How do you explain to the average worker that pic related was basically them at their first minimum wage job?

How do you explain to the average worker that pic related was basically them at their first minimum wage job?

I'm serious. Because if you could get people to associate that with themselves you wouldn't need to be waiting around for the proletariat to suddenly understand literature.

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Are you literally saying a majority of people do armature porn as their first job

No. But amateur porn stars get fucked contractually out of the profits from their labor before they even get fucked on camera. They are us.


Autocorrect is dangerous

You are fucking faggot, OP. Doing Labour and creating wealth is something absolutely different than selling your body to please a few perverts. I do understand your thinking, when I was doing some jobs as entry-level web app codemonkey I referred to myself between friends as "bitch", I'll never forget about despair spending my time doing idiotic css, BUT I'd never refer to another people's work in such disrespectful way, it's often important work and already exploitative af, these people do not need to have their ego further crushed by your larping ass.

I wish I could become a femdom porn actor, hell I'll do it for free

qts in armor are hot tho.

First I would need to know who the woman in OP is.
I think you underestimate the way capitalism actually makes you a slave. Why are you acting as if being a codemonkey is somehow superior than prostitution anyways?

My first minimum wage wasn't as glamorus as amateur porn

What's stopping you?

I wouldn't even know where to start

Someone tell me this is urgent.
Spreading class consciousness should be our top priority.

He's one of those "hookers don't create tangible goods therefore are lumpen therefore are icky don't degrade the worker by comparing them to hookers" people.

GirlsDoPorn E319 fam

shark teeth turn me on, moar?

I agree that expecting people to read is totally unrealistic. I studied environmental science in university and the key issue taught in my environmental impact assessment course is that you can't expect to change people's attitudes. You need to identify these attitudes and build your solutions around them if you hope to get people to act the way you want them to. Books simply cannot compete with media, especially with the common attitude that "reading is for faggots". The problem now is that entertainment is a common value of society and all the best entertainers are bought out immediately. It would help our cause immensely if we could get some well known entertainers on our side.

Im sorry, but I assume that people who apply for a minimum wage job understands that they arent going to get all that they hoped for, and that if if they want to get farther in their career they need to improve their production capabilies by getting an education, learning a valuable trade or just sticking to their guns and staying where they are to get enough applicable experience to get a better job.

You cant expect to start at the bottem and produce enough to merit a comfortable way of life, no matter what your feels tell you, famalamadingdong.


For you.

Spooks are a lazy opt-out strategy for leftist shitposters.

Try again, stirner-fag.

something about corrupting a cute commie catgirl with money and humiliating her in a porno is extremely exciting, plus with the op comparing minimum wage jobs to a young impressionable girl doing a porno to made it incredibly relevant

No, then you'd just get cats jerking off to fantasies of working at McDonald's. Ohhhhh, I'm such a dirty proleā€¦ I've no control over my destiny, spank me bourgie papa! Ohhhhh, no paid lunch break! Split my hours over two pay periods so I don't get over time! Yes daddy yes!

true, your autism isn't a spook, go to see a doc

I agree that you have to start somewhere and gain more experience, however we don't live in a meritocracy and many people end up in positions they aren't fit for or deserve, and working hard doesn't always have proportional results. You can work hard all you want but that won't always make you more successful.


Armchair porn is the best

People working minimum wage don't already realise they're being exploited and fucked over?

If this is true, all is lost. If the lowest proles can't find anything wrong with their workplace

how do you feel about this then

she looks like a conservative mouthpiece

I assume that's why they all look like that.

We should start a cooperative porn studio where we roleplay as soviets or anarchists and rawdog boujee bitches

Bordiga pls

She got a scab on her knee

Are words like parable and example foreign to you?

I guarantee she earns a lot more than minimum wage.
It's practically impossible for an attractive woman to earn a low as minimum wage if she's willing to show off her body.

Your years of potential earnings are very small, with each showing being less valuable. I wouldn't rather be working minimum wage but I would never, ever, give up moderate, steady earnings to pursue anything that short-lived

I like you Nihilist people and your styles sometimes.

wats ur fav GDP ep anons

I can see her panties.

Are you kidding? That is exactly what labor under capitalism is.

Whoever drew that didn't even stop to consider how her face would look outside of that angle. What the fuck is happening with her eyes?

feels bad