When will socialists and leftists acknowledge women's inherent sexual capital?

When will socialists and leftists acknowledge women's inherent sexual capital?

Under full communism, women would have absolutely no reason to couple with half of the male population, driven only by their biological imperative (hypergamy) to have Chad's children?

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get a hooker

I'm sorry /r9k/, whether it be feudalism, capitalism, or communism, you won't be getting laid under any societal structure.

Contempt for the working class has no place on the left.

the point is to abolish the working class not to get the working class laid

who gives a literal fuck

also, you can't even use the Pareto principle here under its own theory, as it needs for you to have a uniform spectrum of interaction, and, well, ironically for you, men and women are different

terpism collapses in on itself rather quickly

Why do you fuckers need to invent new forms of idpol? Isn't the garbage we already have enough??

Ask not why sexual capital exists, ask if it's existence will lead to a sexual stimulus package.

Are you implying loads of sexually frustrated single men who will never get a chance at marriage not a cause of concern or social unrest?

Stop worrying about getting laid and wait for the sexbots to be invented like a normal person.

You're already asking them too much.


Whats the fucking point if you'll never have a couple?
Why would disenfranschised men support communism if literally nothing will change in their personal lives?

What a bunch of short-sighted lefties.


You are not obligated to have women have sex with you. If you are sexually frustrated, you either need to deal with it, or go queer.

I personally suggest going full queer myself.

Try sex with ugly girls my dude.

abolished the class system will change their lives a lot more than fucking someone will.

Single asian virgins will kill capitalism. Don't let it happen to communism too.


Imagining a gulag for /r9k/ types where they work as gloryhole operators.

i see what that poster the other day meant by saying /r9k/ retards only care about themselves and don't give a shit about class struggle, the revolution, or anything else but getting laid and having a gf

You are not obligated to have rich people give you money. If you are poor, you either need to deal with it, or go calvinist christian.

I personally suggest embracing protestant work ethic.

See how retarded you are? This is why the left is losing.

again, who cares. caring about a person's virginity is literal autism.

that's my fetish tbh


Wow it really is a /r9k/ bait thread!

why do you ask me faggot its your family not mine, if you want to be exploited by porky AND remain a virgin, be my guest

you are the incel not me

Stirner is not a glockfag stop this blasphemy

The rich stole from us in the first place with wage slavery

Under full communism hopefully you'll be either reeducated to stop being retarded or transmogrified into axle grease

Yeah and women created female enmancipation to chase Chad cock with abandon and alienate half of the male population but you don't see leftists protesting that.

Being single LITERALLY kills your mental health.

I don't want the rich to give me money. I want to take it by force.

I haven't really studied this shit in depth, but I think an argument can be made here that you're interpreting sexuality through the lens of class society, where a woman has to transform her own sexuality into "capital", just like men have to transform certain traits of theirs into capital, so they can banter their way through a society where sex has been commodified, the family has become purely an economic unit and class aspirations dictate both.

Women in the end want to fuck just as much as you do, but they've internalized these expectations and were told since the beginning to not "devalue" their "capital" by lowering themselves to banging the likes of you. Because what's the use of a commodity if everyone has access to it? If it's not somewhat exclusive, it has no value anymore.

This is market relationships and capitalism taking over our social lives, a case of superstructure being shaped by the base. Remove those restraints and awful aspirations and maybe people will be free to act on their impulses instead of deliberately censoring themselves for a shot at class mobility. And then, user, then you'll fuck

How are you different from nazis and their plans to "kill subhumans" then?

So much for the tolerant left!

This is how you sound tbh

damn where is Hoochie when you need her


I prefer to just trans them myself :3

All women are not having sex with a few guys and leaving 99% of men without anything lol. You are delusional.

Have you considered that maybe women aren't having sex with you because you're just a piece of shit?

you don't need to bump the thread

This is why the right is winning you retard.

Have you considered your boss doesn't raise your wage or that you can't get a job because you're an useless idiot without marketable skills?

this thread is already bumplocked ya retard

Acting like women not wanting to have sex is the same as the bourgeoisie privatizing the means of production is pushing things a bit, user.

That's totally valid. Do you actually want people to join you instead of joining the far-right?

Maybe don't mirror their rhetoric about inferior peoples. Just concentrate on killing capitalists.

have you tried not being ugly, /r9k/?

no fucking shit dumbass, most people love idpol bullshit because they're just that stupid

You probably have clinical autism.

A boss wants to keep your wage as small as he can because that's how he makes his profit, and he wants a bigger army of labor as possible because that's how he makes that happen.

How, user, how are women gaining by not having sex with you?

Wow what a bunch of fascist pieces of shit. How can you criticize /r/socialism at all you hypocrites?

Hm ok dude I think I have found the solution. We're gonna make NEETS like you transition into being women so you can have all the sexual capital, and anime is going to pay for it


Have you tried not being poor working class scum Holla Forums?

shut up faggot

Holla Forumstards are right-wing SJWs

I told you bringing /r9k/ here was a dumb idea.

By chasing guys with lots of money or inherent muh privilege of looks they were born with? Leaving behind the precrariat class of men who were born without money or looks?

