a manipulated, officially sanctioned version of history that makes them think of themselves either as persecuted, oppressed victims of the universe, the superior chosen people with a mission, or/and both. These are the most basic truths you were supposed to discover in the middle school while arguing with your history teacher but apparently some people here *looking at the NazBols* spent those years on onanism, collecting pokemon tokens and playing vidyas
Now this is the magnitude of retardation I won't even comment
Most of the bullying is done by the faggot moderators. If it wasn't for them Holla Forums would make the natural transition into a nazbol board.
Are moderators good for anything?
They keep the hot pocket industry alive and thriving. Although, that's not necessarily good.
Shut up pussy
crying about bullying. proof that fascists of every stripe are faggots
How does it feel being this fucking dumb?
okay buddy
Found one of the dumb faggots.
Then you should be national communist, not national bolshevik. Idk about nazbols in countries except Russia but Russian nazbols want to see Russia kinda superior. They wanna something like socialist empire
cry some more faggot
Nazbols are the biggest triggered snowflakes.
All brawn and no brains is the mentality of those who take the disposable brute course. You can enjoy taking the physical high ground over the moral high ground, for that is the purpose of the disposable brute.
Stop and look how mad you have got yourself friend :^)