New board


make fun of the hivemind


It could be a fun board.

Also I'm pretty sure it's supposed to mock 8/pol/ not 4/pol/ so Bat'ko dun goofed and wasted 2 get.

"Let's be like reddit" indeed.

Forgot your sage faggot.

Hello, reddit!

Not really, sage is just a neutral function to not bump a thread for whatever reason you have, but what would a newfaggot still using "reddit" as an insult know?

Ageing so people see your retarded post.

Yes, like it being a shit thread.

newfags lack so much self-awareness

That's a lot different from what is saying or >>1476930's picture is implying.

Fun fact so you can show off when drinking with friends: 2ch, the place where sage was invented, uses it to keep the good threads off the front page because it's mostly retards, newbies and trolls that only bother checking the first row of threads to post garbage (also true here, especially now that Ron decided to add that "global recently bumped threads" page).


I fucking hate recent threads, is that how it works?
The reason I am against the idea of this board is because it makes us look like an SRS offshoot and the best place to put your absurd Holla Forums quotes is as a random image in a reply here.





i am convinced, it is time for a Nazi masturbation fantasy!

white man here, Not Socialism offers no help

Yeah, it shows all threads that have been recently age'd in boards marked as public. If a thread got a sage'd reply it won't appear first in that page. Never fucking mind, I just tested it and it shows any recently active thread, regardless of what the e-mail used was. This is fucking bullshit, I'm complaining to Ron right now.

Also I agree with what you said, it's just that old Internet culture is one of the few things I'm autistic about, sorry.

Yeah, I understand the occasional Holla Forums thread but Holla Forums is seriously obsessed with Holla Forums and the "alt-right"

Not to mention we've already had "let's mock Holla Forums" and Holla Forums screencap dump threads many times here. It could be very useful for that, as well as for documenting times when the board that's always right gets things wrong, It's a pretty good idea overall.

Just stop posting, you've been outed, hell, I wouldn't doubt you're .

It's time to stop calling everyone "Holla Forums", relax a bit and think. You seriously believe only Holla Forumstards would find a board completely dedicated to making fun of them kinda embarrassing? The name used doesn't help, either.

I'd rather just stick to threads made here, like it's always been.

Ron is MIA, he hasn't posted in months. Much to Holla Forums's butthurt (I'm not obsessed, shut up!) is that one of the few times he's bothered with engaging with the site was because Holla Forums was getting fucked up with Bui's spamming.
Ron if you're reading this offer a fucking opt-out of the recent threads. The board has suffered greatly since it was added.
The internet peaked when clueless 35 and ups got on the internet and were completely unaccustomed to everything and got incredibly outraged at every retarded opinion. We will never be able to emulate that.

Yeah, it's only increasing too with this shitty recent function, making both boards obsess about each other since Holla Forums is coming over here and ramping it up by shitposting in every thread.

Right, because SRS and s4s-likes weren't absolute tumors on the face of everywhere they cropped up and making the entire board culture revolve around another board is something we should definitely strive towards. Stupid t-shirt face.

Holla Forumstards and the crypto/pol/tards that inhabit the rest of this god-forsaken chan, yes. We created /leftyb/ to re-direct the shitposts from here and they cried torture chamber, why would you even want a good image to those people?

It's just another micro-board to store shitposts in, why do you care?

why? wouldn't you rather the board be better organized in order to foster real discussion?

Making an appendage board of something that's already common (and often disruptive) here seems like an OK idea indeed. It's not going to hurt us in a any way.

I like the idea of using it to log every time Holla Forums is wrong, but as I said at the start throwing them out randomly on leftypol will get the really good ones circulating and the best will get seen by the most. I do feel like about half of Holla Forums is /shitpolsays/ though.
I suppose mostly I was just butthurt at the name as it emulates some of the shitter places on the internet and it's not like there is a shortage of 8ch board names or the concept is restrictive with what you can name it. Also if you don't set up the board settings properly the moment you go to sleep some autist will spam it to death.

Isn't it obvious why? It's because the aut-right is popular in politics currently. And what better way to de-legitimize someone in power than to have a few chuckles at their expense?

We'll see less such threads when the political climate changes.

oh boi I have so many screencaps that could be of use for this board

I really don't care what Holla Forums has to say. The only time I interact with them is when they come over to this board to shitpost. Seems like a waste of time to catalogue the stupid shit they say.

They aren't really popular unless you live your life online. They're such a small, irrelevant community in the larger picture.

Can't I just go to /pol for that?

all of these reddit "shit X says" types of boards end up being host to the dumbest fucking trash on the planet. Something about never acknowledging your own failings while flinging shit day after day in an echo chamber doesn't make for good thinking skills.

The only thing close to the "aut-right in politics" is lazy journalists giving perennial attention-whore Richard Spencer as the dancing-monkey successor to David "Ask me about my plastic surgery" Duke

alt-right IS NOT white Nationalism and Trump is Alt-right.

The "alt-right" is as wide and incoherent a political grouping as the so-called "dark enlightenment" that preceded it, as Holla Forums implicitly admits with its strawmanning