Come on, I thought you guys would be better than this.

well put here except for the last bit. an army of sexbots + a lifetime of psychotherapy under fully automated communism couldn't sublimate the sunken depths of the women-hating oedipal rot in the pathologies of these chadposters

trophy wives and gold diggers are as bad as the bourgeoisie holy shit i've taken the motherfucking red pill

How is that similar to wage slavery exploitaiton you retard? They don't gain money or anything by you not having sex. They'd just rather do it with someone else.

There is no shortage of poor people having sex.

Have you tried not being ugly?

Being single LITERALLY lowers your life expectancy!




Alright, so what do you propose exactly? Expropriating all the pussy?

guys…you do realize you're trying to argue points of political economy with literal PUAs right?

That's like saying porky doesn't win money by outsourcing his jobs to Asia, he'd just rather employ people who give him more earnings and not you.

I like how the op is like: if men don't get pussy, they will resort of Fascism!

Your trying to threaten us with Fascism? Bitch, we just going to give you the wall.

So does bacon lol

You're terrible at analogies lmao

There's no shortage of people buying tesla cars. Have you tried not being poor instead of falling for rethoric discredited in the past century?

I agree with peebles

I've read multiple feminist papers referencing sexual capital, don't turn into one of those retards who gets triggered over words used by your opponents.

Sexual capital is a thing tho.

the right wing will never get you any pussy, incel

Just wait until the beta uprising

Sexual capital is a thing, feminist scholars talk about it often

Idpol is a thing too.

yes so why don't you just let porky reinstate 20 hour work days and do away with all enviromental or food regulations? Since the wellbeing of men doesn't matter.

Good to know lefties are basically ancraps at heart.

You're very desperate in trying to make getting laid look as important as being fed or having a decent work environment.

Lefties lmao

What kind of feminists were these? Because if its Lib fems, I wouldn't be surprised, they spout a lot of nonsense.

Thanks for realizing it.


right just because PUAs coincidentally pick up academic jargon means that we have to take their arguments extremely seriously

you're still trying to argue the gendered effects of a complex of social relations with literal PUAs

What the capitalists call their resources are the community's resources.

Women's pussies are not the community's pussies.


just become gay, you already got the "faggot" part down m8




But men need pussy to live. Look at /r9k/ to see what happens when they don't have it. Look at single mothers following their hypergamic insticts to see what happens when they are given free rein.


Nice identity politics thread, it's like the opposite of third-wave feminist bullshit.




Is /r9k/ a board populated by ghosts?

Alright, a new theory:

Capitalism commodifies and reduces everything to market relations. That way, sex and romance become a transaction: you commodify yourself (oh I have this height, this job, my social skills are fine … guess I'm a 7?) and then you put yourself out there in the market, looking for someone to buy your shit.

HOWEVER, social relations are still largely dictated by pre-capitalist conservatism and christian morality. The transaction is then ridden with unnecessary rites and procedures which stop the market from functioning properly. And also, a potential buyer is afraid that you're going to exploit them, which makes transaction filled with reluctance and anxiety, creating imbalances and shit.

So OP, the way out of your conundrum is to make sure the marketplace runs smoothly and safely. Help create a society where the buyer is confident and safe enough to approach you, and maybe you won't be sitting on a huge supply of nut without the means to sell it.

And this, everybody, is my Houllebecqian argument in favor of feminism.

lol, if you think that's bad, watch: Do Communists Have Better Sex


Women had rampant sex all the time in the eastern block, and before birth control, they would have multiple kids before their mid 20s, while having their needs met by the state so that they could even have a job and go to school without getting hitched. They were married to the state.

The state is not going to force women to fuck you dude. Sorry. It's not happening.

Wait is this supposed to sound bad

But the state is willing to kill an entire class of people and gulag thousands in the name of communism?

I mean, I think its great.

They are probably triggered by it if they think the modern capitalist world is bad for allowing single moms.

Yes, and? How does this relate to you being socially inept?


So how does communism help disenfranchised men at all then?

cry harder Hans

Production of sex for use is fine, just not production for exchange. Too many are getting hung up on the abstract value of sex.

if by 'disenfranchised' you mean the condition of being a congenital bitch who cannot stop complaining about their bizarre sexual pathologies, it doesn't. fuck you. we don't want or need you

If you knock up a woman, you are under no obligation to her what so ever for marriage or child support. I know you guys don't like being forced to pay child support.

You get mandated sex ed which teaches you how to best please a woman, and in the words of the videos of the video, "melt her resistance."

It is when you blame women for it.

Or "the opposite sex", since you didn't specify men.

Well, I guess you got tired of making shitty analogies and decided to go all out.

Just pointing out your hypocrisy in pretending to care about either disenfranchised men or women.

black people and trans people think they're oppressed
try being an incel for a day

I gotta admit, I was about to lose my virginity once I transitioned :P

Nothing wrong with that. Fuck off back to Holla Forums.

top tier level discourse lads. I'll be sure to inform comrade stalin of your achievement.

I kek'd appreciatively

That's not a woman.